% File viegophr.hyx %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %+ INTERNET GOPHER, CLIENT & SERVER FOR IBM VM/CMS (1992-06-19/15:00) + %+ + %+ Notes on installation and usage of the `Vienna' VM/CMS GOPHER System. + %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * product postinstaller * product postinstallation (call of the post-installer) +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | DOCUMENTATION | PRODUCT | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | * index | * index | | * main sequence | * main sequence | | * mini sequence | * mini.prod | | * history | * version nr | | * internal T2D list | | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | * calling GOPHFTCH.EXEC | * GOPHFTCH.EXEC: * main | | * GOPHERD.EAI | * GOPHER.XEDIT | | * GOPHERD.DSKGRP | * GOPHSCAN.EXEC | | * QA pseudo server | * GOPHSTP.EXEC | | | * GOPHSTP.XEDIT | | | * EDINDEX.EXEC | | | * EDINDEX.XEDIT | | | GOPHERDD * main loop | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ * gopher * $$index % % File viegophr.tex % %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %+ INTERNET GOPHER, CLIENT & SERVER FOR IBM VM/CMS (1992-06-19/15:00) + %+ + %+ Notes on installation and usage of the `Vienna' VM/CMS GOPHER System. + %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % % NOTE: This is not the original version of the document! % Instead, this is the sequenced and stripped version of a % hypertext file. % The linear LaTeX version is provided for your convenience. % For more information about the hypertext version contact the author. % LaTeX is described in: (I'm not sure..) % Leslie Lamport: LaTeX, A document preparation system % Addison Wesley % \documentstyle{article} \pagestyle{headings} % pagelayout --------- % \topmargin10mm % \headheight12mm % \headsep5mm % \topskip0mm % \textheight245mm % \textwidth175mm % \oddsidemargin17mm % \evensidemargin65mm % \marginparwidth46mm % \marginparsep5mm % \marginparpush5mm %needed???? yes... \newfont{\vsmtt}{cmtt8 scaled 1000} % very small type writer %\makeindex \begin{document} \pagenumbering{roman} \thispagestyle{empty} \title{VieGOPHER\\---\\A Gopher System for VM/CMS} \author{Gerhard Gonter} \date{\today} \maketitle \begin{abstract}\footnote{This file is still somewhat ... er ... incomplete ... sorry ...} The Internet Gopher Protocol provides a simple, yet very effective method for distributed document search and retrieval. This document describes usage, installation, maintainance and also some points about the implementation of a Gopher system for IBM's operating system VM/CMS, called the VieGOPHER. Both, using the client and administrating the server are discussed. The system can be distributed freely and is dedicated to the community of cyberspace. \end{abstract} \pagebreak[4] \tableofcontents \pagebreak[4] \listoftables \listoffigures \pagebreak[4] \newcommand{\SUBsection}[1]{\subsection{#1}} \newcommand{\SUBsubsection}[1]{\subsubsection{#1}} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \setcounter{page}{1} \pagenumbering{arabic} \section{Introduction} This document describes an implementation of the Internet GOPHER Server and Client protocol for IBM's operating system VM/CMS, known as the `Vienna' VM Gopher System or `VieGOPHER'. There are things left out and enhancements will follow. If you find any errors or have other suggestion then don't hesitate to contact me on one of the addresses given in section \ref{gg.addr} on page \pageref{gg.addr}. The system consists of a client, based on {\sf XEDIT} ({\tt GOPHERC.EXEC} together with a bunch of {\tt .XEDIT} and {\tt .EXEC} files) and two servers, the older one is a simple, straight forward, plain vanilla, nothing special, ordinary, single-treaded Internet Gopher Server\footnote{not supported anymore} ({\tt GOPHERD.EXEC}), the new one ({\tt GOPHERDD.EXEC}) %\index{GOPHERDD.EXEC} is just the opposite of that all... well... the most interesting feature of it is that it is multi-threaded. This means, it can handle more than one connection at the same time and, in fact, the version I currently run listens on four ports at the same time and is still able to handle a couple of connections simultanously. Since this server listens on four different ports you might suspect that one is the officially assigned gopher port (70) and the the other two ports are something else. This assumption is not completely wrong, the server also listens on port 79 and pretends to be a finger server as well on port 17 and serves out fortune cookies. The service on port 17 is also known as the Quote-of-the-Day protocol. Finger protocol (see \cite{rfc1288}) and Quote-of-the-Day protocol (see \cite{rfc865}) are handled by the Gopher Server as a by-product, as you may have time to read in the code. In order to run either the server or the client you also need a program called {\tt REXTCPIP.MODULE} (by Ken Hornstein). You can find it on any {\sf BITNET LISTSERV} that carries {\sf VM-UTIL}, (e.g. {\sf DEARN}). Be sure to use version 1.8.4. or newer. Section \ref{bugs} gives information about modifications that improve the stability of the program. If necessary, a modified version can be obtained from me. You also need TCPIP to run either the server or the client. The new server can also employ {\tt YWAKEUP.MODULE} to trap messages from servicing machines. Clients running under TCPIP version 2 can take advantage of RXSOCKET instead of REXTCPIP. RXSOCKET is generally more elaborate and stable, either version 1 or can be used. The instability of REXTCPIP is the main weaknes of the server. To overcome this problem I work along three paths: \begin{enumerate} \item I try to make the REXX code of the server as shock-proof as possible, \item I try to correct some of the problems inherent in