//JOBNAME JOB ACCOUNT,'NAME' //*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //* */ //* Copyright (c) The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., 1993 */ //* */ //* This software is provided on an "AS IS" basis. All warranties, */ //* including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, */ //* are expressly denied. */ //* */ //* Provided this copyright notice is included, this software may */ //* be freely distributed and not offered for sale. */ //* */ //* Changes or modifications may be made and used only by the maker */ //* of same, and not further distributed. Such modifications should */ //* be mailed to the author for consideration for addition to the */ //* software and incorporation in subsequent releases. */ //* */ //*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //* //* GOPHER - MVS Gopher Client and Server //* //* Version: 2 Release: 2 //* //* Author: Steve Bacher //* //* Date: 7 Aug 1993 //* //*------------------------------------------------------------------- //* //* This job creates the distribution libraries (PDS's). //* //* Run this JCL to create the PDS's, after customizing to suit. //* (Obviously, put in a good JOB statement first.) //* To customize the JCL, change the defaults on the //MDLOAD PROC //* statement to your liking, particularly the PREFIX default. //* You might also want to change the final qualifiers of the PDS's //* created - to do this, find the // EXEC MDLOAD statements and //* change the value of the TO parameter. //* //* See the $$README file (of the CNTL PDS, first in this stream) //* for the rest of the installation instructions. //* //MDLOAD PROC CLS='*',BS='6160',U='3380',V='', // TRK1='60',TRK2='10',DIR='35',RLSE='RLSE', // PREFIX='GOPHER.INSTALL.' //* //IEBUPDTE EXEC PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARM=NEW //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=&CLS //SYSUT2 DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),DSN=&PREFIX.&TO, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=&BS), // SPACE=(TRK,(&TRK1,&TRK2,&DIR),&RLSE),UNIT=&U,VOL=SER=&V //* // PEND //* //CNTL EXEC MDLOAD,BS='6160',TRK1='10',TRK2='1',TO='CNTL' //SYSIN DD DATA,DLM='?!' ./ ADD NAME=$$README ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., 1992, 1993 MVS Gopher Server originally by Shawn Hart (Univ. of Delaware). This software is provided on an "AS IS" basis. All warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, are expressly denied. Provided this copyright notice is included, this software may be freely distributed and not offered for sale. Changes or modifications may be made and used only by the maker of same, and not further distributed. Such modifications should be mailed to the author for consideration for addition to the software and incorporation in subsequent releases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MVS Gopher Client Original Author: Steve Bacher MVS Gopher Server Original Author: Shawn Hart Various enhancements and customizations to both the client and the server have been contributed by: Steve Bacher Lou Joseph Denis DeLaRoca Dwight Cook Rachna Agrawal ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents of PDS's belonging to Gopher distribution: Member PDS Type Description $$README CNTL This file $CHANGES CNTL Changes since the last release ACCESS CNTL Sample server access file ALLOAD CNTL JCL to allocate GOPHER load and object libraries COMPILE CNTL JCL to compile C sources for client and server GOPHERD CNTL JCL to run the GOPHER server in batch (No TSO) GOPHERT CNTL JCL to run the GOPHER server in batch (w. TSO) HELP CNTL TSO Help for Gopher client INSTALLC CNTL How to install the GOPHER MVS client INSTALLS CNTL How to install the GOPHER MVS server LINKC CNTL JCL to linkedit object into client load module LINKS CNTL JCL to linkedit object into server load modules MENU CNTL Initial Gopher server menu PARMS CNTL Sample Gopher startup parameters GOPHER CLIST Exec by which users invoke the Gopher client NNMFIUCV CLIST Exec to check for multiple socket applications HOSTNAME CLIST Sample "hostname" command for REXX feature TSOHELP CLIST Sample REXX exec for Gopher TSO HELP menu hole GGM... PANEL ISPF regular panels GG... H C headers for compilation GG... C C source for compilation ABOUT... ABOUT "About This Gopher" text -------------------------------------------------------------------- Where to Go from Here: To install the GOPHER MVS client, read member INSTALLC. To install the GOPHER MVS server, read member INSTALLS. Note: You may install only the client, only the server, or both the client and the server. It is purely up to what your needs are. