NTeX 2.3.2 Package Index ======================== This is a list of all packages provided by NTeX. NTeX Package Sets ----------------- Base This is a package set of packages to run TeX. It provides everything you need to run TeX, yet you might miss a few things. It might also be possible that you do not need a few speciall packages of this set. Extras These are some extra packages providing programs, and macro packages for TeX. You should only get those packages you really need. Languages This set contains package to support verious languages. Some of them are ancient or unkown, but if you want to use some some other langauge than English, you should have a look at these packages. Note that some langauges are already supported by the Babel package provided by the base set. This set provides additional languages. Japanese Everything you need for running NTT-JTeX (a Japanese TeX version). Fonts Various fonts. Sources All the sources used for NTeX. It should be possible to compile them on `non-linux' machines. Let me know if you were able to port it to another machine and what you had to change. This set also contains the TeX sources mainly for the LaTeX2e packages. systems/ These directories contain the binary packages for the correspoding system. The binary packages are sorted by the package sets. So if you got the base package, you also need the package nb-bin-.pkg. For the extras set you need nx-bin-.pkg, for the languages set you need nl-bin-.pkg, for the japanese set you need nj-bin-.pkg and for the fonts set you need nf-bin-.pkg. Short Package Description ========================= Base ---- nb-tex V2.3.1 TeX and Metafont nb-tools V2.3.1 TeX Tools nb-plain V2.3.0 Plain TeX Format nb-hyph V2.3.1 TeX Hyphenation Tables nb-macro V2.2.0 TeX Macros nb-ltx2e V2.3.2 LaTeX2e nb-ltxpg V2.3.2 LaTeX2e packages nb-ltxc V2.3.1 LaTeX2e Contributions nb-ltxma V2.3.1 LaTeX2e Macros nb-amstx V2.3.2 AMSLaTeX, AMS-Fonts and AMSTeX nb-cm V2.3.1 Computer Modern Fonts nb-ec V2.3.1 EC and TC Fonts nb-mnlfn V2.2.0 Manual and Grey Fonts nb-xdvi V2.3.1 XDvi and GsfToPk nb-dvips V2.3.2 PostScript DVI Driver nb-ps V2.3.0 Postscript Fonts nb-eps V2.2.0 Extra PostScript Fonts nb-dvilj V2.3.0 HP LaserJet DVI Driver nb-bibtx V2.3.0 BiBTeX nb-index V2.3.1 MakeIndex, GloTeX and IdXTeX nb-auct V2.3.1 AUCTeX nb-dc V2.3.1 DC Fonts Extras ------ nx-mp V2.3.0 MetaPost nx-docs V2.3.1 TeX Documentation nx-etex V2.3.0 ETeX Format nx-plftx V2.3.0 PLF TeX Format nx-ltx20 V2.3.0 LaTeX209 TeX format nx-xypic V2.3.1 Xy-Pic nx-chemt V2.2.0 ChemTeX nx-chess V2.2.0 ChessTeX nx-feynm V2.3.0 FeynMF nx-fp V2.2.0 Fixed Point Arithmetic nx-mitoc V2.3.1 MiniTOC nx-pictx V2.2.0 PicTeX nx-tree V2.2.0 TreeTeX nx-bibt V2.3.0 BibTool and BibView nx-bibl V2.3.0 Bibliographies nx-dm V2.2.0 DM Fonts nx-figmf V2.3.0 Fig2MF Converters nx-ps2f V2.3.1 PSFrag nx-html V2.3.0 HTML and TeX nx-mtex V2.3.0 MTeX nx-music V2.3.0 MusicTeX nx-tib V2.3.0 TiB nx-txxet V2.3.0 TeX--XeT nx-texi V2.3.0 TeXInfo nx-xfig V2.3.0 XFig and TransFig nx-xltx V2.2.2 XLaTeX nx-xtem V2.3.0 XTem nx-xtxsh V2.2.0 XTeXShell Languages --------- nl-germn V2.3.0 German Language Package nl-greek V2.3.1 Greek TeX Extensions nl-icela V2.2.0 Icelandic Fonts nl-polis V2.3.0 Polish TeX nl-swe V2.2.0 Swedish TeX nl-hebrw V2.3.0 Hebrew TeX nl-russ V2.2.2 Russian TeX nl-bashk V2.2.0 Bashkirian Font nl-turk V2.2.0 Turkish Language Package nl-arab V2.2.0 ArabTeX and SouthArabian nl-india V2.2.0 Indian TeX nl-bngl V2.3.0 Bengali Language Package nl-telug V2.2.0 TeluguTeX Language Package nl-sinha V2.2.0 Sinhala Language Package nl-thai V2.2.0 Thai Language Package nl-vietn V2.2.0 Vietnamese TeX nl-korea V2.2.0 Korean TeX nl-tamil V2.2.0 Tamil TeX nl-fc V2.2.2 FC Fonts nl-syria V2.2.0 Syriac Language nl-georg V2.2.0 Mxedruli - The Georgian Alphabet nl-eiad V2.3.0 Eiad Font nl-futho V2.2.0 Futhorc Font nl-rune V2.2.0 Rune and Bard Fonts nl-chero V2.2.0 Cherokee Font nl-cypri V2.2.0 Cypriote Font nl-ogham V2.2.0 Ogham Font nl-ugari V2.2.0 Ugaritic Language Package nl-hiero V2.2.0 HieroTeX nl-shavi V2.2.0 Shavian British Alphabet nl-osman V2.2.0 Osmanian Font nl-kling V2.3.0 Klingon Language nl-teng V2.2.0 Tengwar Language Package Japanese -------- nj-jtex V2.3.0 NTT JTeX nj-jltx V2.3.0 JLaTeX2e and JLaTeX2.09 nj-wadap V2.2.0 Wadalab Postscript Fonts nj-wadat V2.2.0 Wadalab Fonts TFM Files Fonts ----- nf-bbm V2.2.0 BBM Fonts nf-bbold V2.3.0 BBold Font nf-bl V2.2.0 Blackletter Font nf-brush V2.2.0 Burshscr Font nf-calli V2.2.0 Calligra Font nf-cmb V2.2.0 CMB Font nf-cmbri V2.3.0 Computer Modern Bright Fonts nf-cmfra V2.2.0 Computer Modern Fraktur Font nf-cmoe V2.2.0 Computer Modern Old English Font nf-cmtts V2.2.0 Computer Modern Typewrite Text Font nf-cun V2.2.0 Cun Font nf-dblst V2.2.0 DoubleStroke Font nf-halft V2.2.0 Halftone Font nf-hersh V2.2.0 HGE Font nf-logo V2.2.0 Logo Font nf-maths V2.3.0 Mathematical Symbol Fonts nf-ocm V2.2.0 Computer Modern Outlined Fonts nf-ocr V2.3.0 OCR Fonts nf-pand V2.3.0 Pandora Font nf-pica V2.2.0 Computer Modern Pica Font nf-punk V2.2.0 Punk Font nf-apl V2.2.0 APL Font nf-barco V2.2.0 Barcodes Font nf-bbdin V2.2.0 BBDing Font nf-capba V2.2.0 Capital Baseball Fonts nf-dance V2.2.0 Dancer Font nf-dingb V2.2.0 Dingbat Font nf-duer V2.2.0 Duerer Font nf-futha V2.2.0 Futhark Font nf-genea V2.2.2 Genealogy Symbols nf-gis V2.2.0 GIS Font nf-go V2.2.0 Go Font nf-gobli V2.2.0 Goblin Font nf-gothc V2.3.0 Gothic Fonts nf-hands V2.2.0 Hand Symbols Font nf-karta V2.2.0 Karta Font nf-knot V2.2.0 Knot Font nf-la V2.2.0 LA Script Font nf-lams V2.3.1 LAMS Font nf-magic V2.2.0 Magic and Astro Fonts nf-mlvrn V2.2.0 Malvern Font nf-phon V2.2.0 Phonetic Fonts nf-ranso V2.2.0 Ransom Font nf-recyc V2.2.0 Recycle Font nf-scrip V2.2.0 Script Font nf-suet V2.2.0 Sueterlin Font nf-twcal V2.2.0 TWCal Font nf-va V2.2.0 VA Font nf-vis V2.2.0 Visible Speech Font nf-wnri V2.2.0 WNRI Fonts nf-xcm V2.2.0 Computer Modern Crossed-Out Fonts Sources ------- ns-bibt V2.3.0 BibTool and BibView Sources ns-dvilj V2.3.0 DVILJK Sources ns-dvips V2.3.1 DviPsK Sources ns-gloix V2.3.0 GloTeX and IdxTeX Sources ns-hiero V2.3.0 HieroTeX Sources ns-itran V2.3.0 ITrans Sources ns-kpse V2.3.0 Kpathsea Library Sources