REXTCPIP, see section \ref{bugs} for a documentation about some of the patches sofar, \item allowing to select RXSOCKET seems to be the most promising path in the long run. \end{enumerate} \subsection{Features} \noindent Client: \noindent\begin{itemize} \item can work with WAIS search gateways \item convenient XEDIT interface \end{itemize} \noindent Server: \noindent\begin{itemize} \item multiple connections \item integrated finger server \item integrated cookie server \item interface for embedded applications \end{itemize} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Client} % * Client Modules % * General Module Layout % * Modules from other Sources % * Installation % * Quick Installation % Professional Installation % * (1) % * Fig: Instsec in GOPHER.EXEC % * (2) % * Fig: Instsec in GOPHFTCH.EXEC % * (3) % * Files % * Global Variables % * User Setup % * temporary variables used by the GOPHER modules % * Using the Client % * Fig: Root Index Screen % * temp files \subsection{Client Modules} The client is based on {\sf XEDIT} and {\sf REXTCPIP} or {\sf RXSOCKET}. It does not require any other non-standard extensions of the operating system, like {\sf CMS-PIPES} and should also work with TCP/IP release 1 (the REXTCPIP version only). \subsection{General Module Layout} \subsubsection{Modules from other Sources} The files {\tt REXTCPIP.MODULE} and {\tt RXSOCKET.MODULE} alternatively provide the network transport system. TCP/IP must be available to the user; the TCPIP public disk is not required unless the user also wants to use TELNET. \subsection{Installation} % * Quick Installation % * Professional Installation % * (1) % * Fig: Instsec in GOPHER.EXEC % * (2) % * Fig: Instsec in GOPHFTCH.EXEC % * (3) \subsubsection{Quick Installation} Installing the VieGOPHER client quickly is fairly easy: Just get the distribution package\footnote{see appendix \ref{sources} how to obtain it}, and follow the installation procedures given in the readme file (or in the introduction), get {\tt REXTCPIP.MODULE} version 1.8.4 or {\tt RXSOCKET.MODULE}, put everything on your minidisk, and type {\tt GOPHER}. If everything is ok you should get the root menu of the server {\tt gopher.wu-wien.ac.at}\footnote{Figure \ref{run.cl1} on page \pageref{run.cl1} shows such a menu}, otherwise you have a problem. % and you should consider reading the upcomming section about % professional installation. \subsubsection{Professional Installation} Two modules of the client have configuration sections. Figure \ref{conf.gopher} shows the one of {\tt GOPHER.EXEC} while figure \ref{conf.gophftch} shows that of {\tt GOPHFTCH.EXEC}. Usually, you will want to configure the name and the port number of your default server in {\tt GOPHER.EXEC} as well as in {\tt GOPHFTCH.EXEC}. In {\tt GOPHER.EXEC} this is done by assigning the appropriate name and values to the variables {\tt host}, {\tt port} and {\tt ity} (see figure \ref{conf.gopher} on page \pageref{conf.gopher}). These parameters can be overriden by assigning values of your choice to the global variables {\tt HOST}, {\tt PORT}, {\tt ITYPE} and {\tt SEL}. For doing so you may need to use the program {\tt GLOBALVV.EXEC}, since the selector string defined by {\tt SEL} might be mixed case. All these values can still be overriden by calling GOPHER with parameters, more information about this can be found in section \ref{XXX}. \begin{figure} \caption{Installation section in {\tt GOPHER.EXEC}}\label{conf.gopher} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{center} \begin{small} \begin{verbatim} /* to be configured at installation time by ROSE: - - - - - - - - - - */ if host='' | host='=' then host=#<CL_DEFAULT_HOST>#; if port='' | port='=' then port=#<CL_DEFAULT_PORT>#; if ity='' then ity=#<CL_DEFAULT_TYPE>#; /* default: directory */ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end of configuration section */ \end{verbatim} \end{small} \end{center} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \end{figure} The reason why there is a second, almost redundant configuration section results from the fact, that the module {\tt GOPHFTCH.EXEC}, the item fetcher, can also be used isolated, for instance for automatic retrieval of documents. You can find an example for such an application in section \ref{ex.weathrep}. Assignments to variables {\tt rsrv} and {\tt rprt} define again the name and the port of a default server. These values can be overriden by calling the program with parameters as described below. During a regular interactive Gopher session the program will always be called by other modules with a full parameter list. An especially delicate setup parameter that can only be defined in this module is {\tt localhost}. It defines the IP-address of the machine where the client runs on. Assigning a valid value to this variable will force the fetcher module to try to access the server files directly, if the server's IP-address turns out to be the same as {\tt localhost}. This attempt will of course fail and return empty documents when you specify an IP-address of an existing server which is not your own IP-address. Otherwise, specifying an invalid IP-address likte {\tt 999.208.3.2} will force GOPHFTCH to use TCP/IP connections for all item retrievals.