************************************************************ VTeX/Free -- list of changes ************************************************************ VTeX/Free 7.530 as of 2002-03-25 -------------------------------- Updated archive file common/vtex-fonts2.zip (fixed EC fonts). The version number of the distribution is unchanged. To update the fonts on Linux, unzip the archive in the directory /usr/local/vtex. On OS/2, unzip the archive in the root directory of the drive, where you have installed VTeX/2. VTeX/Free 7.530 (2002-01-27) ---------------------------- VTeX compiler version 7.53: * Fixed problem with PostScript mode (unwanted garbage at end of page); * inclusion of .avi movies in PDF mode is now supported; * improved GeX font handling; * fixed bug with line drawing & rotation; * GeX memory can be customized. New LaTeX packages: * KOMA-script bundle; * Arabtex bundle and related Type 1 fonts for typesetting Arab and Hebrew. Updated macros * soul 2.0 * pdfcrypt 0.6, * hyperref 6.72b New fonts * EC/TC fonts in Type1 format * cmr and cmss TIPA fonts in Type1 format Hyphenation patterns * Updated hyphenation patterns sihyph23 for Slovene; * frhyph version 2.11 (French); * ithyph 4.8d (Italian) * patterns for Ukrainian added. Miscellaneous * LaTeX format file will now check \stockheight and \stockwidth, too, in order to determine media size; this complies with hyperref 6.72b; * fixed font map file misc.ali to make BrushScript font working; * fixed typos in font map file pdfbase.ali; * new version of fxeff plugin, which will (hopefully) no longer cause problems due to potential library mismatch; this affects Linux only. Installation * Improved REXX scripts makevlatex and makeplain, see the comments in the files; this affects OS/2 only; Documentation * More ready-made PSTricks documentation VTeX/Free 7.461 (2001-10-29) ---------------------------- * VTeX compiler version 7.46a; fixed handling of EPS files which make strange assmuptions about the current clippath. * fixed vtexps.pro: \includegraphics clip option would fail in PostScript mide without GeX VTeX/Free 7.460 (2001-10-22) ---------------------------- * VTeX compiler version 7.46. Many fixes, particularly wrt/ handling of PostScript images; increased stack size * Linux: main configuration file resides in the /etc directory now and is named "vtex.ini", as on OS/2. * Linux: No more need to specify the full path, when executing VTeX, Bibtex or Makeindex. * OS/2: VTeX/2 comes with an installation program now. * GeX is now enabled in the shell scripts vlatexp and vplainp (PostScript mode) * fixed vlatexp shell script to set the default BoundingBox to A4 * Additional fonts and related macro packages: Ibycus 4, TIPA, Euler-VM math fonts, St-Mary-Road math symbols, BrushScriptX * Additional LaTeX macro packages: fixmath.sty, upgreek.sty, icomma.sty, ifvtex.sty, ifpdf.sty, pdfcrypt.sty, float.sty * LaTeX (incl. tools, graphics and Cyrillic bundles) as of "June 2001", hyperref 6.71q, minor fixes to Babel * Updated macro packages: url.sty 1.5, draftcopy 2.15, changebar 3.4d, pdfscreen with minor fixes (will no longer mess up the desktop), foilTeX v2.1.3.c (fixed landscape foils in PostScript mode), mflogo 2.0 * PSTricks: latest version as on CTAN; full documentation is now supplied; pst-fill module fixed wrt/ VTeX * Prosper: improved prosper.cls (AVK, 2001-10-15) to fully support VTeX PDF/PS modes * FX Plugin and related macro package for font effects * New Russian hyphenation patterns as of August 7, 2001. We load the Russian-only patterns now, as opposed to the Russian-English ones; this seems to be more appropriate with Babel. Code templates to select the font encoding for Russian (default: T2A) are now part of hyphen.cfg. * patched .fd files for OT2/cmr so as to use the wncyr fonts. Rationale: OT2/cmr fonts are not supplied with VTeX/Free; actually, they do not exist in Type1 format. NB: using wncyr for OT2/cmr was LaTeX's default behavior, before the Cyrillic bundle was introduced. * Many more .enc files; texnansi.enc renamed to ly1.enc. * New shell scripts `makevlatex' and `makevplain' to create the LaTeX and plain formats, using new wrapper files texmf/vtex/config/latex.fid and ./plain.fid. * Changed preload.cfg: We read the default preload.ltx, instead of keeping a copy of its code in our file. Thus, we won't lose any future changes to preload.ltx. * \aliasfont commands for the XYpic fonts were moved from preload.cfg to xypic.sty, so that they are executed on demand only (i.e., they are no longer part of the LaTeX format). NB: \aliasfont's are _not_ required, when XYpic is used with plain TeX. * Bibtex and Makeindex programs renamed (again) to "vbibtex" and "vmakeindex" with both OS/2 and Linux; large-capacity Bibtex (OS/2 only, for the time being) * Font tools: pl2tf, tf2pl, vp2vf, vf2vp. (Note the non-standard names, which will not clash with emTeX or teTeX.) VTeX/Free 7.33 (2001-06-21) --------------------------- * VTeX compiler v7.33d: PDF security options and xpdf source specials are supported now. Some minor bug fixes affect particularly the Linux port. Note that only the binaries archives, i.e. vtexlnx.zip and vtex2.zip have changed! VTeX/Free 7.32 (2001-06-10) --------------------------- * VTeX compiler v7.32: - CFF suppport leads to dramatically smaller PDF output. - Many fixes re. font handling and EPS inclusion. - PDF output will circumvent AR5 bugs. - PNG, PCX and TARGA bitmap formats are supported with OS/2 now. (However, no TIFF yet.) * Bibtex and Makeindex with recursive searching (OS/2 only, for the time being). * LaTeX2e as of June 2000, Babel 3.7, hyperref 6.71e, latest AMS-LaTeX, fancybox 1.3, PSNFSS 8.2 incl. mathpazo.sty (!) * Many interesting LaTeX packages, which were not available for VTeX so far: draftcopy, changebar, pdfscreen, psfig (for legacy documents), axodraw, Prosper. * dinbrief.cls (a goodie for our German customers, since letter.cls is of no practical use for them :-) * Further new LaTeX packages: fancyhdr, supertabular, mathcomp, lastpage, comment, truncate, * Certain files of the pstricks and psfrag bundles, which are required for use with dvips, are included now * Updated hyphenation patterns and improved pattern loading file: - New German patterns Rev.31. - French patterns v2.9. - Dutch patterns replaced by new `1996' version. - Danish, Spanish and Portuguese patterns replaced by the versions, which are `officially' recommended by the particular TeX user groups. * Seminar and Prosper are now distributed as a ZIP file of their own, which is independent from the rest of the distribution. * Rearranged font map files, see also the decription in the file texmf/doc/vtex/font-setup.txt: - euler,ali, hoekwater,ali, eurofont.ali, charter.ali and utopia,ali have been merged into one single file named misc.ali. - ifmath.ali tmmath.ali and hvmath.ali (excl. the records for the Times and Helvetica text fonts!) have been merged into one single file named micropress.ali. - The records for all Times and Helvetica text fonts have been moved into map files of their own. Several variants of these map files are provided, so that one can easily configure, whether these fonts are to be downloaded or not, and which version (URW, Adobe, MicroPress) to chose. * The MarVoSym symbol font and the related macro package marvosym.sty have been added. * Use of the LY1 font encoding is supported. * All of the AMS Cyrillic fonts in Type1 format are provided now. * Fixed Type1 fonts: cmbsy5, cmbsy7, cmmib5, cmmib7. * The Type1 fonts for XYpic have been added. * Metrics and macros for the Concrete fonts have been added. * fancybox.sty moved from the Seminar directory to tex/latex/misc * Improved LaTeX Local Guide * Installation instructions and LaTeX are no longer distributed in German, because maintaining two version requires too much work. (I'm sorry; after all, VTeX comes for free :-) * The on-line documentation for PSTricks and Seminar is no longer included, because it needs too much space and is outdated, anyway. The packages are described in the "LaTeX Graphics Companion", and the obsolete documentation can still be downloaded from CTAN. VTeX/Free v7.10F (2000-08-27) ----------------------------- * VTeX compiler v7.10F with bug fixes and enhanced hypertext facilities * Bibtex and Makeindex are included now * latest AMS-LaTeX (July 2000), hyperref (v6.70p1), geometry (v2.3 with VTeX support) * plain TeX 3.1415926 * color & graphics support (miniltx) for plain TeX * enhanced LaTeX Local Guide VTeX/Free v7.00 (2000-05-12) ---------------------------- * PostScript mode is officially supported now * many bug fixes, particularly wrt/ EPS inclusion, font handling and PostScript mode * inclusion of animated GIF's * memory for hyphenation patterns can grow dynamically now * new font setup, which is easier to configure and enables easy installation of additional fonts. Ghostscript and the related fonts are required now. * Latest LaTeX, Tools, Babel, hyperref etc. * PSNFSS 8.1 final release; all obliqued fonts are supported via \aliasfont now * new packages: FoilTeX 2.1.3b with "landscape" support for VTeX; soul.sty, geometry.sty * "Cyrillic" bundle and Russian hyphenation patterns added (however, no cyrillic fonts yet) * the Charter and Utopia Type1 fonts are included. * added hyphenation patterns for British English * added metrics and style file for the CM-Bright fonts * more LaTeX documentation incl. a preliminary "Local Guide" texmf/doc/vtex/local.eng & local.ger * VTeX documentation (vtex.pdf, gex.pdf, forms.pdf, animgif.pdf) is now installed in texmf/doc/vtex VTeX/Free v6.68 (1999-12-12) ---------------------------- * TeX compiler is much faster now, primarily due to directory caching. * GeX will support additional PS Level II features, e.g. LZW compression. * Support for PDF Page Labels has been added. * Long file name support (-8 option) is now the default behaviour with the OS/2 version. * The VTeX/Free system is now prepared for easy installation of various additional PostScript fonts. * Use of the XYpic package with VTeX/Free is now fully supported. * Use of the amsfonts and amssyb packages is now fully supported; missing AMS fonts are internally emulated; no more need to load the AMS styles with the [psamsfonts] option. * Bug fixes, affecting the VTeX program as well as the use of various packages with VTeX (seminar, XYpic, PSTricks) * Hyperref v6.67g * PSNFSS 8.1(b2) with minor fixes. -- finis