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Gripes? Please email to... Steve Bacher ./ ADD NAME=$CHANGES Changes: 10 Jul 93 - Version 2 Release 2 Remote FTP Gateway Configurable GOPHERRC: domain and telnet may be specified Object-code-only distribution for those without C compilers Improvements to TSO GOPHER exec for users without XPROC or without C runtime in linklist DD:ddname(member) works now for nested PDS member references, making installing the ABOUT PDS simpler 20 Mar 93 - Version 2 Release 1 Improved browse function Printing support Bookmark support New commands: PRT, INFO, MENU, BOOKMARK Configurable startup parameter file Ability to run multiple servers on same MVS 07 Dec 92 - Customizations to support SNS/TCPAccess 19 Oct 92 - Improvements in initial startup and GOPHERRC customization ./ ADD NAME=ACCESS ! ! Format of entries: ! ! filename (fully qualified, all uppercase, no quotes) ! can be "DD:DDNAME" or "EXEC:EXECNAME" ! ! followed by names of hosts which are authorized to access the data. ! If no host name list is present, all hosts are authorized ! ! You may specify the same file name more than once, if you need ! more lines to put host names on. ! ! Individual PDS members must be specified separately. A PDS without ! a member name establishes access only to the PDS directory. ! ! Note that the default directory MUST be in this table. ! ! Also note that in the case of EXECs, the EXEC must live in the ! library allocated to GGEXEC in the Gopher server JCL. ! ! *** ANY DATA SET REFERENCED BY ANY EXEC IN THAT LIBRARY IS FULLY ! *** ACCESSIBLE TO GOPHER REGARDLESS OF THIS TABLE! USE THIS TABLE ! *** TO GOVERN CONTROL TO THE EXEC ITSELF!!! ! ! below is default directory spec, which MUST be in this table ! DD:GGGOPHER ! ! Use the following for "About This Gopher". ! Free free to specify the name of your MVS client host(s) ! for information pertinent to MVS only. mvs1 and mvs2 are examples. ! DD:GGABOUT DD:GGABOUT(ABOUT) DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTC) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCD) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCF) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCO) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCQ) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCS) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCSC) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCSL) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCSM) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCSR) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCSW) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCSX) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTCX) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTS) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTSA) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTSP) mvs1 mvs2 DD:GGABOUT(ABOUTW) DD:GGABOUT(FAQ) ! ! Here's how to do REXX execs. Note - no arguments, only exec names ! EXEC:CHECKLST client1 client2 mvs EXEC:WAISDIR EXEC:WAISLIST EXEC:WAISSRCH ANY.PUBLIC.SEQ.DS ANY.SEMI.PUBLIC.SEQ.DS goodclient1 goodclient2 ANY.SEMI.PUBLIC.SEQ.DS goodclient3 goodclient4 ! PDS without member name provides access to directory only ! All member names must be explicitly listed to be accessible. ANY.PUBLIC.PDS ANY.PUBLIC.PDS(MEMBER1) ANY.PUBLIC.PDS(MEMBER2) ANY.PUBLIC.PDS(MEMBER3) ANY.PUBLIC.PDS(MEMBER4) ANY.SEMI.PUBLIC.PDS goodclient1 goodclient2 ANY.SEMI.PUBLIC.PDS goodclient3 goodclient4 ANY.SEMI.PUBLIC.PDS(MEMBER1) goodclient1 ANY.SEMI.PUBLIC.PDS(MEMBER2) goodclient2 ANY.SEMI.PUBLIC.PDS(MEMBER3) goodclient3 ANY.SEMI.PUBLIC.PDS(MEMBER4) goodclient4 ./ ADD NAME=ALLOAD //JOBNAME JOB ACCOUNT,'NAME' //* */ //* Copyright (c) The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., 1992 */ //* */ //* This software is provided on an "AS IS" basis. All warranties, */ //* including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, */ //* are expressly denied. */ //* */ //* Provided this copyright notice is included, this software may */ //* be freely distributed and not offered for sale. */ //* */ //* Changes or modifications may be made and used only by the maker */ //* of same, and not further distributed. Such modifications should */ //* be mailed to the author for consideration for addition to the */ //* software and incorporation in subsequent releases. */ //* */ //* //* Allocate GOPHER load and object libraries before install //* //GGALLOC PROC U='3380',V='' //* //IEFBR14 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //ALLOCDD DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),DSN=&LIB, // DCB=(RECFM=&RF,LRECL=&LR,BLKSIZE=&BS), // SPACE=(&BS,(&PRI,&SEC,&DIR)),UNIT=&U,VOL=SER=&V //* // PEND //* //* The ALLOCL step allocates the load library from which the //* executable program will be run. If you intend to place the //* executable into an existing library, you can skip this step. //* Otherwise, the name must match the name used on the LOADLIB //* parameter of the GGLINK procedure in the COMPILE JCL. //* //* If you want separate libraries for the client and the server, //* just duplicate this step and give the LIB's different names. //* //* The ALLOCO step allocates the object library into which the //* source modules will be compiled. This library is required //* for the compile and link steps, but is not required for run //* time execution. However, you may wish to keep the object //* library around in case there are fixes for which you will be //* recompiling individual Gopher source modules. //* //ALLOCL EXEC GGALLOC,PRI=50,SEC=50,DIR=35,RF=U,LR=,BS=6233, // LIB='GOPHER.LOAD' //ALLOCO EXEC GGALLOC,PRI=50,SEC=50,DIR=35,RF=FB,LR=80,BS=2960, // LIB='GOPHER.INSTALL.OBJ' //* ./ ADD NAME=COMPILE //JOBNAME JOB ACCOUNT,'NAME' //* */ //* Copyright (c) The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., 1992 */ //* */ //* This software is provided on an "AS IS" basis. All warranties, */ //* including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, */ //* are expressly denied. */ //* */ //* Provided this copyright notice is included, this software may */ //* be freely distributed and not offered for sale. */ //* */ //* Changes or modifications may be made and used only by the maker */ //* of same, and not further distributed. Such modifications should */ //* be mailed to the author for consideration for addition to the */ //* software and incorporation in subsequent releases. */ //* */ //********************************************************************* //* //* Compile some or all GOPHER C/370 sources to make the SYSLIN input //* to the linkedit of the executable Gopher load module(s). //* //GGCC PROC MEMBER=, // SRCLIB='GOPHER.INSTALL.C', GOPHER C source PDS // HDRLIB='GOPHER.INSTALL.H', GOPHER C headers PDS // OBJLIB='GOPHER.INSTALL.OBJ', GOPHER object library // COMMHDR='TCPIP.COMMMAC', C/370 TCP/IP headers // C370HDR='SYS1.EDCHDRS', C/370 standard headers // SYSMSGS='SYS1.EDCMSGS', C/370 messages file // SYSMSGM='EDCMSGE', C/370 message member // VIOUNIT=VIO, Temporary disk unit // OUTCLAS='*', SYSOUT class // CPARMS='SOURCE EXPMAC NOAGGR NOXREF', Compile parameters // TEST=TEST TEST or NOTEST //* //CCOMP EXEC PGM=EDCCOMP,PARM='MARGINS(1,72) &TEST &CPARMS' //SYSMSGS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&SYSMSGS(&SYSMSGM) //SYSIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&SRCLIB(&MEMBER) //SYSLIN DD DISP=OLD,DSN=&OBJLIB(&MEMBER) //SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&COMMHDR // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&C370HDR //USERLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&HDRLIB //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=&OUTCLAS //SYSCPRT DD SYSOUT=&OUTCLAS //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&&SYSUT1,UNIT=&VIOUNIT,DISP=(NEW,DELETE), // SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200) //SYSUT4 DD DSN=&&SYSUT4,UNIT=&VIOUNIT,DISP=(NEW,DELETE), // SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200) //SYSUT6 DD DSN=&&SYSUT6,UNIT=&VIOUNIT,DISP=(NEW,DELETE), // SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=3200,BLKSIZE=12800) //SYSUT7 DD DSN=&&SYSUT7,UNIT=&VIOUNIT,DISP=(NEW,DELETE), // SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=3200,BLKSIZE=12800) //SYSUT8 DD DSN=&&SYSUT8,UNIT=&VIOUNIT,DISP=(NEW,DELETE), // SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=3200,BLKSIZE=12800) //SYSUT9 DD DSN=&&SYSUT9,UNIT=&VIOUNIT,DISP=(NEW,DELETE), // SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=137,BLKSIZE=882) //SYSUT10 DD SYSOUT=&OUTCLAS //* // PEND //* //GGCLIENT EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGCLIENT //GGMALLOC EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMALLOC //GGMCLRTX EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMCLRTX //GGMCONN EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMCONN //GGMCSO EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMCSO //GGMDBM EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMDBM //GGMDFAIL EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMDFAIL //GGMDIR EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMDIR //GGMDISC EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMDISC //GGMDISPL EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMDISPL //GGMDSOPT EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMDSOPT //GGMDUMP EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMDUMP //GGMESRVR EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMESRVR //GGMFREEM EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMFREEM //GGMFTP EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMFTP //GGMGETDS EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMGETDS //GGMGETM EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMGETM //GGMGOFOR EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMGOFOR //GGMGSRVL EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMGSRVL //GGMIERR EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMIERR //GGMIGET EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMIGET //GGMINFO EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMINFO //GGMISPF EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMISPF //GGMIVGET EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMIVGET //GGMIVPUT EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMIVPUT //GGMMENU EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMMENU //GGMMTFER EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMMTFER //GGMOUTS EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMOUTS //GGMOUTTX EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMOUTTX //GGMPMSG EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMPMSG //GGMPROC EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMPROC //GGMSOCKT EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMSOCKT //GGMSOPT EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMSOPT //GGMTNET EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMTNET //GGMTSO EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMTSO //GGMTYPE EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMTYPE //GGMUNALC EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMUNALC //GGMVIEW EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMVIEW //GGMVTX EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMVTX //GGMWAIS EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMWAIS //GGMWHOIS EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMWHOIS //GGMXTX EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGMXTX //GGSERVER EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGSERVER //GGSTASK EXEC GGCC,MEMBER=GGSTASK //* ./ ADD NAME=GOPHERD //GOPHERD PROC MODULE=GGSERVER, // STEPLIB='GOPHER.LOAD', // EXECLIB='GOPHER.EXEC', // ACCESS='GOPHER.ACCESS', // ABOUT='GOPHER.ABOUT', // MENU='GOPHER.MENU', // PARMS='GOPHER.PARMS', // VIO=SYSVIO, // STDERR='*', // STDOUT='*', // GPARM= //* //********************************************************************* //* * //* GOPHER daemon, by Shawn Hart (U.Del.) and Steve Bacher (D.Lab.) * //* * //* Straight batch (no TSO access) * //* * //********************************************************************* //* //GOPHERD EXEC PGM=&MODULE,PARM='&GPARM' //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&STEPLIB //GGEXEC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&EXECLIB //SYSTSPRT DD UNIT=&VIO,SPACE=(TRK,(100,100)),RECFM=VBA,LRECL=255 //SYSERR DD SYSOUT=&STDERR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=&STDOUT //SYSTSIN DD DUMMY //SYSIN DD DUMMY //GGDEBUG DD SYSOUT=* //GGABOUT DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&ABOUT //GGACCESS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&ACCESS //GGGOPHER DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&MENU //GGPARMS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PARMS ./ ADD NAME=GOPHERT //GOPHERD PROC MODULE=GGSERVER, // STEPLIB='GOPHER.LOAD', // EXECLIB='GOPHER.EXEC', // ACCESS='GOPHER.ACCESS', // ABOUT='GOPHER.ABOUT', // MENU='GOPHER.MENU', // PARMS='GOPHER.PARMS', // VIO=SYSVIO, // STDERR='*', // STDOUT='*', // GPARM= //* //********************************************************************* //* * //* GOPHER daemon, by Shawn Hart (U.Del.) and Steve Bacher (D.Lab.) * //* * //********************************************************************* //* //GOPHERD EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=128,REGION=8M, // PARM='&MODULE &GPARM' //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&STEPLIB //GGEXEC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&EXECLIB //SYSTSPRT DD UNIT=&VIO,SPACE=(TRK,(100,100)),RECFM=VBA,LRECL=255 //SYSERR DD SYSOUT=&STDERR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=&STDOUT //SYSTSIN DD DUMMY //SYSIN DD DUMMY //GGDEBUG DD SYSOUT=* //GGABOUT DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&ABOUT //GGACCESS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&ACCESS //GGGOPHER DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&MENU //GGPARMS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PARMS ./ ADD NAME=HELP )F Function - GOPHER is a distributed document delivery service, or, more generally, a networked information retrieval service. It allows you to access numerous types of data on various hosts in a transparent fashion. GOPHER presents you with a hierarchical display of information sources which are accessed via a client/server communications link. There are GOPHER clients for all common hardware platforms. The MVS version runs as an ISPF dialog application. When you use the GOPHER client, information about your use of GOPHER is stored in a data set called GOPHERRC. If you don't have one, GOPHER will create it for you. You can save Gopher information in bookmark files. See the help for operand BOOKMARK for details. For more information on customizing your GOPHER environment, get into Gopher and select "About This GOPHER". )I GOPHLOC - local GOPHER help goes in member GOPHLOC )X Syntax - %GOPHER LOCAL BOOKMARK(datasetname) SERVER(hostname) PATH(pathname) PORT(portnumber) DESCRIPTION(text) FORCE DEBUG TEST Required: none )O Operands - ))LOCAL Specify LOCAL if you want to enter GOPHER in "serverless" mode - i.e. start up with your private GOPHER menu. Specifying LOCAL accomplishes two things: (1) It sets the server to "-", meaning local access. Therefore, you must also provide a path, either via the PATH operand or via a "localmenu:" spec in your GOPHERRC file. (2) It allows you to use GOPHER even if there are other TCP/IP socket applications active elsewhere in your TSO session. However, it will not allow you to connect to any GOPHER servers, even if you have a local menu item that points to one. For information on how to set up GOPHER menus, get into GOPHER and select "About This Gopher". ))BOOKMARK(datasetname) The name of a data set containing Gopher bookmarks, using normal TSO data set naming conventions. You can create bookmarks in GOPHER by using the "B" selection code next to a menu item, or by using the BOOKMARK command while browsing an entry. GOPHER will append an entry for the selected item to the end of the data set that you specify when asked. To access this bookmark in a Gopher session, you can use the MENU command from any Gopher menu display, or you can start Gopher with a specific bookmark file. ))SERVER(hostname) The host name (or IP address) of a Gopher server. If this is not given, GOPHER looks in your GOPHERRC to find what server to connect to. If it can't find an appropriate specification, you will have to enter a server name on the startup panel. A server name of a single minus sign (-) is a special case, signifying local (serverless) access to your own private GOPHER data. In this case, you must tell GOPHER where your menu is, either via the PATH operand or in the GOPHERRC file. ))PATH(pathname) The path name to be passed to the Gopher server, or used in local access as your initial menu. Although the exact interpretation of the pathname string varies depending on the server, both the MVS server and the local GOPHER access feature interpret the pathname as the FULLY QUALIFIED WITHOUT QUOTES name of an MVS data set containing a gopher menu. For information about the format of a gopher menu, see operand MENU. ))PORT(portnumber) You should never need to specify this field unless someone has set up a special kind of Gopher server that requires a unique port number. In such a case, you would generally use this along with the SERVER operand. ))DESCRIPTION(text) A text string giving the heading to be displayed for the initial directory of Gopher goodies. Normally either the Gopher server or the Gopher client will have a default value for this, or you can specify a description of your liking in your GOPHERRC file. You can also use this