ns-ltx20 V2.2.0 LaTeX 2.09 Sources ns-ltx2e V2.3.2 LaTeX2e TeX Sources ns-ltxct V2.3.1 LaTeX2e Contrib Sources ns-ltxpk V2.3.2 LaTeX2e Packages TeX Sources ns-mftoo V2.3.0 Metafont Tool Sources ns-mkidx V2.3.0 MakeIndex Sources ns-texi V2.3.0 TeXInfo Sources ns-texto V2.3.0 TeX Tools Sources ns-tib V2.3.0 TiB Sources ns-tools V2.3.0 Tools Sources ns-trfi V2.3.0 TransFig Sources ns-txsrc V2.3.1 Various TeX Sources ns-w2cb V2.3.0 WEB2C Sources: Base ns-w2ct V2.3.0 WEB2C Sources: TeX ns-w2cx V2.3.0 WEB2C Sources: Extra ns-xdvik V2.3.0 XDviK Sources ns-xfig V2.3.0 XFig Sources ns-xltx V2.3.0 XLaTeX sources ns-jpeg V2.2.2 JPEG Library Sources Complete Package Description ============================ Base ---- nb-tex: TeX and Metafont, V2.3.1, 2728/942 KB, required This is the basic package for using TeX providing the basic TeX filesystem structure, the font naming system, a basic set of documentations and the MakeTeX* scripts to crate PK fonts and TeX Font Metric (TFM) files. The binaries are not in this package, but they will be automatically installed if there is a binary package for your system available. The bianries installed depend on the packages you have selected. The TeX typesetting system was designed by D.E. Knuth as a general typesetting engine with a strong emphasis on mathematics. It reads text togehter with intersperesed commands, formats it and outputs a device independent description (DVI) file describing the formatted pages. The macro processor of TeX provides a powerful macro processor for writing higher level packages such as the LaTeX format. nb-tools: TeX Tools, V2.3.1, 134/63 KB, required A set of various tools for TeX: dvicopy, dvitype, fnget, gftodvi, gftopk, gftype, lacheck, mft, pktogf, pktype, pltotf, swortcp, tftopl, tie, ttb, vftovp, vptovf, checksum, csx2i, afmtodit, chbar.sh, cpif, pscompress. These tools can be used directly and are also necesary for lots of scripts (including the MakeTeX* scripts). nb-plain: Plain TeX Format, V2.3.0, 1954/647 KB, required This is the plain TeX format as described in D.E. Knuth's TeXbook. It's the basic, rather simple format for TeX. More sophisticated macros are provided by the LaTeX format. The current version is 3.14159. The plain format in this package also allows to use more than one hyphenation table. This feature is especially intended to be used in combination with the language packages for plain TeX. nb-hyph: TeX Hyphenation Tables, V2.3.1, 526/243 KB, required The hyphenation tables are required for all TeX formats depeding on the languages you choose. Included are the hyphenation patterns for Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Durch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Italian, Latin, Norsk, Plain (US), Polish, Prtuguese, Russian, Russian KOI8 encoding, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and USA. nb-macro: TeX Macros, V2.2.0, 664/192 KB, optional A set of various TeX macros including macros for computing the current time, day, etc., macros for drawing and literate programming, for real arithmetic with big values and high precision, verbatim macros via plain TeX, etc. nb-ltx2e: LaTeX2e, V2.3.2, 2930/909 KB, important The LaTeX2e document preparation System is a mcro package for TeX to write complex documents. It is most suited to produce scientific and mathematical documents of high typographical quality. The system is also suitable for producing all sorts of other documents, from simple letters to complete books. The LaTeX system is described in LaTeX: A Document Preparation System; Leslie Lamport, Addison-Wesley The LaTeX Companion, Goossens; Mittelbach and Samarin, Addison-Wesley There is also lots of useful information in the latex section of DOCDIR. This package also provides the Babel system supporting multilingual typesetting. This include language specific macros, hyphenation and setting of language specific strings. To use the Greek support of babel you also need the packages nl-greek and nf-mlvrn. To use the Russian support of babel you have to install the package nl-russ to get the LH fonts. nb-ltxpg: LaTeX2e packages, V2.3.2, 888/297 KB, standard The standard LaTeX2e packages: The Graphics Package supports the inclusion of (PostScript) graphics files, color graphics and the rotation and scaling of text. The PSNFSS package support the 35 standard Adobe fonts, for utopia from Adobe, charter from Bitstrem, lucide bright fonts form Y&Y and the nimbus fonts from URW. The font metrics for the standard Adobe fonts are provided by nb-ps. The type1 sources for utopia, charter and nimbus are in the package nb-eps. The MFNFSS package allows the use of some additional METAFONT fonts like D.E. Knuth concrete fonts, N.N.Billawala's pandora fonts and Y.Haralambous gothic, fraktur and Schwabacher fonts. The Tool package provides of macro packages to expand arrays, tables, tabulars, enumrate environments, fonts, etc. nb-ltxc: LaTeX2e Contributions, V2.3.1, 4241/1583 KB, optional This package contains various packages and classes for LaTeX2e: dtk: a document class for ``Die TeXnische Komoedie'' foiltex: a LaTeX-like system for make foils koma-script: a class for typesetting lecture scripts myletter: a letter class ntgclass: the Durch document classes paper: paper and journal document class refman: a reference manual document class script: a script document class seminar: typesetting slides or transparencies tugboat: all macros for typesetting tugboat documents ucthesis: University of California thesis class umlaute: support of various code tables vita: class for typestting a Curriculum Vitae yhmath: additions to TeX/LaTeX mathmematics nb-ltxma: LaTeX2e Macros, V2.3.1, 4658/1370 KB, optional Various useful macros for LaTeX2e like achemso, booktabs, camel, changebar, curves, custom-bib dialogl, expdlist, fancyhdr, floatflt, footnpag, monster, gb4e, harvard, hh mapcodes, mcite, objectz, oldstyle, pb-diagram, qsymbols, rcs, rotating, siam, subeqnarray, supertabular, textmerg, williams, youngtab. nb-amstx: AMSLaTeX, AMS-Fonts and AMSTeX, V2.3.2, 3991/1169 KB, standard AMSLaTeX is a mathematical extension package for LaTeX2e provided by the American Mathematical Society. It provides a collection