Hi, yesterday, I have uploaded a new teTeX-beta release: ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX-beta/teTeX-src-beta-20020825.tar.gz ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX-beta/teTeX-texmf-beta-20020825.tar.gz ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX-beta/teTeX-texmfsrc-beta-20020825.tar.gz Main differences from previous release: - pdftex loads map files faster - ncurses updated - portability fixes for ps2pk - Omega removed - texmf* tarballs updated As for the next stable teTeX release, I am going to wait for the next web2c release. There will be a few changes and the most important one is about the banner displayed by TeX if extansions (e.g. src specials) are enabled. Omega was removed, mainly for two reasons: - I hardly get any response from John or Yannis is I have a question / problem (about copyright or tecnical stuff, e.g. about the lex problem on Solaris) - the latest Omega releases are not yet stable I might put Omega back as soon as the new release becomes stable. Thomas