%\pagebreak The reason why direct access to the server's files was needed was a problem in {\tt REXTCPIP.MODULE} \footnote{Besides that, direct access to the server's files has pros and cons: \begin{itemize} \item[+] higher throughput \item[+] no need to run a real server at all, just set up the server's files %\item[--] the user might have access to files which s/he better % should not see \item[--] having to implement some server functions in the client modules \end{itemize}}. A description and a fix of that problem follows in section \ref{bug.fdns}. I'm not sure yet if I will continue to support code for full direct access or not or if I'll design a system that allows mixed operation. \begin{figure} \caption{Installation section in {\tt GOPHFTCH.EXEC}}\label{conf.gophftch} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{center} \begin{small} \begin{verbatim} /* to be configured at installation time by ROSE: - - - - - - - - - - */ if rsrv='' then rsrv=#<CL_DEFAULT_HOST>#; /* default server */ if rprt='' then rprt=#<CL_DEFAULT_PORT>#; /* default servers port */ tout=15; /* timeout for TCPOPEN (sec) */ #switch CL_USE_LOCALFETCH #case YES localhost='999.208.3.2'; /* IP where client runs */ localgopher='70'; /* Port where Gopher server listens on */ selectorfile='GOPHERD SELECTOR'; indexfile='GOPHERD INDEX'; gopherdisk='*'; #endswitch /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end of configuration section */ \end{verbatim} \end{small} \end{center} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \end{figure} GOPHFTCH used a workaround ({\tt FDNS.EXEC}) to resolve the server's IP-address. This workaround is currently disabled since it was possibe to track down the reason for the irregularites. If {\tt GetIPAddr()} does not work properly in your environment, you can uncomment the call to FDNS and remove or disable the {\tt GetIPAddr()} section from the code. For more information about this consult section \ref{bug.fdns}. \SUBsection{Files} There are no files read in normal operation. For direct access without TCP/IP, the local fetching option ({\tt CL\_USE\_LOCALFETCH}) must be turned on and all the files visible to the server must also be visible to the client, especially the selector file, the group file, and the root index. \SUBsection{Global Variables} The client uses two different types of global variables, permanent ones, for storing setup parameters, in the file {\tt LASTING.GLOBALV} and temporary ones in memory. \SUBsubsection{User Setup} Table \ref{clglv} on page \pageref{clglv} lists all the global variables that are used by the client. They are in the group GOPHER in the file {\tt LASTING.GLOBALV} and can be modified with the SETUP function built into the client (PF23: {\tt Setup}) or by calling the program GOPHSTP. %%% this part is obsolete already ... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%\noindent {\bf Attention:} %%% {\tt HOST}, {\tt ITYPE} and {\tt SEL} %%% need to be set, accessed and modified using %%% {\tt GLOBALVV.EXEC} since they will usually contain mixed %%% case strings which can't be handled with GLOBALV. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{table} \caption{Permanent Global Variables for the Client}\label{clglv} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % {\tt KEEP\footnote{this feature is not fully implemented yet.} } % & define, if items should be kept and how long \\ % {\tt ~~=ALL } & keep all items \\ % {\tt ~~=SESSION } & keeps items only during a session \\ % {\tt ~~={\sl{(none)}}} & don't keep any items [Default] \\ % \hline % ------------------------------------------------------------------- {\tt HOST} & name of the GOPHER server to be accessed at startup \\ & [Default: {\tt gopher.wu-wien.ac.at}] \\ \hline % --------------------------------------------------------------------- {\tt PORT} & port of the GOPHER server \\ & [Default: {\tt 70}] \\ \hline % --------------------------------------------------------------------- {\tt ITYPE} & item type of the first item to be fetched \\ & [Default: {\tt 1} ({\sl directory})] \\ \hline % --------------------------------------------------------------------- {\tt SEL} & selector string of the first item to be fetched \\ & [Default: {\sl text}\footnote{set during installation as a ROSE definition}] \\ \hline % --------------------------------------------------------------------- {\tt DNAME} & name of the startup menu \\ & [Default: {\sl none}] \\ \hline % --------------------------------------------------------------------- {\tt BOOKMARK} & name of the bookmark file \\ & [Default: {\tt GOPHER BOOKMARK A}] \\ \hline % --------------------------------------------------------------------- {\tt SAVEFILE} & name of the file where items may be saved \\ & [Default: {\tt GOPHER SAVEFILE A}] \\ \hline % --------------------------------------------------------------------- {\tt INFOLEVEL} & level of verbosity, amount of function key description \\ & [Default: {\tt 5}] \\ \hline % --------------------------------------------------------------------- {\tt TELNET-8} & name of the telnet program for items of {\tt Type=8} \\ & [Default: {\tt TELNET MODULE}] \\ \hline % --------------------------------------------------------------------- {\tt TELNET-T} & name of the telnet program for items of {\tt Type=T} \\ & [Default: {\tt TELNET MODULE}] \\ \hline % --------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \end{center} \end{table} \SUBsubsection{temporary variables} Table \ref{clglv-t} on page \pageref{clglv-t} lists the client's temporary global variables, %%% they are in the group GOPHER in the special format %%% file {\tt LASTING.GLOBALXV}. the CMS program GLOBALV keeps them in main memory. %%% The Gopher program will purge this file %%% at the end of every session. These variables can not be accessed directly. \begin{table} \caption{Temporary Global Variables for the Client}\label{clglv-t} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline {\tt TMPCNT } & number of the last item fetched (0..??)\\ \hline {\tt GHOST } & host, port, type and selector of the last item fetched\\ \hline {\tt GI1:{\sl{$<$ty$>$}} } & directory entry of the item held in file {\tt GOPHTMP.