If you have installed Textures and the Computer Modern PostScript fonts but now have too many fonts in other applications' font menus, you can hide the CM/PS fonts from those applications while leaving them visible to Textures, Adobe Type Manager, and the printing manager. Please read through all of the following information before performing any of the steps in the procedure. 1) Place the 'CM/PS hidefont metrics' suitcase in your 'TeX fonts' folder; 2) Remove the existing 'CM/PS screen fonts' suitcase from your Macintosh; 3) Install the fonts contained in the 'CM/PS Hidden Screen Fonts' suitcase in the System on your Mac; and 4) Restart your Macintosh. Be very careful when performing step 2. You must remove **only** the screen fonts, leaving the PostScript printer fonts exactly where they are. With most System 7.1 installations, this consists of removing the 'CM/PS Screen fonts' suitcase from your System Folder's Fonts folder. System 6.x and System 7.0 installations are more complicated because you must remove the individual screen fonts from the System file itself. There are 75 of these, named CMB10 10, CMBSY10 10, etc., all the way down to CMVTT10 10. Again, the PostScript printer fonts (sometimes referred to as 'System Extension') need to remain installed exactly as they are now. Once you've completed this procedure, Textures, ATM, your printer driver, and print spooler will all see the CM/PS fonts. No other applications will, which leads to a caveat: Don't do this if you plan to use the CM/PS fonts occasionally with other applications! No other applications will see the fonts under any circumstances. Our thanks to Constantin Kahn at the University of Hannover for suggesting this solution. Blue Sky Research