*************************************************************************** VMS.INSTALLATION ================ This document consists of two parts -- Part I deals with VMS installation the checksum utility (CHKSM); Part II deals with the supplied VMS HELP file (CHKSM.HLP). I. VMS Installation ---------------- 1. To create the executable for checksum (CHKSM), copy the file VMSMAKE.COM to the root directory of the checksum distribution (this directory). This can be achieved in this directory by typing at the DCL system level prompt: $ COPY [.VAXVMS]VMSMAKE.COM [] or from the VAXVMS directory by typing at the DCL system level prompt: $ COPY VMSMAKE.COM [-] 2. Set your default directory to the root checksum directory. 3. At the DCL system level prompt, type: $ @VMSMAKE The file will be processed and will create the executable CHKSM.EXE. The foreign command symbol CHKSM will be defined to point to this file in this directory and remain in effect for the remainder of your session, or until redefined by you. If you do not have access to a VAX C compiler, the executable image, CHKSM.EXE, and its object file, CHKSM.OBJ, are provided in the [.VAXVMS] directory of this distribution. 4. Copy the CHKSM.EXE file to the location where your system executables reside. a. VAXcluster, cluster-wide YOU MUST HAVE APPROPRIATE PRIVILEGES TO DO THIS!! On a VAXcluster, the best approach is to copy the CHKSM.EXE file to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] so that it is accessible on all nodes of the cluster. To properly define the utility so that it is accessible include: $ CHKSM :== $CHKSM in your system's SYLOGIN.COM routines. b. VAXcluster, node-specific or single node VMS system YOU MUST HAVE APPROPRIATE PRIVILEGES TO DO THIS!! For a node-specific application within a cluster or for single VAX installations, copy the file CHKSM.EXE to SYS$SYSTEM. To properly define the utility so that it is accessible on this node include: $ CHKSM :== $CHKSM in that machine's SYLOGIN.COM routines. c. Standard user, no privileges assumed For standard users without system privileges, copy the file CHKSM.EXE to your default login directory (SYS$LOGIN) or to your personal directory where your executable images reside. To properly define the utility so that it is accessible to you, include: $ CHKSM :== $SYS$LOGIN:CHKSM in your LOGIN.COM file routines. Regardless of which of the 3 options used in this step, the checksum utility will be accessible at the DCL system level prompt via the foreign command CHKSM once defined by the command line indicated above. 5. For an overview of usage, please refer to the VMS HELP instructions below. 6. Once copied, you may delete the CHKSM.OBJ and CHKSM.EXE files from the working directory in which they were built. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ II. VMS HELP file usage ------------------- This distribution includes the file CHKSM.HLP --- a VMS help library which can be built and included in your system or personal library. System HELP Library: -------------------- YOU MUST HAVE APPROPRIATE PRIVILEGES TO DO THIS!! $ LIBRARY/HELP/INSERT SYS$HELP:HELPLIB SYS$DISK:[]CHKSM At the DCL system level prompt, you may now type HELP CHKSM and the help file associated with CHKSM will appear for your reference. The CHKSM entry is permanently added to your default system-wide help file. Personal HELP Library: ---------------------- Personal libraries are allowed in VMS 5.0 and subsequent versions. This is a powerful enhancement to VMS which may users overlook. A note on customizing this feature is provided below. The examples below assume you do not want to highly customize your personal help files and use your default login directory (SYS$LOGIN) for your help directory. To use this feature: 1. Edit your LOGIN.COM file to include the line: $ DEFINE HLP$LIBRARY SYS$LOGIN:MYHELP.HLB 2. While in your current session, at the DCL prompt, type either: a. @SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN --or-- b. DEFINE HLP$LIBRARY SYS$LOGIN:MYHELP.HLB 3. Create a personal help library utilizing the VAX Librarian. For CHKSM, use: $ LIBRARY/HELP/CREATE SYS$LOGIN:MYHELP SYS$DISK:[]CHKSM 4. At the DCL system level, you may now type HELP CHKSM and the help file associated with CHKSM will appear for your reference. 5. Upon typing help, an additional line will appear at the end of the list of topics, reading: Additional help libraries available (type @name for topics): MYHELP You may type @MYHELP and get a listing of everything appearing in your personal VMS help library. 6. To add other topics from HLP files to your personal library, use the command: $ LIBRARY/HELP/INSERT SYS$LOGIN:MYHELP SYS$DISK:[]whatever_the_filename_is A Note on Customizing your Personal Help Library ------------------------------------------------ This description assumes that you will use SYS$LOGIN as your library directory. Certainly, you may create a special directory for your personal help library, such as [.HELP] off of your top-level login root directory, define a logical pointing to this directory, etc., all per the guidelines of VMS directory structures and logical definitions. For example: $!! At the system level: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$LOGIN $ CREATE/DIR [.HELP] $!! At the system level and in your LOGIN.COM file: $ DEFINE PERSONAL_HELP_DIR - 'F$EXTRACT(0,F$LENGTH(F$LOGICAL("SYS$LOGIN"))-1,F$LOGICAL("SYS$LOGIN")).HELP] $ DEFINE HLP$LIBRARY PERSONAL_HELP_DIR:MYHELP.HLB You may then replace the string "SYS$LOGIN" in the commands outlined above in the "Personal HELP Library" section with the string "PERSONAL_HELP_DIR". More information on the VAX Librarian utility and its options, including creating a text file from a system or personal help library topic, removing a topic from a library, etc., may be reviewed by typing HELP LIBRARY at the DCL system level prompt.