MiKTeX News

Christian Schenk

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Table of Contents

MiKTeX 2.2 News
Setting Auxiliary Directory for TeX and Friends
Package Repository
Package Manager
Incompatible Changes

MiKTeX 2.2 News


Continuous View

By popular request, Yap now offers a continuous view of the DVI document.

There are two new page layouts:


All pages are arranged in a continuous column. The vertical scroll bar represents the whole document.


Like “Continuous/Single”, except that two pages at a time are displayed.


Update to version 1.00c.


Update to version 5.90a.


Update to version 1.15.


JadeTeX runs much faster now.

Setting Auxiliary Directory for TeX and Friends

The option -aux-directory=dir sets the directory, where TeX and Friends make, keep and find auxiliary files (i.e. *.aux, *.toc, *.log, ...).

The new option can be combined with -output-directory=dir to keep the output directory clean. For example:

C:\> pdflatex -output-directory=C:\pdfout -aux-directory=C:\temp foo.tex


GFtoDVI now accepts various command-line options:

gftodvi [-gray-font=font] [-help] [-include-directory=dir] [-label-font=font] [-overflow-label-offset=real] [-slant-font=font] [-title-font=font] [-trace=traceflags] [-version] gffile

Package Repository

More than 200 packages have been updated during the last 12 months. See ctan:systems/win32/miktex/setup/changelog.html, for more details.

Package Manager

It's now possible to download packages through a proxy server which requires authentication.

The package manager now has it's own GUI (mpm.exe).

Incompatible Changes


The handling of command-line options has changed:

  • Option names cannot be abbreviated any longer. For example, it is necessary to say --terminal=oem instead of -term=oem.

  • The -src-specials option doesn't anymore expect an optional where argument.