Copyright 1993, 1994, University of Utah Computer Center. JUGHEAD (TM) is a trademark of Archie Comic Publications, Inc. and is used pursuant to license. This source may be used and freely distributed as long as this copyright notice remains intact, and is in no way used for any monetary gain, by any institution, business, person, or persons. jughead is a tool for getting menu information from various gopher servers, acting as a search engine in a specified gopher sub-space, and is an acronym for: Jonzy's Universal Gopher Hierarchy Excavation And Display The remainder of this document is divided into two parts, the first part titled "KNOWN PORTS" lists all machines jughead is known to have been ported to, and the second part "GETTING STARTED" is a somewhat detailed set of steps to assist you in getting jughead up and running. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOWN PORTS jughead was written in ANSI C, developed on both an IBM RS6000, and a Sun sparc-10, and should port easily to any ANSI C conformant environment. jughead has been successfuly ported to the following platforms: Apple Macintosh IIci with a A/UX 3.0 DEC VAX/VMS version 5.5-1 running multinet networking software DECstation 5000/25 running Ultrix 4.2a DECstation 5000/200 running Ultrix 4.2 DECstation 5000/200, Ultrix 4.3 DECstation 5000/240, ULTRIX 4.4 Dec 5000, running Ultrix 4.2A Digital DECstation 5000, model 133 DEC 5900 running ULTRIX V4.3A HP-UX oac3 A.09.03 E 9000/750 2011779154 HP 9000/815 running HP-UX version 9.0 Hewlett-Packard 9000/730 with HP-UX 8.07 Hewlett-Packard 9000/822 with HP-UX 8.07 IBM RISC/6000 520H running AIX 3.2.3 IBM RS/6000 950 running AIX 3.2.4 insey Computer Systems model FS-486/50-SCO-64.1250.14LR", 476-90-4049 Tower Microcomputer running SCO Open Server Enterprise System 3.2v4.2 icronics 486-66, 2 - IDE drives, Linux 1.0 NeXT 040 running NeXTSTEP 2.1 NeXT 040 running NeXTSTEP 3.0 SCO Sun SPARCstation IPC with SunOS 4.1.1 SUN Sparc-2, Sun-OS 4.1.2 Sun sparc4 running sun OS 4.1.2 Sun Sparc1+ compatible (Aeon1+), SunOS 4.1.3 Sun 4/690 running SunOS 4.1.1 Sun 6/70 MP running SunOS 4.1.2 Sun SPARCstation 1 under SunOS Release 4.1.2 SunOS sun09 4.1.3 1 sun4c SUN SparCentre 2000 running Solaris 2.3 Viglen 486DX33 16Mb RAM running FreeBSD 1.0.2 It is anticipated this program will be a tool for administrators in gopherspace. If you make any changes to the sources, please send me a copy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GETTING STARTED jughead can be acquired via gopher by gophering to and looking in: About U of U Gopher Gopher Tools jughead as jughead.ReadMe and jughead.VERS.tar.Z or via anonymous ftp from in /pub/gopher/GopherTools/jughead as jughead.ReadMe and jughead.VERS.tar.Z, where "VERS" is the current version. Once you have downloaded jughead the following command will uncompress and untar the files into a directory that gets created called "jughead.VERS": uncompress -c < jughead.VERS.tar.Z | tar xfv - The file jughead.VERS.tar.Z is a compressed tar file which contains: About.jughead Makefile.dist configure dirTree.c dirTree.h getargs.c jughead.1 jughead.ReadMe THE FILE YOU ARE READING NOW jughead.c jughead.changes jughead.conf jughead.conf.5 jughead.conf.h.dist jughead.faq jughead.h jughead.sample.csh jughead.survey jughead.todo jugheadConf.c jugheadVctl.c path.c search.c searchCmnds.c sockets.c sockets.h tree.c tree.h utils.c utils.h veronica.ctl veronica.ctl.5 For a quick compilation attempt do the following: cd jughead.VERS configure (At the prompt, hit return to make jughead) edit jughead.conf (To get the file ready for the next step) make install (If errors, are you root? If not simply comment out the Makefile install target lines cp jughead.1 $(DESTMAN)/jughead.$(MANSUFF) chown root $(DESTMAN)/jughead.$(MANSUFF) chmod 755 $(DESTMAN)/jughead.$(MANSUFF) cp veronica.ctl.5 $(VDESTMAN)/veronica.ctl.$(VMANSUFF) chown root $(VDESTMAN)/veronica.ctl.$(VMANSUFF) chmod 755 $(VDESTMAN)/veronica.ctl.