% dvipdfm config for TeXLive 6. SPQR 2001/06/29 % % Distiller template examples. Uncomment % the appropriate one, or (preferably) create your own. % Put %i in the command line where the input file name should go. % Put %o in the command line where the output file name should go. % (dvipdfm must be able to supply the output file name to your % command line) % Put %b in the line somewhere if you want to specify the % "base" name of the input file, e.g., "foo" instead of "foo.eps" % % Note that it's probably a good idea to fully qualify % the paths so you can be sure what you are running % The following line works with Frank Siegert's pstill % D "/usr/local/bin/pstill -c -o %o %i" % The following line works with GhostScript % D "gs -q -sPAPERSIZE=ledger -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -dUseFlateCompression=true -sOutputFile=%o %i -c quit" % The following line works on compressed or uncompressed postscript with GhostScript D "zcat -f %i | gs -q -sPAPERSIZE=ledger -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -dUseFlateCompression=true -sOutputFile=%o - -c quit" % The following line works with Adobe Acrobat Distiller % D "/usr/local/bin/distill -quiet -pairs %i %o" % Set default paper size here p a4 % The "g" option specifies the amount to "grow" annotations by % Many TeX macro pages set the annotation bounding box equal % to the TeX box that encloses the material. That's not always % what you want g 1 % PDF version stamp to use in output file and max version of files % allowed to be included (2 for 1.2, 3 for 1.3) V 2 % % Font map files % f cmr.map f psbase14.map % Most distributions now use these names f lw35urw.map % Some use these names % f lw35urwa.map f cm-super-t1.map f cm-super-t2a.map f cm-super-t2b.map f cm-super-t2c.map f cm-super-ts1.map f cm-super-x2.map f musix.map f pl.map f pxr3.map f t1fonts.map f txr3.map