of various macros for sophisticated mathematical typesetting. The AMS-Fonts are additional fonts from the AMS for typesetting maths. These fonts contain many mathematical symols, fraktur, script and cyrillic letters. AMSTeX is an addon macro package for plain TeX created by the AMS. It simplifies the input of mathematical material and formats the output according to preset style specifications by the AMS. This package also provides Paul Taylor's commutative diagrams style, a partial emulation of Francis Borceux' diagrams and some macros for easy typesetting of mathematical symbols. nb-cm: Computer Modern Fonts, V2.3.1, 1132/169 KB, required The Computer Modern Fonts are the standard TeX fonts designed by D.E. Knuth. Optionally this package provides a bunch of ``alternate parameter files'' that make it possible to generate Knuth's Computer Modern fonts at any point size by interpolation. These alternate parameter files are also available for other font families. The required files are part of the corresponding pacakges, but they are all configured by this package. nb-ec: EC and TC Fonts, V2.3.1, 1130/202 KB, important These are the European Computer Modern Fonts (EC) and Text Companion Fonts (TC). They are intended to be as a stable as the Computer Modern fonts from D. Knuth are. The EC fonts replace the DC fonts. nb-mnlfn: Manual and Grey Fonts, V2.2.0, 139/32 KB, required The Manual fonts are variants of Computer Modern fonts specially designed for the TeX/METAFONT manuals. They are needed for the plain and the AMS-TeX format. The black and the gray fonts are generated by the more-or-less general gray font generated as described in Appendix H of the METAFONTbook. Note that these fonts a device dependend and you may have to create your own parameter file for the grayf.mf generator. nb-xdvi: XDvi and GsfToPk, V2.3.1, 24/16 KB, important XDvi lets you preview TeX's DVI files under the X11 windowing system. The pages are scaled to the screen size using grey scales resulting in readable screen preview even for rather small fonts. XDvi understands PostScript \special commands in DVI files which are also supported by dvips. So it can display included PostScript graphics. It uses ghotscript to generate the corresponding bitmaps. It can also display documents using PostScript fonts. This is achieved by creating bitmap PK fonts from the PostScript fonts using gsftopk (provided by this package) and ghotscript. nb-dvips: PostScript DVI Driver, V2.3.2, 1091/376 KB, important dvips is a DVI-driver that converts TeX's DVI files to PostScript. The output of dvips can be printed on any PostScript printer or on any printer supported by ghostscript. It's the best choice for a DVI driver for most systems. A lot of DVI special's are supported by this driver, like graphics inclusion, emTeX's and tpic's special's. This package also provides the EPSF and PSFig macros for inlcuding EPSF files in TeX/LaTeX documents. The metric files for the standard Adobe PostScript fonts and some additional fonts are in the packages nb-ps and nb-eps. nb-ps: Postscript Fonts, V2.3.0, 3425/1195 KB, important This package provides the font metrics for the 35 standard Adobe fonts. You need these metrics to use the PostScript fonts with TeX/LaTeX. To print these fonts you need a PostScript printer or ghotscript to convert the PostScript file for your printer. You need dvips as provided by nb-dvips to generate PostScript files from DVI files. More PostScript fonts are provided by nb-eps. nb-eps: Extra PostScript Fonts, V2.2.0, 1259/719 KB, extra This package provides some freely available loadable PostScript Type 1 fonts and the necessary metric files and virtual fonts. Included are the fonts Courier, URQ AntiquaT, URWGroteskT, Nimbus Utopia, Charter, msym10. nb-dvilj: HP LaserJet DVI Driver, V2.3.0, 217/57 KB, optional dvilj is a collection of TeX DVI driver for HP Laserjet and compatible printers. It supports the laserprinters HP Lasjet+, HP Laserjet II, HP Laserjet IIp, HP Laserhjet III, HP Lasjet 4L, HP Laserjet 4M, etc. dvilj converts the DVI files to HP-PCL commands. It uses much less printer memory, produces much smaller output files and is faster. However it does not support virtual fonts or graphics inclusions. nb-bibtx: BiBTeX, V2.3.0, 3129/526 KB, standard BibTeX is a program to maintain bibiographies for TeX documents. It uses a bibliography database and a style to automatically create a bibliography from citations in your document. A basic set of bibliogrpahy styles is provided by this package. Additional styles are in other packages where they are more appropriate. There are no bibliographies in this package. Check out the nx-bibl package for them. nb-index: MakeIndex, GloTeX and IdXTeX, V2.3.1, 287/110 KB, optional MakeIndex is a general purpose index processor which is mostly used together with LaTeX. Once you have selected the words which should appear in the index, the complete index can be created by simply calling makeindex. GloTeX is a program used to autmate the generation of a Glossary in a LaTeX document. It uses a .glo file generated by the `makeglossary' command and one or more Glossary Definition Database Files to create a file which can be used in the document to generate the Glossary. The IdxTeX program is used to automate the generation of an Index in a LaTeX document. It uses a .idx file generated by `makeindex' to create a file which can be used in the document to generate the index. Version 2 improves the visual appearance of the index and adds support for page ranges, index cross references, and the generation of a master index. nb-auct: AUCTeX, V2.3.1, 986/304 KB, standard AUCTeX is a comprehensive customizable integrated environment for writing TeX/LaTeX documents using GNU Emacs. AUCTeX can automatically indent your text and provides a large range of Emacs macros, which in several ways can help you write your LaTeX documents fast and painless. It lets you run TeX/laTeX and other TeX-related tools on the doucment. You can browse through the errors reported by TeX, while it move the cursor directly to the reported error, (even if you document is spreaded over more files), and displays some documentation