%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % tex4ht.env / .tex4ht % % % % Notes: % % 1. empty lines are harmful % % 2. place this file in your work % % directory and/or root directory % % and/or in directory `xxx' of your % % choice. In the latest case, compile % % tex4ht.c with `#define HTFDIR xxx' % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % * Replace `path' and `tfmpath/...' % % * A ! requests recursive search into % % subdirectories % % * Multiple entries of each type are % % allowed % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% t@texmf@\fonts\tfm\! t@texmf@\ht-fonts\iso8859\! i@texmf@\ht-fonts\alias\! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Replace `path' % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % directory for tex4ht.fls d@texmf@\tex4ht\! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aliases for .htf fonts % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% acmbsy cmsy acmbx cmr acmitt cmtt acmsl cmr acmss cmti acmtcsc cmtt acmtex cmtt acmu cmti aptmb cmr aptmr7 cmr aptmri cmti aec ectt % To activate the following aliases, % remove the leading space characters apcrb7t pcrr7t apcrro7t pcrr7t aphvr7t ptmr7t aptmb7t ptmr7t aptmr8t ectt aptmri8t ectt aptmro7t ptmr7t awncyi wncyr %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Default scripts %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% s--- needs --- %%1.idv[%%2] ==> %%3 --- b--- characters --- g.gif % remove protection S* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % dvi-to-gif % ======== Using ImageMagick ======== % Gif exist tex4ht.ps DEL tex4ht.ps % Gdvips -Ppdf -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2 > tex4ht.ps % G@imbindir@\convert -crop 0x0 -density 110x110 -transparency "#FFFFFF" tex4ht.ps %%3 % Gif exist tex4ht.ps DEL tex4ht.ps % ======== Using NetPBM ======== Gif exist tex4ht.ps DEL tex4ht.ps Gif exist tex4ht.ppm DEL tex4ht.ppm Gif exist temp.ppm DEL temp.ppm Gdvips -Ppdf -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2 > tex4ht.ps Ggswin32c -sDEVICE=ppm -r110 -sOutputFile=tex4ht.ppm -q -dbatch -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dNOPAUSE tex4ht.ps -c quit Gmove /y tex4ht.ppm temp.ppm Gpnmcrop temp.ppm > tex4ht.ppm Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 Gppmtogif -interlace -transparent 1,1,1 tex4ht.ppm > %%3 Gif exist tex4ht.ps DEL tex4ht.ps Gif exist tex4ht.ppm DEL tex4ht.ppm Gif exist temp.ppm DEL temp.ppm % t4ht -d%%2 Mmove %%1 %%2%%3 Ccopy %%1 %%2%%3 % t4ht -d%%2 -m%%1 Achmod %%1 %%2%%3 % empty gifs Ecopy empty.pic %%1%%2 % validations, XSLT tranformations,... Xmake -f NSGMLS name=%%1 ext=%%2 % end of file