$(VMANSUFF) and change DESTDIR to the current directory) To make the jughead application do a "configure" which will do some configuring for your environment and generate jughead.conf.h, Makefile, and sprint.h headerfile. If "configure" was able to determine the local configuration for your platform correctly it will ask you if it should run "make" for you. The configuration file is known to correctly on the following platforms determined from the `uname -mrsv` system call: 4.3bsd 2.0 B 9000/375 AIX 2 3 000007401C00 A/UX 3.0 SVR2 mc68040 HP-UX A.08.00 B 9000/845 HP-UX A.09.00 D 9000/850 IRIX 4.0.5 06151813 IP6 IRIX 11021902 IP22 Linux 1.1.0 #1 Tue May 31 15:42:59 MDT 1994 i386 openage 2 3.2 i386 SunOS 4.1.3 2 sun4 SunOS 4.1.3 1 sun4m SunOS 5.1 Generic sun4m ULTRIX 4.4 0 RISC And machines without `uname -mrsv': NeXT 2.1 NeXT 3.0 NeXT 3.1 NeXT 3.2 Every effort has been made with the configure script to ease the pain of porting jughead. If you run into any problems please let me know so I can modify the configure script to accommodate your particular platform. At this point you may want to read the jughead.changes file which lists the development changes to jughead, and the jughead.todo file which lists the things still needing attention. You do not need to have root access to install or run jughead, you will, however, need to ensure DESTDIR and DESTMAN in the Makefile are adjusted to reflect your particular needs. To view the man page, prior to running make install you can: make viewman The make commands supported by the jughead Makefile are: make makes jughead. make all same as make. make jughead same as make. make objects compiles the various jughead sources. make install same as make, intalls jughead the man page, and the jughead.conf file. make clobber same as realclean and removes the installed files. make realclean same clean and removes sprint.h, Makefile.config, and the jughead executable. make clean removes the objects, core and backup edit files. make tar tars and compresses all files except jughead.ReadMe make viewman allows viewing the man page prior to installation. make lint runs lint to report on the programmers codability. make help displays the various make options. make defunct same as make but forces recompilation of search.o make nodefunct same as make except code is generated to remove the process which will result in a cleaner environment, but produce less efficient code. It is highly recommended you edit the "jughead.conf.h" file to ensure the defines HOSTDOMAIN, JUGHEADHELP, and ERRORHOST reflect the needs for your site. These values can be overridden if you edit the "jughead.conf" file and ensure "hostname", "jugheadhelp", and "errorhost" reflect your site as well. If you have problems compiling look at the Makefile and sprint.h files created via "configure". Alternatily you may need to look at the jughead.conf.h and Makefile. The following information describes the purpose of various defines and variables to assist you should any problems be encountered: These values are found in jughead.conf.h: You can use the jughead.conf file alter these values. HOSTDOMAIN Any part of your machine name that does not get displayed via a call to `hostname`. The result of `hostname` and HOSTDOMAIN should yield a fully qualified domain name of the machine running jughead. Note: The fully qualified domain name can be overridden by entering "hostname" as the name in the jughead.conf file. JUGHEADHELP The gopher server serving the jughead help document. This is the gopher selector, host, and port of the document to give the user if an error is encountered. Note: This field can be overridden by entering "jugheadhelp" as the gopher path to the jughead help document in the jughead.conf file. ERRORHOST The Path, Host, and Port for an error item. Note: This field can be overridden by entering "errorhost" as the gopher path in the jughead.conf file. PORT2USE The port to use when jughead is a search engine. MAXPROCS The maximum number of forked jughead processes. DELIMITERS The delimiters that seperate a word. MAXITEMS2RETURN The maximum number of found items to return. DEFAULTBOOLOP The