for that particular error. All the features of AUCTeX are documented online using the GNU Emacs online documentation system. nb-dc: DC Fonts, V2.3.1, 828/157 KB, extra The DC Fonts are the (pre-)release of the EC (European Computer Modern or Extzended Computer Modern) fonts. They are derived from the CM series but include accented characters for most european languages to enable better hyphenation and input of these directly, without using TeX's accenting commands. As the EC fonts are released now and provided by nb-ec the DC fonts are now obsolete. Extras ------ nx-mp: MetaPost, V2.3.0, 432/278 KB, standard The MetaPost system, including the interpreter, mp and support programs mptotex, dvitomp, mptotr and dmp. nx-docs: TeX Documentation, V2.3.1, 2150/953 KB, standard This package contains various documentation files for TeX: the errata, TeX Components of Tex, CTAN Index, TeX FAQ, Literate Programming FAQ, Virtual Fonts, The TeX Directory Structure, etc. nx-etex: ETeX Format, V2.3.0, 824/291 KB, standard This package contains the EPlain (expanded or extended plain) TeX format. This format expands on and extends the definitions in Plain TeX. nx-plftx: PLF TeX Format, V2.3.0, 75/25 KB, extra This package contains PLFTeX, a TeX format based on the Plain TeX format using the NFSS font scheme. nx-ltx20: LaTeX209 TeX format, V2.3.0, 1245/366 KB, optional The old LaTeX 2.09 format and the style files. nx-xypic: Xy-Pic, V2.3.1, 4024/1821 KB, optional Xy-Pic is a package for typesetting graphs and diagrams with TeX/LaTeX. It works with most formats, including LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, AMS-TeX, plain TeX and has been used to typeset very complicated diagrams from many application areas including category theory, automata theory, agebra and databases. nx-chemt: ChemTeX, V2.2.0, 326/71 KB, optional ChemTeX is a macro package to typeset chemical structure formulas with TeX and LaTeX. nx-chess: ChessTeX, V2.2.0, 382/102 KB, extra ChessTeX is a mcro package for typesetting chess with LaTex and/or TeX. nx-feynm: FeynMF, V2.3.0, 944/501 KB, optional FeynMF is a combined LaTeX/MetaFont package for easy drawing of professional quality Feynman diagrams. FeynMF lays out most diagrams satisfactorily from the structure of the graph without any need for manual intervention. nx-fp: Fixed Point Arithmetic, V2.2.0, 125/29 KB, extra Fixed point arithmetic for Tex with numbers ranging from -999999999999999999.999999999999999999 to +999999999999999999.999999999999999999 nx-mitoc: MiniTOC, V2.3.1, 159/35 KB, standard MiniTOC is useful to add mini-tables-of-contents at the beginning of every chapter. They are also minilofs and minilots. At the part level, they are parttocs, partlofs and partlots. If the type of document does not use chapters, they are section level secttocs, sectlogs and sectlots. nx-pictx: PicTeX, V2.2.0, 318/91 KB, optional This package contains the PicTeX macros. nx-tree: TreeTeX, V2.2.0, 236/57 KB, extra The TreeTeX macro package for typesetting trees in TeX and LaTeX. nx-bibt: BibTool and BibView, V2.3.0, 280/81 KB, standard BibTool allows to manipulate BibTeX files like pretty printing, syntactic and semantic checks, sorting, merging, etc. BibView is a X interface to BiBTeX databases. nx-bibl: Bibliographies, V2.3.0, 10580/2111 KB, extra This package provides various bibliographies for BiBTeX. nx-dm: DM Fonts, V2.2.0, 367/109 KB, extra The DM Fonts are a replacement for the DC Fonts. You need less space since they are based on virtual fonts. There is also a set of macros to use the DM Fonts with LaTeX2e. nx-figmf: Fig2MF Converters, V2.3.0, 281/85 KB, optional Programs to convert Fig files to MetaFont sources. Fig2MF is a tool to convert Fig 2.1 input to MetaFont. The generated MetaFont code uses the mfpic macros. Fig2MFPic converts the Fig 2.1 graphics language into an approcimate equivalent in MFpic. MFpic is a set of TeX and MetaFont macros for drawings. nx-ps2f: PSFrag, V2.3.1, 125/101 KB, extra PS2Frag allows to replace arbitrary text in encapsulated postscript files with arbitrary LaTeX constructions. So one can place a simple text anchor in the graphics file to denote the position of a desired LaTeX equation, etc. and PSFrag will atuoamtically replace this anchor with the properly sized, aligned and rotated LaTeX equation. nx-html: HTML and TeX, V2.3.0, 367/158 KB, optional HTML2LaTeX and LaTeX2HYP are HTML to LaTeX converters. This package also contains some documentation on HTML. nx-mtex: MTeX, V2.3.0, 588/169 KB, extra The MTeX macros for music typesetting. nx-music: MusicTeX, V2.3.0, 1190/250 KB, extra The MusicTeX macros for typesetting music. nx-tib: TiB, V2.3.0, 544/133 KB, optional TiB is used for making citations and references lists in TeX documents. nx-txxet: TeX--XeT, V2.3.0, 35/15 KB, optional The TeX--XeT TeX program from right to left typesetting. nx-texi: TeXInfo, V2.3.0, 1494/537 KB, standard TeXInfo is a documentation system that uses a single source file to produce various types of output including hardcopy and on-line forms. The most common output formats are TeX and Info files. The info files can be read using Emac's Info browser of the standalone browser `info'. This package contains programs to format TeXInfo documents using TeX and to convert TeXInfo files into `Info' online help files. It also provides the Emacs's and standalone Info browser slightly modified for NTeX. nx-xfig: XFig and TransFig, V2.3.0, 858/352 KB, optional XFig is a menu-driven tool that allows the user to draw and manipulate objects interactively in an X window. The resulting pictures can be saved, printed on postscript printers or converted to a variety of other formats (.e.g to allow inclusion in LaTeX documents). Transfig provides utilities for converting XFig figures to be used in LaTeX files. The central mechanism in TransFig is Fig code, the graphics description format of the Fig interactive graphics editor. TransFig provides an automatic and uniform way to translate Fig code into various graphics languages and to integrate that code into a LaTeX document. nx-xltx: XLaTeX, V2.2.2, 34/14 KB, optional XLaTeX is intended to facilitate the use of text processing