}{\sl{$<$ty$>$}}\\ {\tt GI2:{\sl{$<$ty$>$}} } & {\sl $<$ty$>$} is the file type of the XEDIT file in the ring\\ \hline {\tt L{\sl{$<$ty$>$}} } & screen information for active item in XEDIT ring\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \end{center} \end{table} \rule{0mm}{5mm} %%%\noindent {\bf Attention:} %%% {\tt GHOST}, {\tt GI1:}{\sl{$<$ty$>$}} and %%% {\tt GI2:}{\sl{$<$ty$>$}} %%% are set, accessed and modified by the client modules %%% using {\tt GLOBALXV.EXEC} since they will usually contain mixed case %%% strings, possibly even longer than 256 bytes, which can't be handled %%% with GLOBALV or GLOBALVV. %%%{\tt L{\sl{$<$ty$>$}}} is handled using GLOBALV. \SUBsection{Using the Client} The gopher client is invoked by executing GOPHER. If everything is set up properly, the root menu of your default server should appear within a few seconds. Figure \ref{run.cl1} shows a root menu. The beginning of a menu line contains an item marker, {\tt $<$F$>$} indicates a text file and {\tt $<$D$>$} indicates another menu or directory. Table \ref{supported.items} lists all item types that are supported by this client. Please note that other servers might also provide different item types, these are flagged by a marker of the form {\tt $>$}{\sl{x}}{\tt{$<$}}. A list of other know item types is provided in table \ref{supported.items}. % * Fig: Root Index Screen % * Programmable Function Keys % * (1) % * Fig: Programmable Function Keys % * (2) % * Bookmarks % * saving items % * Feedback % * Outlook % * temp files % * Supported Item Types % * Tbl: Supported Item Types \begin{figure} \caption{Root Index of a Gopher Server}\label{run.cl1} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{center} \begin{small} \begin{verbatim} GOPHTMP TMP0 A1 V 122 Trunc=122 Size=20 Line=1 Col=1 Alt=0 ====> <D> WU-Wien Gopher Information Service: Main Menu gopher.wu-wien.ac.at:70 <1> <F> About Internet Gopher (gopher.wu-wien.ac.at:70) <D> Local Info <F> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <D> Gophers around the house (Univ. Economics, Vienna) <D> Gophers around the place (Austrian Universities) <D> Gophers around the world (and other information services) <F> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <D> Early Music List: archives of EARLYM-L@AEARN.bitnet + rec.music.early <D> CERRO: the Central European Regional Research Organization <D> WAFE: Widget Athena Frontend <D> documents <D> services <D> external services <D> pointers (things you might also find elsewhere) <D> life, the NET and everything <D> The Guide! <F> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <D> VieGOPHER: VM/CMS Gopher Version 1= Help 2=(altpfs) 3= GoBack 4= Disp->BMK 5= Curs->BMK 6= BMK 7= PageUP 8= PageDN 9= Save 10= 11= Display 12= Circle \end{verbatim} \end{small} \end{center} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \end{figure} \SUBsubsection{Client: list of temporary files} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Server} % * Modules % * GOPHERDD.EXEC % * Modules from other Sources % Installation % * (1) % * Fig: Instsec in GOPHERDD.EXEC % * (2) % * Files % * GOPHERD.SELECTOR % * GOPHERD.GROUPS % * GOPHERD.INDEX % * Format of an Index File % * Global Variables % * Tbl: Global Variables \subsection{Server Modules} % * GOPHERDD.EXEC % * Modules from other Sources \subsubsection{Multi-Threaded Multi-Protocol Daemon} The file {\tt GOPHERDD.EXEC} resembles the main module of the server. This program will also call the modules {\tt FINGERXX.EXEC} to generate the response for finger queries and {\tt COOKIE.EXEC} to generate short text messages from a cookie base. \subsubsection{Modules from other Sources} For managing TCP connections, the file {\tt REXTCPIP.MODULE} is used, trapping control messages from servicing VMs is implemented using {\tt YWAKEUP.MODULE} or IBM's standard WAKEUP method. TCP/IP must be available to the server, however, access to the TCPIP public disk is not necessary. \subsection{Installation} The files {\tt GOPHERD.EXEC}\footnote{This program is now obsolete; it is still distributed in the package to provide the interested reader with some in-depth information.} as well as {\tt GOPHERDD.EXEC} have an installation section where local parameters should be configured at installation time using ROSE. There are the definitions of the ports where the servers listen and the files that are used by the server modules. Figure \ref{conf.gopherdd} shows an example. \begin{figure} \caption{ROSE Installation section in {\tt GOPHERDD.EXEC}}\label{conf.gopherdd} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{center} \begin{small} \begin{verbatim} /* to be configured at installation time by ROSE: - - - - - - - - - - */ if logfile='' then logfile= #<LOGFILE>#; if selectorfile='' then selectorfile= #<SELECTORFILE>#; if groupfile='' then groupfile= #<GROUPFILE>#; if rootindex='' then rootindex= #<ROOTINDEX>#; if gopherport='' then gopherport= #<GOPHER_PORT>#; if fingerport='' then fingerport= #<FINGER_PORT>#; if cookieport='' then cookieport= #<COOKIE_PORT>#; if sreport='' then sreport= #<SRE_PORT>#; /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end of configuration section */ \end{verbatim} \end{small} \end{center} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \end{figure} \subsubsection{Virtual Machines} The setup used at {\sf awiwuw11.wu-wien.ac.at} is this: the virtual machine {\bf GOPHER} has all the programs on it's minidisk 191, accessed as A. This disk is public to all users. Data files are stored on various disks. The VM also has a link to GOPHERD.191 as I. The VM {\bf GOPHERD} has a link to GOPHER.191 as minidisk B (read-only) and all the necessary data disks of GOPHER and other VMs. The server module GOPHERDD is started from the profile\footnote{A sample profile is shown in section \ref{prof.GOPHERD}.