default boolean operator if none is given between words. JUGHEADHELPTITL The title to be displayed to the user of the jughead help document. USAGERROR The string "usage error". WILDCARDERR The invalid wildcard usage error message. TOMNYPRCSERR The too many processes error message. NOFORKERR The jughead can't fork error message. GTSTRERR The get string timed out error message. READERR The read line error message. TMPFILENAME The location and name of jughead's temporary file. These values are found in jughead.conf.h are automaticly generated when you run "configure". These too can be altered via the jughead.conf file. CATCOMMAND The cat system command, the %s is required. SORTCOMMAND The sort system command, the %s is required. TOUCHCOMMAND The touch system command, the %s is required. These values are found in Makefile THEVERSION The version of jughead, only edit this if you make changes. MANSUFF The suffix of the man page and where to install the manpage. DESTDIR The location of the jughead executable. You may not want this to be publicly accessible. DESTMAN The location of the jughead man page. PERMISSIONS The permissions for the jughead executable. LINT The lint program to use if need me. LINTFLAGS Any lint flags you want to set. CC The C compiler to use. Note: You can leave this blank if you don't know where your C compiler resides, the configuration step will attempt to locate it for you. NOWARNINGS Uncommented if you don't want to see any compiler warnings. OPTIMIZATION Any optimization flags you want to have. PROTOTYPES Uncommented if you want to use prototypes. These values are found in Makefile are automaticly generated when you run "configure". If you know you need these flags simply add them to the DFLAGS or LFLAGS line. -D_POSIX_SOURCE Needed when compiling under A/UX. -DSOLARIS2 -DSVR4 Needed when compiling on a sun with Solaris. -lsocket -lnsl Needed for linking under Solaris DFLAGS The definition flags needed for your environment CFLAGS The compiler flags needed for your environment. LFLAGS The libraries you need, some libraries may exist here you don't need but this should not cause problems. You will want to place the "About.jughead" document somewhere on your gopher server, and then give the proper definition of JUGHEADHELPDOC in the jughead.conf.h or "jugheadhelp" in jughead.conf. You may want to copy the file "About.jughead" in the same directory as the jughead link, so the users will have knowlege of how to search the tables built by jughead, and rename it "About jughead". Create a link file somewhere in your gopher data directory. Mine looks like: Name=Search all UofU menus using jughead Numb=4 Type=7 Port=3000 Path= As of jughead version 1.0.3 you can assist veronica in harvesting its data by configuring and placing the veronica.ctl file, included with this distribution, at the appropriate location in your gopher tree. IMPORTANT NOTE: jughead does NOT use aliased hostnames and requires Fully Qualified Domain Names. The steps I did to get jughead running as a server follow: jughead -tmVb data -X "ftp:*" jughead -tB data jughead -tS -l data.log data Sample steps to rebuild the jughead database follow: cd directory_other_than_where_the_jughead_data_resides jughead -b data -l report -X "ftp:*" jughead -B data mv data* directory_where_the_jughead_data_resides/ kill -HUP `/usr/ucb/head -1 /usr/local/etc/` Edit the jughead.sample.csh script to meet your particular needs. This script is a sample script to be used by cron. There are more examples of jughead commands listed in the man page. NOTE: jughead is not inetd compatible. Furthermore, if you note any problems building the database you should ensure that gopherd is NOT run via inetd. There exists a mailing list for discussion about jughead called: To get on this mailing list send mail with the subject "subscribe", without the quotes to: Please take the time to fill out the jughead.survey and return it to me. Please email source changes, compliments, complaints, or suggestions to: Rhett "Jonzy" Jones I hope you find jughead a useful tool.