********** How to install the gopher-techinfo gateway ********** 1) Edit the file "gw.h" and change any #defines that need to be changed. DEBUGLOG the filename where the gateway will write debugging and statistics information. The gateway runs as userid "daemon", so make sure daemon has write permission on this file. If necessary, create an empty file and change owner to daemon. MSGFILE the filename of the "About this Gopher" item. The gateway will read this file and send it to the Gopher client. See the file "MSG" for an example. DAEMON needs read permission for this file. LOCALTI_SERVER the domain name of the local Techinfo server The gateway connects to this server when a gopher sends "" as the token. At UPENN, the name is penninfo-srv.upenn.edu. if there's no local TechInfo, change this line to: #define LOCALTI_SERVER "" /* there is no local techinfo */ LOCALTI_PORT the port that the local TechInfo server listens at (ignored if LOCALTI_SERVER is ""). LOCALTI_MAINMENU the nodeid of the top menu of the local Techinfo server (ignored if LOCALTI_SERVER is ""). You can pick any menu's nodeid. TISERVERS_HOST the domain name of the host that knows the list of TechInfo servers. TISERVERS_PORT the port at which the TISERVERS_HOST server listens. LOCALGOPHTITLE the name(title) of a gopher server. If you don't want to point to any, set it to "". If you leave it blank, then LOCALGOPHERSERVER, LOCALGOPHERPORT, and LOCALGOPHERPATH are ignored. Otherwise, the gateway sends them along with the title as part of the root menu. The local gopher file type must be a Gopher Directory file (gopher type 1). For the local gopher server at UPENN, these three values should be "gopher.upenn.edu", port "70", and "". WAIS #define this flag if you want each menu to contain an item for full text wais searching. SOURCES_MSGFILE Name of file that describes how to view the Gopher path & use it to see the TechInfo Source. SOURCES_NODEID Nodeid of the TechInfo document at LOCALTI_SERVER. Ignored if there is no LOCALTI_SERVER. 2) Compile the gateway code: make -k 3) Move the executable to /usr/local/bin or whatever is the convention on your operating system. 4) Edit /etc/services and add the gopher service to it, if it's not already there: gophtech 71/tcp 5) Edit /etc/inetd.conf and add the gophtech gateway to it. The gateway program takes two arguments: the domain name of the localhost, and the port at which the gateway is listening. Example: gophtech stream tcp nowait /usr/local/bin/gophtech gophtech gopher-penninfo.upenn.edu gophtech 6) Send a HUP to the inetd daemon so that it will re-read inetd.conf. 7) Copy MSG and PROVIDERS to the right directory. Give DAEMON the permission to read these files, since the gateway runs as userid DAEMON. chmod ugo+r .../{MSG,PROVIDERS} 8) Define the domain name (or a CNAME) in the domain name system for your site. In the example I used above, it would be gopher-penninfo.upenn.edu. 9) The MSG file refers to a mail alias to report bugs with the gophtech gateway (gopher-penninfo@dccs.upenn.edu). Please create the mail alias and be sure that at least murphy@dccs.upenn.edu is on the list. I don't know who, if anyone else, should be on it.