Document Responsibility in PennInfo =================================== There are over 70 providers of information in PennInfo. Each provider is responsible for the information they contribute. Users of PennInfo are accustomed to being able to identify who is responsible for any topic on any menu in PennInfo through the use of a 'Get Info' option. This functionality is not natively available in Gopher software at this time. An alternative mechanism has been created by Data Communications and Computing Services (DCCS) to allow Gopher users to identify which organization at the University of Pennsylvania is responsible for PennInfo information: Step 1 ====== Use your gopher client to request information about the PennInfo topic. Use whatever mechanism is provided by your application to get this information. Step 2 ====== Look at the 'Path' information and note the last word in the path. The last word in the path is the organization responsible for the PennInfo information (known as a 'Source'). For example, the Unix gopher client displays the following information about a topic on a menu called 'PennInfo Version 3.9 Available': Name=PennInfo Version 3.9 Available Type=0 Port=71 Path=D 9000 8615 Admin ^^^^^ Notice that the last word in the 'Path' is 'Admin.' This means that 'Admin' is the organization that contributed the information -- the 'Source'. Step 3 ====== Now that you have the name of 'Source,' you can search the document 'Providers of Information (Sources) List' to retrieve the contact name, phone number, and an electronic mail address associated with your 'Source.' * Note: the 'Providers of Information (Sources) List' appears at the bottom of all PennInfo menus (merged with this instructional document) that are displayed via the Gopher gateway.