}. GOPHERD can be forced and auto-logged by the VM TCPIP and is currently also forced and auto-logged by the VM VMUTIL four times a day. Allowing TCPIP to control GOPHERD requires an entry in the file PROFILE TCPIP. Figure \ref{PROFILE.TCPIP} on page \pageref{PROFILE.TCPIP} shows an excerpt of that file, listing relevant entries. Please note that GOPHERD is mentioned in the AUTOLOG section once and three times in the PORT section, where the statements for port 17 (Quote) and 79 (Finger) are flagged with NOAUTOLOG. It's not clear if it could cause problems when one virtual machine has more than one autolog-controlled ports and sofar this setup did not reveal any shortcoming. \begin{figure}\label{PROFILE.TCPIP} \caption{Excerpt from PROFILE TCPIP} ...\\ ... \begin{verbatim} AUTOLOG FTPSERVE PASSWD ; FTP Server GOPHERD PASSWD ; Gopher, Finger and Quote Server LPSERVE PASSWD ; LP Server \end{verbatim} ...\\ ... \begin{verbatim} ENDAUTOLOG PORT 17 TCP GOPHERD NOAUTOLOG ; Quote Server 20 TCP FTPSERVE NOAUTOLOG ; FTP Server 21 TCP FTPSERVE ; FTP Server 23 TCP INTCLIEN ; TELNET Server 25 TCP SMTP ; SMTP Server 53 TCP NAMESRV ; Domain Name Server 53 UDP NAMESRV ; Domain Name Server 70 TCP GOPHERD ; Gopher Server 79 TCP GOPHERD NOAUTOLOG ; Finger Server 109 TCP POP2 ; Post Office Protocol Version 2 \end{verbatim} ...\\ ... \end{figure} \subsection{Files} % * GOPHERD.GROUPS % * GOPHERD.DSKGRP % * GOPHERD.SELECTOR % * GOPHERD.EAI % * GOPHERD.INDEX % * Format of an Index File The server processes a number of files to obtain vital information for it's operation. Purpose and format of these files is described in the following sections. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \\t GOPHERD.GROUPS & privileged IP addresses, access groups \\ \hline \tt GOPHERD.DSKGRP & list of public data disks \\ \hline \tt GOPHERD.SELECTOR & known selector strings \\ \hline \tt GOPHERD.EAI & embedded application interface \\ \hline \tt GOPHERD.INDEX & main (or root) index \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsubsection{{\tt GOPHERD.SELECTOR}}\label{selectorfile} This file lists all known selector strings (path names) together with associated access group names, owner authentication codes, and finally the file name. The server checks the requested item in the selector list and sends out the contents of the associated file if the file has no access restrictions. Records have the form...\\ \rule{0mm}{1mm} \begin{center} \fbox{\sl fn.ft.fm ~~~ owner ~~~ group ~~~ selector} \end{center} \rule{0mm}{3mm} \noindent where\\ \rule{0mm}{2mm} \noindent\begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline fn & file name\\ ft & file type\\ & * indicates that the file type is taken from the\\ & selector string. This is used to reduce the number\\ & of entries in the selector file and to have less\\ & administrative overhead when installing new files.\\ fm & file mode\\ owner & a short string identifying the owner of the item\\ & * for the general public\\ group & a group name defined in GOPHERD.GROUPS or\\ & * for the general public group\\ selector & any text string used as selector\\ \hline \end{tabular} \rule{0mm}{5mm} \noindent NOTES: \begin{itemize} \item Don't use characters in the selector string which are difficult to be processed in the command line. \item Group names, owner names as well as selector strings are case sensitive. \item Owner names have currently no real meaning and are ignored \item Note the dotted notation for file names. \item Include the file mode in the filename field. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{{\tt GOPHERD.GROUPS}}\label{groupfile} This file defines the known access group names and lists the privileged IP addresses that are contained in a group. Records have the form...\\ \rule{0mm}{1mm} \begin{center} \fbox{\sl group ({\tt\symbol{32}}addr)+} \end{center} \rule{0mm}{3mm} \noindent Example 1:\\ \rule{0mm}{1mm} \begin{center} %\fbox{\parbox{8cm}{ \begin{verbatim} * File GOPHERD GROUPS * * list of know groups gg 137.208. wu-wien 137.208. edvz 137.208.16. schnurli \end{verbatim} %}} \end{center} \rule{0mm}{5mm} \noindent where $\ldots$\\ \rule{0mm}{1mm} \noindent\begin{tabular}{|lcl|}\hline 137.208. &$\ldots$& is the network address of the Univ. of Economics. \\ 137.208.16. &$\ldots$& is the sub network of the computer center. \\ &$\ldots$& is the author's PC \\ \hline\end{tabular} \rule{0mm}{5mm} \noindent NOTES: \begin{itemize} \item The group {\tt *} is not defined in {\tt GOPHERD.GROUPS}. Files refering to group names will use {\tt *} to indicate that something is available to everyone on the Internet. \item There is a dot ({\tt .}) after subnet addresses and that there is no dot after a completely specified host address. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{{\tt GOPHERD.INDEX}}\label{rootindex} This file is the main index (root index), it is sent out whenever an empty selector string comes in. \subsubsection{Format of an Index File} The server does not distinguish between index files and any other text file, therefore, index files are implicitly just text files that have the directory structure as defined in \cite{gophprot}. Thus, all records in an index file have the form...