commands around TeX. You can start a text editor, run LaTeX or TeX on the document, preview the dvi file, run dvips, print the document on a PS printer, examine the printer queue and call a graphic editor. It's a very simple program offering a graphical interface to call the most important TeX tools. nx-xtem: XTem, V2.3.0, 2984/1667 KB, optional XTem is an integrated environment for TeX under X. It allows to edit, preview, print, spell check, etc. TeX documents with a minimum of unix knowledge and no knowledge of the specific installation. Syntax help to the LaTeX commands including complete examples are presented during editing. XTem is multilignual. Up to now there are an English and a German version. nx-xtxsh: XTeXShell, V2.2.0, 201/55 KB, optional This is XTeXShell, the X-Windows shell for TeX/LaTeX. It includes a hyptertext help system for LaTeX commands and an interactive editor. It was written in Tcl/Tk with TclX extensions, to run XTeXShell you need X-Windows and Tcl/Tk with the TclX extensions which are not part of NTeX. Languages --------- nl-germn: German Language Package, V2.3.0, 334/97 KB, optional This package contains the German style file, the dinbrief and g-brief LaTeX2e packages, etc. for German typesetting. nl-greek: Greek TeX Extensions, V2.3.1, 1229/287 KB, optional This package contains macros and fonts to tyapeset Greek texts with LaTeX2e, LaTeX2.09, Plain TeX and PLFTeX. This package also contains the necesary fonts, etc. for the greek option of babel. nl-icela: Icelandic Fonts, V2.2.0, 297/41 KB, optional A set of Icelandic fonts and macros There are also some style files for Plain TeX and LaTeX2.09. The whole package is based on the Icelandic Plain TeX format. It has been modifed to be used with style files for plain TeX and LaTeX2.09. nl-polis: Polish TeX, V2.3.0, 219/42 KB, optional Polish TeX extensions for LaTeX2e and a set of Polish fonts. nl-swe: Swedish TeX, V2.2.0, 81/24 KB, optional Swedish TeX extensions for LaTeX2.09 and Plain TeX. nl-hebrw: Hebrew TeX, V2.3.0, 3675/639 KB, optional This package contains macros and fonts to typeset texts in Hebrew. You also need the TeX--XeT package for right-to-left typesetting. There is also an emacs extension for typeing hebrew texts. More packages, like X hebrew fonts, more emacs extensions, etc. can be found on the CTAN archives in /tex-archve/language/hebrew. nl-russ: Russian TeX, V2.2.2, 2033/328 KB, optional This package contains a set of cyrilic fonts in koi8 enconding, macros. The package file was renamed from russian.sty to russiankoi.sty since Babel provides a russian.sty file. It was created by Yuri A. Nesterenko . This package also contains the S-Cyrillic fonts created by Nana Glonti and Alexander Samarin. This package also provides the LH fonts required for the russian language option of babel. nl-bashk: Bashkirian Font, V2.2.0, 141/18 KB, optional The Bashkirian font provides extra letters to use together with the cyrillic fonts wncyr to typeset many other lagnauges than Russian (most of them in the USSR) written in Cyrillic. nl-turk: Turkish Language Package, V2.2.0, 327/79 KB, optional This are the Turkish TeX extensions for for plain TeX. They were derived from the Turkish TeX format, which was written for the Ottoman Texts Project. nl-arab: ArabTeX and SouthArabian, V2.2.0, 536/148 KB, optional ArabTeX is a package extending the capabilities of TeX/LaTeX to generate the Arabic writing from an ASCII transliteration for texts in several languages using the Arabic script. It consists of a TeX macro package and an Arabic font in several sizes, presently only available in the Nashki style. ArabTeX is primarily intended for generating the arabic writing, but the scientific transcription can be easily generated. For other languages using the Arabic script limited support is available. ArabTeX is free for scientific and private, non-commercial use. Commercial users should get in contact with the author. This package also provides the SouthArabian font designed by Alan M. Sanier. This font was used in several languages in Southern Arabia in the second millenium BC. nl-india: Indian TeX, V2.2.0, 836/211 KB, optional Indian TeX extensions. This package contains the ITrans program for the transliteration of Indian texts. Further it contains the Sanskrit font and the Devanagari Script. The devanagari script is used for a number of languages from Northern and Central India, such as Hindi and Marathi. It is also the script used for writing and printing Sanskrit. The Sanskrit font is a refinement fo the devanagari font and resulted in a completly new font and pre-processor suitable for Sanskrit. nl-bngl: Bengali Language Package, V2.3.0, 106/42 KB, optional This package contains the Begali style files and fonts. nl-telug: TeluguTeX Language Package, V2.2.0, 284/69 KB, optional TeluguTeX enables you to typeset Telugu texts. Telugu is the official language of the Indian state Andhra Pradesh in eastern central India. nl-sinha: Sinhala Language Package, V2.2.0, 526/228 KB, optional This is a package of Metafont sources and a preprocesser suitable for writing Sinhala script using TeX or LaTeX. This package was originally deeloped by Yannis Haralambous , with funding from the Wellcome Institute of History of Medicine in London, which is using the font in its Catalogue of Sinhala Manuscript. It was alter modified by Vasantha Saparamadu to add support for `samanala' transliteration scheme developed by Prasad Dharmasena . nl-thai: Thai Language Package, V2.2.0, 121/24 KB, optional The Thai Language Package provides the Thai font originally written by Dr. Alan Kent and the USL-Thai font written by Payoungsak Kositsurungkakul and Chidchanok Lursinsap. Frank Langbein renamed the fonts, fixed some bugs in the fonts and added a LaTeX2e package and some short documentation. The package is useful to insert Thai in ordinary documents. You can also use it to write a complete document in Thai even if the package would have to provide a lot more features to make this comfortable. nl-vietn: Vietnamese TeX, V2.2.0, 334/77 KB, optional This package contains mainly example files for typesetting Vietnamese texts, some style files for this purpose and