to override the description generated when you use the BOOKMARK operand to start up. ))FORCE GOPHER tries to determine if there is a TCP/IP socket application active elsewhere in your TSO environment before starting up, to prevent TCP/IP errors. If it tells you that there is another client active but in truth there is none and you know it, you can use the FORCE keyword to make GOPHER proceed whether it finds this to be the case or not. Using the LOCAL operand is one way to avoid this entire scenario. However, that won't allow you to access any Gopher servers on the network. ))DEBUG Set debugging mode on. You must preallocate a file to ddname GGDEBUG for this to work. This can be allocated to the terminal or a log file. When debug mode is on, messages describing memory allocation and deallocation and GOPHER queries sent are dumped to the debug file. ))TEST Activate C/370 interactive test (INSPECT). GOPHER must have been compiled with the TEST option for this to be effective. Note that you can also issue the TEST command inside GOPHER to get to INSPECT, again provided that GOPHER was compiled with the TEST option. ./ ADD NAME=INSTALLC Directions for Installing the GOPHER MVS Client Assuming the PDS's have been created: 1. Customize the ALLOAD, COMPILE and LINKC JCL members to reflect your local conventions. Note: If you intend to place the executable into an existing library, you can suppress that part of the ALLOAD JCL. The name of the data set created must match across both members. 2. Customize the GGUSER header file as shown by the comments therein. Note in particular the defines for your TCP/IP and your C compiler. There are changes to the linkedit JCL that are related to these. 3. If you are running ISPF Version 2 or earlier, edit the GOPHER panels whose names begin "GGMP...". These are popups, and will not work under ISPF Version 2 unless you change the )BODY line. Remove the WINDOW(...) parameter from the )BODY line of each panel so that the line just says )BODY or )BODY EXPAND(``), as the case may be. 4. Customize the GOPHER exec to define the names of the MVS libraries to contain the panel and load library members. The load library must be the one specified in the ALLOAD JCL, if you are creating it anew. Observe the comments relating to the use of LIBDEF and ISPF APPLIDs. It is in the GOPHER exec that you will also customize the name of the default Gopher server. Note that the user's GOPHERRC file gets built from the contents of this exec. You may configure the GOPHER exec to use XPROC to parse the operands given to it by the TSO user. If you don't have XPROC, you should get it, because the user can take advantage of all the power of TSO CLIST style parsing if you do. The GOPHER exec contains some code that emulates full TSO parsing, but it isn't as robust or flexible as true XPROC parsing. You can get XPROC via USC's "MVS network server" code distribution service. For more information about this, send an email message to SERVICE@MVSA.USC.EDU - or SERVICE@USCMVSA, which will normally give better results if you have a BITNET (NJE) return address. Note that if you install one of the REXX execs, you must also install the NNMFIUCV exec in the same library. This exec implements a rude check for an existing TCP/IP socket application (e.g. another GOPHER) in a different PIE MultiTSO session. It prevents your users from crashing TCP/IP, so it is highly recommended that you make use of it. If the C/370 runtime library is not in the link list or otherwise available to ISPF at execution time, you may arrange for it to be allocated via LIBDEF in the GOPHER exec by setting "crunlibs". Now, to install: 5. Submit the ALLOAD JCL to allocate the load library from which the executable program will be run, as well as the object library in which the compiled object modules will be stored. 