\\ \rule{0mm}{1mm} \fbox{\sl type display {\tt TAB} selector {\tt TAB} host {\tt TAB} port} \rule{0mm}{3mm} \noindent \begin{tabular}{lcl} type & $\ldots$ & document item type (see table \ref{supported.items} on page \pageref{supported.items} for list) \\ display & $\ldots$ & string displayed in the index \\ selector& $\ldots$ & string sent to server by the client \\ & & to retrieve the document\\ host & $\ldots$ & host address of the server \\ port & $\ldots$ & port number of the server \\ \end{tabular} \rule{0mm}{3mm} \noindent NOTES: \begin{itemize} \item The blanks in the line above are only used for readability, they will not be found in an index file. \item The {\tt TAB} character has hex code {\tt `05'x} in EBCDIC ({\tt 0x09} in ASCII). \item The server sends an index file (like any other file) without any filtering. \end{itemize} \subsection{Global Variables} Global variables are used to define a couple of parameters for the server, they are set and accessed using GLOBALV and are found in the group GOPHER in {\tt LASTING.GLOBALV}. Table \ref{srvglv} on page \pageref{srvglv} lists all relevant global variables for the multi-threaded server daemon. \begin{table} \caption{Global Variables for the Server}\label{srvglv} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline {\tt LOGFILE} & defines the name of the logfile file\\ & (default: {\tt GOPHERD.LOG})\\ \hline {\tt ROOTINDEX} & defines the name of the file with the \\ & main menu (also called root index)\\ & (see section \ref{rootindex} on page \pageref{rootindex}) \\ & (default: {\tt GOPHERD.INDEX})\\ \hline {\tt SELECTORFILE} & defines the name of the selector file\\ & (see section \ref{selectorfile}) on page \pageref{selectorfile}) \\ & (default: {\tt GOPHERD.SELECTOR})\\ \hline {\tt GROUPFILE} & defines the name of the group definition file\\ & (see section \ref{groupfile} on page \pageref{groupfile}) \\ & (default: {\tt GOPHERD.GROUPS})\\ \hline {\tt EAIFILE} & defines the name of the embedded application \\ & handle file (see section \ref{eaifile} \\ & (default: {\tt GOPHERD.EAI}) \\ \hline {\tt DSKGRPFILE} & defines the name of the disk group definition \\ & file (see section \ref{dskgrpfile} \\ & (default: {\tt GOPHERD.DSKGRP}) \\ \hline {\tt GOPHERPORT}& defines the TCP/IP port the daemon listens\\ & to perform GOPHER protocol\footnote{see \cite{gophprot}} connections\\ & (default: port 70) \\ \hline {\tt FINGERPORT}& defines the TCP/IP port the daemon listens\\ & to perform FINGER protocol\footnote{see \cite{rfc1288}} connections\\ & (default: port 79) \\ \hline {\tt COOKIEPORT}& defines the TCP/IP port the daemon listens\\ & to perform Quote-of-the-Day protocol\footnote{see \cite{rfc865}} connections\\ & (default: port 17) \\ \hline {\tt SREPORT} & defines the TCP/IP port the daemon listens\\ & to perform SRE protocol\footnote{no documentation on SRE is currently available} connections\\ & (default: port 150)\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \end{center} \end{table} % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Server Administration Support Programs} % * Index Editor % * User Posting \subsection{Index Editor} The Index Editor provides an interactive tool for modifying index files. The program is, as usual, set up as a XEDIT macro, the function keys are defined in table \ref{EDINDEX} on page \pageref{EDINDEX}. It consists of the following modules: \begin{itemize} \item {\tt EDINDEX.EXEC}: the editor for INDEX files\\ \item {\tt EDINDEX.XEDIT}: screen mask for INDEX files \end{itemize} % ----------- \begin{table} \caption{Programmable Function Keys in {\tt EDINDEX}}\label{EDINDEX} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{center} \noindent\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline Key & Label & Description\\ \hline\hline PF1 & & \\ PF2 & {\tt append} & append a new record and copy data \\ PF3 & {\tt quit} & quit the editor indexer \\ PF4 & {\tt clear} & erase information form current record \\ \hline PF5 & {\tt insert} & insert a new record and copy data \\ PF6 & {\tt delete} & delete a record \\ PF7 & {\tt back} & display previous record \\ PF8 & {\tt next} & display next record \\ \hline PF9 & & \\ PF10 & & \\ PF11 & & \\ PF12 & & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \subsection{User Posting} (This section is not even really started. It will contain information about tools for allowing user posting new items or pointers to them directly with as few human intervention as possible.) % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Spin-Off Programs} % * Remote User Information Protocol: (FINGER) % * FINGERXX.EXEC % * FINGER.EXEC % * COOKIE \subsection{Remote User Information Protocol: (FINGER)} % * FINGERXX.EXEC % * FINGER.EXEC \subsubsection{{\tt FINGERXX.EXEC}} This program prepares the data for a user information query and writes it either to a file or the console. The program is normally either called by {\tt GOPHERDD.EXEC} to process a FINGER query or a {\tt SPEC-FINGER} request from the Gopher server. {\tt FINGERXX.EXEC} is usually not invoked by the user directly. The implementation of the output preparation module tried to fulfill all requirements of RFC1288 \cite{rfc1288} and it can now be said that it is compliant to this standard. \noindent User information has several options and consists of several parts: \begin{enumerate} \item empty query string (\{C\} query)\\ The program returns the list of all logged in virtual machines. RFC1288 specifies that a finger server ``MUST at least provide the full name'' of all online users. The full name of the owner of a virtual machine is looked up in the file {\tt LOCAL.NAMES} using NAMEFIND. \item in-depth status of a specified user (\{U\}\{C\} query)\\ The program tries to return following information components: \begin{enumerate} \item user log-on status:\\ RFC1288 requires: ``An answer MUST include at least the full name of the user.'' The program returns the userid, full name, terminal number and the phone number (local extension), provided that this information can be found in the lookup files. \item a user information file: {\tt FINGERID.