TurboGopherVR 2.1a4 (FAT Binary) -  June 3, 1995

- Two version of the fat binary - the version
  TurboGopherVR 2.1a3 Fat/881 makes direct FPU
  calls for speed on 68K Macs and the other version
  (TurboGopherVR 2.1a3 Fat) will run on Macs that
  do not have FPUs. On a non-FPU Mac, you will
  have to be patient... but at least you can see 
  the scenes.

- This version understands how to parse Gopher+
  +3D: attributes for location, orientation, and
  scale, so the server admin has more control
  over how the GopherVR scene is displayed. 

- Smoother mouse tracking for PPC Mac when using 
  the mouse to move through the 3D scene. When you
  hold the mouse button down and drag through the
  3D scene the amount of motion is proportional to 
  the distance you have dragged from the location 
  where the mouse button was originally pressed.
  This isn't too noticable on 68K Macs, but is
  a big improvement on PowerPC Macs.

- To open items in the 3D scene you now double-click
  on the objects. Too many people objected to opening
  items by single clicking...

- This version should be significantly more stable 
  than previous versions since it doesn't mistakenly
  free memory that it later access ;-)

- It is possible to pause in mid-flight during the
  jump, jump in place, overview, and flight into
  new scenes. Hold down the spacebar to pause the 
  flight motion.

- The version which makes direct 68881 FPU calls
  checks exits gracefully when run on a non-FPU

TurboGopherVR 2.1a3 (FAT Binary) -  May 23, 1995

- No changes for the PowerPC user, but folks with
  68K Macs with FPUs (i.e. 68040s, or 68030s with
  68881/68882 floating point unit) can now run
  the program. Alas, if you don't have hardware
  floating point support, you are still out of luck.

TurboGopherVR 2.1a3 -  May 4, 1995

- Added a feature to make it easier to see the names
  of objects in the 3D scenes. The View names 
  command under the VR menu lets you browse the names
  of the GopherSpaceVR objects by using the mouse to
  place the pointer over the objects. A popup window
  displays the object name, type, and (if available)
  it's abstract. This should help with the complaints
  that the Names written on the objects are hard to
  read at oblique angles and when far away.

- Added a way to go up into the air (and get back 
  down again) while driving around a GopherVR scene.
  Under the VR menu there are now Up and Down
  commands. Being up in the air is like walking
  around on stilts, so all the old navigation
  tools continue to work. Note that you cannot go
  underneath the ground no matter how hard you try.
  This is for your own safety. There are millions
  of gopher tunnels beneath the ground and many 
  of the gophers moving through the tunnels reach
  ballistic speeds. It's dangerous down there.

- Fixed a nasty race condition which occurred when
  multiple directory fetches where running
  simultaneously. This typically happens when a
  Gopher server is slow to respond, and the user
  clicks on the icon many times or clicks on
  other items. This problem was responsible for many 
  of the reports of TurbGopherVR crashing when you
  quit from the program.

- In previous versions you could jump by clicking on
  the ground. In the hands of naive users this is a
  dangerous command, so it was removed. You can still 
  jump forward by with selecting the appropriate option
  from the VR menu, or by holding down the option key
  while clikcing on the ground or sky. Other power-user
  features can be found by reading the Help information
  inside TurboGopherVR. Choose the Help option under 
  the Gopher menu.

TurboGopherVR 2.1a2 -  March 31, 1995

- Fixed bug the prevented downloading Mac binaries 
  from GopherspaceVR window

- Fixed bug that caused some text files to not have 
  proper end of line marks if the file was fetches from 
  GopherspaceVR window

- Changed text placement on 3D icons to make the text
  bigger in most cases. This should improve readability.

- Handle the case where no name appears on 3D kiosk now;
  scenes with no name are called "empty name"

- When downloading a Mac binary the status window is no 
  longer buried underneath the Gopherspace VR window

- Strip leading spaces off of item names for display in 
  GopherspaceVR. Some server admins add spaces to the 
  front of item names to make them line up in gopher
  directory listings. The problem is that this 
  squeezes the text and makes it tiny and hard to read.

TurboGopherVR 2.1a1 -  March 30, 1995

the first alpha-test release...