the program vntex. nl-korea: Korean TeX, V2.2.0, 5311/1168 KB, optional These are the Korean TeX extensions. You are free to use the fonts in foreign country outside Korea or in KAIST. For details have a look at the documentation. These are only a few Korean fonts and not the complete HLaTeX. You can get HLaTeX from CTAN in /tex-archive/fonts/korean/HLaTeX. I didn't include it in NTeX since I currently do not have enough disc space for it. nl-tamil: Tamil TeX, V2.2.0, 139/39 KB, extra Some fonts and macros for typesetting texts in Tamil. Tmilize converts the transcribed tamil into a series of TeX macros, each of which prints a single Tamil grapheme. nl-fc: FC Fonts, V2.2.2, 596/119 KB, optional The FC fonts are scalable fonts for the African continent. There is a great diversity of languages spoken in africa and it was impossible to check all of them for their alphabets. These fonts are based on the examination of the ``critical languages'' according to a definition of the US department of education in 1985. They include all those languages with more than 1 mio speakers. The following languages are supported: Akan, Bamileke, Basa (Kru), Bemba, Ciokwe, Dinka, Dholuo (Luo), Efik, Ewe-Fon, Fulani (Fulful), G\~a, Gbaya, Hausa, Igbo, Kanuri, Kikuyu, Kikongo, Kpelle, Krio, Luba, Mandekan (Bambara), Mende, More, Ngala, Nyanja, Oromo, Rundi, Kinya Rwanda, Sango, Serer, Shona, Somali, Songhai, Sotho (two different writing systems), Suaheli, Tiv, Yao, Yoruba, Xhosa and Zulu. Also the two European languages Maltese and Sami are supported since they are not covered by the EC scheme. nl-syria: Syriac Language, V2.2.0, 71/16 KB, extra This package provides the Estrangelo alphabet for writing ancient Syriac. The package contains some documentation and minimal LaTex2e support. Further is provides the assy font. nl-georg: Mxedruli - The Georgian Alphabet, V2.2.0, 189/82 KB, optional This is a somewhat crude font of the 33-character Mkhedruli alphabet, as used in the Georgian Republic. The letter forms are taken from Howard I. Aronson's ``GEOGRIAN A reading Grammer''. nl-eiad: Eiad Font, V2.3.0, 69/16 KB, optional This package provides a regular and a boldface 10 point irish fount eiad. In both lower and upper case 32 letters are defined (18 `plain' ones, 5 long vowels and 9 aspirated constants). The ligature `agus' is also made available. The remaining characters are inherited from the Computer Modern family of founts. Within TeX the accented Irish letters are accessible as ligatures, in a manner consistent with the usage on Gaelic-L. nl-futho: Futhorc Font, V2.2.0, 19/4 KB, extra The Futhorc font is used for the anglofriesic futhorc alphabet. nl-rune: Rune and Bard Fonts, V2.2.0, 112/20 KB, extra This package contains a rune font, a Saxon rune font, the Cirth Font and the bard font. The fonts are based on historic sources and they are nice to produce scrolls for role playing games. nl-chero: Cherokee Font, V2.2.0, 25/5 KB, extra The Cherokee font was designed in 1821 by Segwoya. The alphabet is essentially syllabic. nl-cypri: Cypriote Font, V2.2.0, 14/3 KB, extra The Cypriote Font and a style file which defines a macro for each character in the font. nl-ogham: Ogham Font, V2.2.0, 5/2 KB, extra The OGHAM alphabet is found ona number of Irish and Pictish carvings dated from the 4th century AD. The characters touch or cross the edges of the stone. nl-ugari: Ugaritic Language Package, V2.2.0, 19/6 KB, extra The ugaritic script is a cuneiform alphabet (as opposed to the syllabic cuneiform of Akkadian or Hittite), as found on tablets dated from the LaTeX Bronze Age (ca. 1400 - 1200 BC) in Northern Syria and Palestine, notably in the archives at Ugarit. This package provides a font, a LaTeX2e package and some documentation for typesetting ugaritic with TeX. nl-hiero: HieroTeX, V2.2.0, 2629/623 KB, extra This package contains the fonts and macros for HieroTeX. HieroTeX is used to typeset hieroglyphs with TeX. It also contains sesh, a preTeX filter to simplify the typesetting of hieroglyphs. nl-shavi: Shavian British Alphabet, V2.2.0, 24/7 KB, extra The Shavian Proposed British Alphabet was devised by Kingsley Reed and was the winning entry in a competition financed by a trust set up under George Bernard Shaw's will. The aim was to find an alphabet able to write English without indicating single sounds by groups of letters or by diacritical marks. nl-osman: Osmanian Font, V2.2.0, 5/2 KB, extra The Osmanian alphabet was invented in the early 20th century by Osman Yusuf, for the writing of the Somali language. nl-kling: Klingon Language, V2.3.0, 137/28 KB, extra This package contains the Okuda font and the Klinz font used for the Klingon language. It also provides the Okuda fonts with a new ligtable as pIqM created by Olaf Kummer. nl-teng: Tengwar Language Package, V2.2.0, 171/31 KB, extra The Tengwar package is for typsetting the Tengwar font as created by J.R.R. Tolkien. The font was createy by Michael Urban and the macros where derived from Ian A. Derzhanski's TengTeX. Japanese -------- nj-jtex: NTT JTeX, V2.3.0, 70/32 KB, optional This package provides NTT JTeX and the plain Japanese TeX format. It's the basic package for Japanese typesetting. Note that you also need the Wadalab fonts. Frank Bennett helped a lot to make NTT JTeX part of NTeX. nj-jltx: JLaTeX2e and JLaTeX2.09, V2.3.0, 193/40 KB, optional This package provides the base files for the JLaTeX2e and JLaTeX2.09 formats for Japanese typesetting. nj-wadap: Wadalab Postscript Fonts, V2.2.0, 3057/3008 KB, optional This package contains the Wadalab Postscript type 1 fonts for Japanese TeX. You need them if you want to run JTeX. Again Frank Bennett made it possible to provide this package. nj-wadat: Wadalab Fonts TFM Files, V2.2.0, 37/1 KB, optional This package contains the TeX font metric files for the Wadalb PostScript fonts. You need them if you want to run JTeX. Again Frank Bennett made it possible to provide this package. Fonts ----- nf-bbm: BBM Fonts, V2.2.0, 316/40 KB, optional This package provides some font definitions for using set symbols like for complex or real numbers. These fonts were designed to be used with the Computer Modern fonts. nf-bbold: BBold Font, V2.3.0, 99/19 KB, optional The BBold Symbol font is a geometric sans serif blackboard bold font, for use in mathematics. nf-bl: Blackletter Font, V2.2.0, 135/24 KB, extra The Blackletter font. nf-brush: Burshscr Font, V2.2.0, 111/63 KB, extra This package provides a PostScript Type-1 font Brush-Script-Italic. nf-calli: Calligra Font, V2.2.0, 296/64 KB, optional The Calligra font. nf-cmb: CMB Font, V2.2.0, 25/3 KB, optional This package contains some additional Computer Modern fonts: cmbcsc10, cmbtex, cmbtt, cmexb. nf-cmbri: Computer Modern Bright Fonts, V2.3.0, 326/65 KB, optional This package contains an experimental verions of the Computer Modern Bright Fonts. Its use for production purposes is not recommended, and it may be withdrawn or replaced by an improbed version at any time. nf-cmfra: Computer Modern Fraktur Font, V2.2.0, 164/37 KB, optional The Computer Modern Fraktur font. nf-cmoe: Computer Modern Old English Font, V2.2.0, 48/9 KB, optional The Computer Modern font for old English letters. nf-cmtts: Computer Modern Typewrite Text Font, V2.2.0, 15/4 KB, optional The Computer Modern Typewriter Text fonts, these are fonts are available in three wights (light, regular and bold) and at a single design size of a fixed pitch, sans serif, condensed font. nf-cun: Cun Font, V2.2.0, 50/8 KB, extra The Cun font. nf-dblst: DoubleStroke Font, V2.2.0, 57/15 KB, standard The DoubleStroke font is based on the Computer Modern Roman family and is useful for typesetting the mathematical symbols for the natural numbers, integer numbers, rational numbers, real numbers and complex numbers. nf-halft: Halftone Font, V2.2.0, 186/88 KB, standard The Halftone font used to convert image data to a form stuitable for TeX. nf-hersh: HGE Font, V2.2.0, 65/8 KB, optional An old english font HGE derived from the Hershey font. nf-logo: Logo Font, V2.2.0, 19/7 KB, standard A font containing the logos for TeX, MetaFont, etc. nf-maths: Mathematical Symbol Fonts, V2.3.0, 570/101 KB, optional This package contains the St. Mary's Road Symbol Font - a set of various mathematical symbols, the RSFS Fonts - formal symbol maths fonts, the Concrete Maths Fonts, the Logic font and the wasy font - additional symbols for maths, physics and other fields, UlSy font - a Computer Modern math symbols 10 point font. nf-ocm: Computer Modern Outlined Fonts, V2.2.0, 84/7 KB, optional The Computer Modern Outlined Fonts. nf-ocr: OCR Fonts, V2.3.0, 127/28 KB, extra The OCR-A and OCR-B fonts. nf-pand: Pandora Font, V2.3.0, 313/60 KB, standard The Pandora Fonts. The intent of the Pandora project is to test the ideas and power of MetaFont in a design context. The starting point came from broad ideas about type, rather than trying to create a specific predetermined typeface. nf-pica: Computer Modern Pica Font, V2.2.0, 29/7 KB, optional The Computer Modern Pica Fonts family was created by Don Hosek to fill a need for a usable face for submitting fiction manuscripts to mainline publishers. nf-punk: Punk Font, V2.2.0, 24/6 KB, extra The Punk font. nf-apl: APL Font, V2.2.0, 86/29 KB, extra This package contains the necessary material for producing APL documents with TeX. As pointed out in an article published in TUGboat, the system can be described as a straightforward solution to the porblem of making nice documents containing APL code. nf-barco: Barcodes Font, V2.2.0, 10/2 KB, extra The barcodes fonts is a simple font to create barcodes with TeX. It's based on a public domain BASIC programs which was supposed to create barcodes. nf-bbdin: BBDing Font, V2.2.0, 89/14 KB, extra The BBDing Font. nf-capba: Capital Baseball Fonts, V2.2.0, 79/16 KB, extra The Capital Baseball cotains a lot of fonts: 7-segment, 14-segmnet, Simple, matrix fonts like Flyspec and Neckerspoel, and Capital Baseball itself. nf-dance: Dancer Font, V2.2.0, 31/5 KB, extra The Dancer font contains the dancing men used as a code in The Dancing Men by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. nf-dingb: Dingbat Font, V2.2.0, 37/10 KB, standard The Dingbat font. nf-duer: Duerer Font, V2.2.0, 89/17 KB, optional This are the Computer Duerer fonts designed by Alan Hoenig. nf-futha: Futhark Font, V2.2.0, 17/4 KB, extra The Furthark rune font. nf-genea: Genealogy Symbols, V2.2.2, 7/3 KB, extra This is a simple cimpilation of the genealogival symbols found in the `wasy' and `gen' font. The only symbols added are a male and a female symbol. nf-gis: GIS Font, V2.2.0, 17/4 KB, extra The GIS (Geographic Information System) Font. nf-go: Go Font, V2.2.0, 192/19 KB, extra Fonts and macros for typesetting boards for the go game. nf-gobli: Goblin Font, V2.2.0, 35/5 KB, extra The Goblin font was created by J.R.R. Tolkien and shown in The Father Christmas Letters. nf-gothc: Gothic Fonts, V2.3.0, 640/161 KB, optional These are Fraktur (German Gothic) fonts. nf-hands: Hand Symbols Font, V2.2.0, 8/4 KB, extra The hands font, a set of hand symbols. nf-karta: Karta Font, V2.2.0, 169/37 KB, extra A freely scalable font providing scalable karta symbols. nf-knot: Knot Font, V2.2.0, 35/6 KB, extra A set of fonts for creating knotworks. nf-la: LA Script Font, V2.2.0, 96/20 KB, extra The LA script font. nf-lams: LAMS Font, V2.3.1, 105/9 KB, optional The LAMS font. nf-magic: Magic and Astro Fonts, V2.2.0, 109/25 KB, extra The Magic font contains some magical symbols. The Astro contains astronomical and astrological symbols. Ther is also the Computer Modern Astronomical font. nf-mlvrn: Malvern Font, V2.2.0, 940/242 KB, optional The Malvern family is a broad family of sanserif fonts which now includes Greek letters, diagritical marks and composites as well as the latin alphabet and some additional symbols. This package also provides the Malvern greek fonts used by the greek language option of babel. nf-phon: Phonetic Fonts, V2.2.0, 718/131 KB, optional These are some fonts for phonetic alphabets: The WSU International Phonetic Alphabet (WSUIPA), the phonetic font cmph and the TSIPA font. nf-ranso: Ransom Font, V2.2.0, 5/4 KB, extra The Ransom font used by D.E. Knuth to simulate an Eastern European mathematician with an old typewriter. This package contains only the binary versionof this font! nf-recyc: Recycle Font, V2.2.0, 7/3 KB, extra A font containg a recycle symbol. nf-scrip: Script Font, V2.2.0, 22/4 KB, optional A Script font. nf-suet: Sueterlin Font, V2.2.0, 61/10 KB, optional The Sueterlin font. nf-twcal: TWCal Font, V2.2.0, 208/25 KB, optional The TWCal font is a calligraphics script font. nf-va: VA Font, V2.2.0, 39/7 KB, extra The VA font. nf-vis: Visible Speech Font, V2.2.0, 47/11 KB, extra The Visible Speech is a phonetic alphabet inveted by Alexander Melville Bell. The alphabet was intended as an aid to teach the deaf how to pronounce words. nf-wnri: WNRI Fonts, V2.2.0, 638/134 KB, optional These are fonts for Old English, Indic languages in Roman transliteration, Puget Salish (Lushootseed) and other American Indian languages. nf-xcm: Computer Modern Crossed-Out Fonts, V2.2.0, 2/1 KB, optional A MetaFont macro file to produce Computer Modern crossed out fonts fxm*. Sources ------- ns-bibt: BibTool and BibView Sources, V2.3.0, 1710/307 KB, optional The sources for BibTool and BibView. BibTool allows to manipulte BibTeX files like pretty printing, syntactic and semantic checks, sorting, merging, etc. BibView is a X interface to BibTeX databases. ns-dvilj: DVILJK Sources, V2.3.0, 345/86 KB, optional The sources for DviLJ, dvi drivers for HP Laserjet and compatible printers. ns-dvips: DviPsK Sources, V2.3.1, 685/183 KB, optional The sources for DviPS which converts a dvi file to a PostScript file. ns-gloix: GloTeX and IdxTeX Sources, V2.3.0, 234/53 KB, optional The sources for GloTeX and IdxTeX. GloTeX is used to automate the generation of a Glossary and IdxTeX generates an index. ns-hiero: HieroTeX Sources, V2.3.0, 583/274 KB, optional The sources for sesh, a preTeX translator for HieroTeX. This package also contains the sources of a font editor and the sources for the hieroglyph fonts. ns-itran: ITrans Sources, V2.3.0, 255/67 KB, optional The sources for ITrans. ITrans is used for the transliteration mapping for printing text in Indian language scripts. ns-kpse: Kpathsea Library Sources, V2.3.0, 684/172 KB, optional The kpathsea library contains the pathsearching functions for TeX and friends. This pacakge cotains the source code for kpathsea and the basic Makefile and autoconf structure for NTeX. You need this package to compile all the other sources of NTeX! ns-ltx20: LaTeX 2.09 Sources, V2.2.0, 306/62 KB, optional The TeX sources for LaTeX 2.09 (.doc files). ns-ltx2e: LaTeX2e TeX Sources, V2.3.2, 2240/549 KB, optional The TeX souces for LaTeX2e. You don't need them to run LaTeX2e but by running latex on the .dtx files you get a documentation of the corresponding class or package. ns-ltxct: LaTeX2e Contrib Sources, V2.3.1, 5355/1421 KB, optional The sources for various contributions to LaTex2e. You don't need them to run LaTeX2e but by running latex on the .dtx files you get a documentation of the corresponding class or package. ns-ltxpk: LaTeX2e Packages TeX Sources, V2.3.2, 2439/616 KB, optional The sources for the LaTex2e packages. You don't need them to run LaTeX2e but by running latex on the .dtx files you get a documentation of the corresponding class or package. ns-mftoo: Metafont Tool Sources, V2.3.0, 370/95 KB, optional The sources for gsftopk, fig2mf and fig2mfpic. gsftopk generates a PK font from a ghostscript font (ghostscript has to be installed). fig2mf and fig2mfpic convert fig files to MetaFont files. ns-mkidx: MakeIndex Sources, V2.3.0, 547/110 KB, optional The sources for MakeIndex, a general purpose index processor. ns-texi: TeXInfo Sources, V2.3.0, 1059/263 KB, optional The sources for TeXInfo. TeXInfo is a documentation system that uses single source files to produce both on-line information and printed output with the help of plain TeX. ns-texto: TeX Tools Sources, V2.3.0, 1408/337 KB, optional The sources for the programs cun, devnag, greektex, html2latex, icelandic lacheck, latex2hyp, redispretex, sanskrit, sinhala , tamilize, turk_hyf, vietnamese. These are mainly preTeX filters. html2latex and latex2hyp are used to convert LaTeX document to hypertext documents. Lacheck checks a LaTeX document for possible format errors. ns-tib: TiB Sources, V2.3.0, 223/57 KB, optional The soruces for TiB. TiB is used for making citations and reference lists in TeX documents. ns-tools: Tools Sources, V2.3.0, 488/132 KB, optional The sources for checksum, fontname, safemtpk, tie and wadalab. ns-trfi: TransFig Sources, V2.3.0, 575/134 KB, optional The sources of RransFig and Fig2Dev to convert Fig files to PostScript, Encapsulated PostScript, LaTeX, etc. ns-txsrc: Various TeX Sources, V2.3.1, 2398/655 KB, optional Vairous other TeX sources (.doc files). ns-w2cb: WEB2C Sources: Base, V2.3.0, 973/267 KB, optional This is the base package of the WEV2C sources. It contains the basic WEB and WEB2C program and the common functions. ns-w2ct: WEB2C Sources: TeX, V2.3.0, 4122/1193 KB, optional This part of the web2c sources contains the WEB sources of TeX, Metafont, bibtex, dvi utilties and font utilities. You also need the WEB2C Sources Base package (ns-w2cb) in order to compile the WEB sources. ns-w2cx: WEB2C Sources: Extra, V2.3.0, 2386/690 KB, optional The WEB sources for JTeX, Metapost and TeX--XeT. You need the WEB2C Sources Base package (ns-w2cb) in order to compile these sources. ns-xdvik: XDviK Sources, V2.3.0, 640/167 KB, optional The souces for XDvi, a previwer for dvi files under X. ns-xfig: XFig Sources, V2.3.0, 1822/374 KB, optional The sources for XFig. XFig is a menu-driven tool to draw an manipulate objects interactively in an X window. ns-xltx: XLaTeX sources, V2.3.0, 161/37 KB, optional The sources of XLaTeX, a program to facilitate the use of text processing commands around TeX. ns-jpeg: JPEG Library Sources, V2.2.2, 1819/533 KB, extra The JPEG library is required for xfig and transfig. If this library is not present on your system but you want to compile xfig and/or transfig you have to install this package and build the library before you compile the programs. Note that the library is not automatically build if it is not present. If you need to build a shared version of libjpeg on Linux read the file SRCDIR/jpeg-6a/README.shared-linux for more information.