}{\sl{userid}}\\ The contents of this file is returned without filtering, it will reside on one of the Gopher service machine's public disks so that the GOPHERDD daemon as well as any user invoking FINGER has read access to the file. \item information from a phone book file: {\tt PHONEBK.NAMES} \end{enumerate} \item phone book lookup: a string containing blanks\\ This query type is interpreted as a full name (which is invalid as a userid under VM/CMS) that has to be looked up in the phone book. Any phone book entry matching the query string will be returned. \item phone number query: {\tt \#}{\sl{number}}\\ This query type is interpreted as a phone number that has to be looked up in the phone book. Any phone book entry matching the query string will be returned. \end{enumerate} Full names are contained in the file {\tt LOCAL.NAMES}, it is looked up using NAMEFIND.\\ \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{The following fields are required to be present}\\ \hline {\tt :nick. } & the userid of the virtual machine\\ {\tt :name. } & the name of the virtual machine's owner\\ \hline \end{tabular} \rule{0mm}{5mm} The phone book is a file named {\tt PHONEBK.NAMES} which is processed using NAMEFIND.\\ \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{The following fields are required to be present}\\ \hline {\tt :nick. } & any unambigous string\\ {\tt :name. } & the user's full name\\ {\tt :cnt. } & contents: list of all other field tags\\ \hline\hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{The following fields are present at my installation}\\ \hline {\tt :phone. } & the user's phone number\\ {\tt :fname. } & the user's first name\\ \hline \end{tabular} \rule{0mm}{5mm} \noindent Notes: \begin{itemize} \item A {\tt /W} token as defined in RFC1288 is ignored and a message indicating the absence of verbose information is appended to the output. \item Finger forwarding is actively refused by returning the message: ``Finger forwarding service is denied'' as defined in RFC1288. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{{\tt FINGER.EXEC}} This program is a spin-off product of the FINGER protocol implementation in GOPHERDD and interfaces {\tt FINGERXX.EXEC} for local and remote user information queries. The program can contact finger servers on remote hosts and display the resulting information on the console. \subsection{Quote-of-the-Day Protocol: (COOKIE or FORTUNE)} The program {\tt COOKIE.EXEC} is called by {\tt GOPHERDD.EXEC} to produce a short text file used as a fortune cookie served by the Quote-of-the-Day protocol \cite{rfc865} server. The program can also be invoked by the user directly and displays the message at the user's console. Two files are used, {\tt FORTUNE.TXT} which holds the fortune texts and {\tt FORTUNE.IDX} which lists the beginning and end record numbers of all messages in the cookie database. Any user invoking COOKIE needs read access to these files, consequently, these files will be held on the Gopher service machine's public disk. \noindent A couple of modifications seem to be appropriate: \begin{itemize} \item different cookie bases with different type of contents might be a nice idea. \end{itemize} \noindent Notes: \begin{itemize} \item The server is RFC865 compliant but listens only on TCP port 17 and not on a corresponding UDP port. \end{itemize} \section{Obsolete Programs} % * GOPHERD.EXEC % * FDNS.EXEC \subsection{Single-Threaded Gopher Server: {\tt GOPHERD.EXEC}} This program was used as a Gopher server module, it has been replaced by the new module {\tt GOPHERDD.EXEC} that is now also able to handle several connections and even different protocols at the same time. % The file is included in the distribution package for historical % reasons only. The file can be obtained from the author on request. \subsection{Domain Name Resolution: {\tt FDNS.EXEC}} This program was used by the client modules to resolve host domain names of remote servers. Luckily, it's now obsolete. See section \ref{bug.fdns} for more details, if you're interested. % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Known and Exterminated Bugs}\label{bugs} % * REXTCPIP.MODULE: TCPopen() timing % * Fig: REXTCPIP.ASSEMBLE Fix 1 % * REXTCPIP.MODULE: TCPclose() hanging % * Fig: REXTCPIP.ASSEMBLE Fix 2 % * REXTCPIP.MODULE: GetIPAddr() name resolution % * Fig: TCPIP.DATA Fix 3 % * viegophr.tex: loop \subsection{{\tt REXTCPIP.MODULE}: {\tt TCPopen()} timing} For some reason, the VM client could not talk to the VM server, if both were on the same machine. This was a problem intrinsic to the original version of REXTCPIP, it is discussed here and a fix is presented in figure \ref{fix4} later on. What happened exactly, when the orginal versions were used: \begin{itemize} \item When the client opens a TCP connection to the server, the server changes its status from {\sl listening} at the port to {\sl receiving}, the connection status is then `{\tt Connected}' (Just as wanted). \item However, the client's TCPOPEN call doesn't return so the client program hangs and the server's connection status is never changing. The single-threaded server could not handle other requests during that time, for the multi-threaded server, however, this wasn't really a problem, just a bit more of overhead. \item If the client is finally killed and the TCB (TCP control block) gets removed by the system (this can be triggerd by calling NETSTAT on the client's VM) the TCP connection on the server side breaks down and the single-threaded server returns to the listen status and behaves normally again, the multi-threaded server simply eliminates that particular connection. \end{itemize} One solution for this problem was to allow the local client to access the servers mini disk(s) directly. Consequently, local connections with direct access to the server's files did not use TCPIP at all. I was a bit lazy implementing all system and special functions of the GOPHERDD-server in the client so some of these