.TH BSPLIT 1 "29 August 1990" .SH NAME bsplit \- split a binary file into nnn-byte pieces .SH SYNOPSIS .B bsplit [ [ \-nnn ] file ] .\|.\|. [ - ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I bsplit splits its argument file(s) into nnn-byte pieces. The size of the pieces are determined by the most-recently encountered .I \-nnn option. If the size option .I \-nnn is omitted, then 32768 is assumed. The split pieces go into parts named like the argument file, but with the suffix -mmm (-001, -002, etc.). .PP The special option value .I \- means standard input, and the output pieces will be named stdin-001, stdin-002, etc. .PP Splitting of large files is useful for electronic mail transmission (32KB is the recommended maximum size), and to facilitate FTP file transfers over connections that experience fatal timeouts for large files. .PP The split size is always forced internally to be a multiple of 512, which is the minimum block size on most current systems. By ensuring that the parts are multiples of file system blocksizes, corruption of the pieces through addition of padding garbage on some record-oriented file systems can be avoided. .PP For text files, where it is desirable to split at line boundaries, use .IR "split(1)" . .SH SEE\ ALSO mail(1), split(1), uuencode(1), uuencode(5), uusend(1C), uucp(1C), uux(1C), xxencode(1) .SH STATUS This program and its manual page are placed in the .I public .IR domain . .SH AUTHOR .br Nelson H. F. Beebe .br Center for Scientific Computing .br Department of Mathematics .br 220 South Physics Building .br University of Utah .br Salt Lake City, UT 84112 .br Tel: (801) 581-5254