Directory map of TDS compliant TeX installation as of Mon Aug 14 21:25:30 UTC 1995 bibtex bst doc babel bibtex cm dc eplain fontname fonts adobe adobe-35-nfss bitstream urw formate generic hyphen latex base graphics psnfss rotating styles rcs latex-styles latex209 metafont plain texdraw tugboat tugboat-mac trees dvips fonts afm adobe avantgar bookman courier helvetic newcentu palatino symbol times utopia zapfchan zapfding bitstream charter urw antiqua grotesk nimbus pk public thd CanonCX source ams cyrillic euler extracm symbols public cm concrete dc gray latex logo manual pandora tfm adobe avantgar bookman courier helvetic newcentu palatino symbol times utopia zapfchan zapfding ams cyrillic euler extracm symbols bitstream charter public cm concrete dc latex logo manual pandora thd urw antiqua grotesk nimbus tmp pk CanonCX ljfour type1 adobe utopia bitstream charter urw antiqua grotesk nimbus vf adobe avantgar bookman courier helvetic newcentu palatino times utopia zapfchan bitstream charter urw antiqua grotesk nimbus makeindx metafont tex amstex base eplain formate base styles generic babel config iti misc hyphen latex babel base citations config fancyheadings foiltex graphics mflogo mfnfss misc psnfss ssqquote tools umlaute latex209 base cweb dvips initex misc texdraw latex_2 misc tugboat mft plain base dvips iti js-misc misc stanford texdraw tugboat texinfo ttex web2c ini v6.1