will not work. This kind of behaviour was finally identfied as a waiting problem intrinsic to {\tt REXTCPIP.MODULE}. The function {\tt TCPopen()} waits for a {\em change} of the TCPIP machines control flag for the TCP connection. The flag indicates the presence of an established connection. The code assumes that a connection is not established without any noticable delay, but, in fact, the connection is established almost immediately and the control flag does not change anymore. Due to that, this wait call will result in a loop waiting endlessly. Figure \ref{fix4} describes a fix for this problem where the wait macro is skipped for local connections. As of now this worked fine. \begin{figure} \caption{{\tt REXTCPIP.ASSEMBLE} Fix 1}\label{fix1} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{center} \begin{small} \begin{verbatim} * * Wait for the connect notificatione * WOPENTOP EQU * CLC BLSOCKAD,BFSOCKAD Don't wait for local connections BE WOPTNOWT (GG) OI COMMFLAG,WAITFLAG+CONSTFLG Get new wait flag WAIT PSW=WAITPSW,OLDPSW=WOPSW Wait on it * * Got a response ... check it * WOPTNOWT EQU * CLC BCONN,CONNNUM Our connection number? BNE WOPENTOP If not, continue on wait L R3,BVADB Get new state \end{verbatim} \end{small} \end{center} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \end{figure} \subsection{{\tt REXTCPIP.MODULE}: {\tt TCPclose()} hanging} % (Server hangs when connection is not closed propperly by other side) % (fix see figure \ref{fix2}) {\tt REXTCPIP} used to wait for the other side to {\em propperly} close the connection before the program closed the connection and control data structures itself. In some case this caused the server to hang because the client wasn't either able to close the connection or didn't implment the protocol carefully enough. A fix in {\tt REXTCPIP.ASSEMBLE} as shown in figure \ref{fix2} allows the server to close the connection without waiting for the client. \begin{figure} \caption{{\tt REXTCPIP.ASSEMBLE} Fix 2}\label{fix2} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{center} \begin{small} \begin{verbatim} * * Wait for connection change record * TOPCWAIT EQU * OI COMMFLAG,WAITFLAG+CONSTFLG Wait for conn stat update WAIT PSW=WAITPSW,OLDPSW=WOPSW Wait for event * * Return the code given in RETCODE, and get rid of connection record * CLOSERET EQU * * CLI DCONNSTA,CONNCLOS Is the connection closed? * BE FINISHCL If so, then leave * CLI DCONNSTA,NOEXIST Is the connection gone? * BNE TOPCWAIT if so, then leave * Waiting is nice, but it caused more troubles than it is worth (GG) FINISHCL EQU * L R8,NEXTCONR Get next connection record ST R8,0(R10) Remove that link L R2,DLBUFANC Get pointer to rec buffer DMSFRET DWORDS=MAXBYTES/8,LOC=0(R2) Release rec buffer DMSFRET DWORDS=CONRLEND,LOC=0(R9) Drop storage \end{verbatim} \end{small} \end{center} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \end{figure} \subsection{{\tt REXTCPIP.MODULE}: {\tt GetIPAddr()} name resolution} \label{bug.fdns} The function {\tt GetIPAddr()} in {\tt REXTCPIP.MODULE} ands over most of the work to the nameserver and returns whatever he first nameserver comes up with. The NAMESRV virtual machine might not deliver the correct IP-address as expected, sometimes the lookup would simply fail and no IP-address would be returned at all. Apparently, the function {\tt GetIPAddr()} together with NAMESRV are quite `case sensitive' so that the function returns different IP-addresses for various upper/lower case combinations of a given host name. \noindent Examples:\\ \begin{itemize} \item (done second week of March 1992)\\ \begin{tabular}{|lcl|}\hline {\tt ganymed.wu-wien.ac.at } & $\Longrightarrow$ & failed \\ {\tt GANYMED.WU-Wien.AC.AT } & $\Longrightarrow$ & \\ {\tt GANYMED.WU-WIEN.AC.AT } & $\Longrightarrow$ & failed \\ {\tt Ganymed.WU-Wien.AC.AT } & $\Longrightarrow$ & failed \\ {\tt uicvm.uic.edu } & $\Longrightarrow$ & \\ {\tt uicvm.UIC.EDU } & $\Longrightarrow$ & 128.248.???.??? \\ \hline\end{tabular} \item (done third week of March 1992)\\ \begin{tabular}{|lcl|}\hline {\tt ganymed.wu-wien.ac.at } & $\Longrightarrow$ & \\ {\tt GANYMED.WU-Wien.AC.AT } & $\Longrightarrow$ & failed \\ {\tt GANYMED.WU-WIEN.AC.AT } & $\Longrightarrow$ & failed \\ {\tt Ganymed.WU-Wien.AC.AT } & $\Longrightarrow$ & failed \\ {\tt uicvm.uic.edu } & $\Longrightarrow$ & failed \\ {\tt UICVM.UIC.EDU } & $\Longrightarrow$ & \\ \hline\end{tabular} \end{itemize} As you can see from these examples, this situation was unsatisfying and so FDNS was created to provide a quick hack to circumvent {\tt GetIPAddr()}. After several days of discussion\footnote{with Ken Hornstein and Alan Flavel} and testing the following solution was found: removing the entry {\tt NSINTERADDR} from the file {\tt TCPIP.DATA} and providing an entry pointing to a UNIX nameserver, as shown in figure \ref{fix3}, works reliably. Please note also that this problem can't be solved by simply translating the host name either to lower case or to upper case! Maybe it's possible to find even better solutions for this problem, if you do, please drop me a line. In my oppinion, improving {\tt GetIPAddr()} is the most promising path to take. \begin{figure} \caption{{\tt TCPIP.DATA}: defining the name server}\label{fix3} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \begin{center} \begin{small} \begin{verbatim} ; ; NSINTERADDR specifies the internet address of the name server. ; LOOPBACK ( is the default value (your local name server). ; If a name server will not be used, then do not code an NSINTERADDR ; statement (Comment out the NSINTERADDR line below). This will cause ; all names to be resolved via site table lookup. ; ; NSINTERADDR NSINTERADDR NSINTERADDR \end{verbatim} \end{small} \end{center} \rule{0mm}{2mm} \end{figure}