6. Submit the COMPILE JCL to compile all the C sources and create the required object modules in the object library built in the above step. Note that this compiles all the modules for both the client and the server. If you are installing both, you need not repeat this step. 7. Submit the LINKC JCL to create the executable Gopher load module from the object modules created in the above step. This will create or replace the load module GGCLIENT. Note: The linkedit must complete with a return code of zero. If not, don't use the resultant load module. Check the libraries you specified on the link step to see what went wrong. In the future, if you have to recompile individual modules, you can use the same JCL to compile only those modules, and the link will include the new modules in the existing executable load module. To do this, you must retain the object library built above. ********************************************************************* IMPORTANT: If you are running TCP/IP V2R2 or higher on MVS, you must change the following library names in the compile and link JCL: TCPIP.COMMMAC should be changed to TCPIP.SEZACMAC TCPIP.COMMTXT should be changed to TCPIP.SEZACMTX If you are using SNS/TCPAccess, use these library names, or whatever names are defined at your installation: TCPIP.COMMMAC should be changed to SNSTCP.V110.H TCPIP.COMMTXT should be changed to SNSTCP.V110.CILIB If you are using SAS/C, change CEESTART to MAIN in the linkedit ENTRY control statement. ********************************************************************* Note: If you have defined C370V1 in the GGUSER header file, you must also include the system linklist load library or libraries containing ISPLINK, ISPEXEC and IKJEFF18 when linking. Otherwise you may delete the lines from the linkedit JCL that reference them. Note: You need not include the PASCAL libraries or the AMPZMVSB module if you are using TCP/IP Version 2 or higher, in which case you must also define TCPIPV2 in the GGUSER headerfile. 8. Copy all the members of the panel PDS into the ISPF panel library specified in the GOPHER exec. 9. Copy the help member (HELP) from the CNTL PDS into your local TSO HELP library under the name GOPHER. You may also create an additional HELP member called GOPHLOC containing information local to your site, if you wish. 10. Create the "About This Gopher" PDS from the ABOUT PDS. This has all the text users should see when they select the "About This Gopher" item from the MVS client. It also contains all the documentation you need about setting up the client and the server, as well as creating menus and REXX execs for use with MVS Gopher. You may have already done this as part of the server install, but it should also be available from the client in "local" (serverless) mode, so that is why I mention it here. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Make sure that the C/370 run time library is available, either in the system link list or in the ISPLLIB concatenation, before attempting to run GOPHER. See above under customization of the GOPHER exec. ./ ADD NAME=INSTALLS Directions for Installing the GOPHER MVS Server Assuming the PDS's have been created: 1. Customize the ALLOAD, COMPILE and LINKS JCL members to reflect your local conventions. Note: If you intend to place the executable into an existing library, you can suppress that part of the ALLOAD JCL. The name of the data set created must match across both members. 2. Customize the GGUSER header file as shown by the comments therein. Note in particular the defines for your TCP/IP and your C compiler. There are changes to the linkedit JCL that are related to these. Now, to install: 3. Submit the ALLOAD JCL to allocate the load library from which the executable program will be run, as well as the object library in which the compiled object modules will be stored. 6. Submit the COMPILE JCL to compile all the C sources and create the required object modules in the object library built in the above step. Note that this compiles all the modules for both the client and the server. If you are installing both, you need not repeat this step. 5. Submit the LINKS JCL to create the executable Gopher load modules from the object modules created in the above step. This will create or replace the load modules GGSERVER and GGSTASK. Note: The linkedit must complete with a return code of zero. If not, don't use the resultant load module. Check the libraries you specified on the link step to see what went wrong. In the future, if you have to recompile individual modules, you can use the same JCL to compile only those modules, and the link will include the new modules in the existing executable load module. To do this, you must retain the object library built above. ********************************************************************* IMPORTANT: If you are running TCP/IP V2R2 or higher on MVS, you must change the following library names in the compile and link JCL: TCPIP.COMMMAC should be changed to TCPIP.SEZACMAC TCPIP.COMMTXT should be changed to TCPIP.SEZACMTX If you are using SNS/TCPAccess, use these library names, or whatever names are defined at your installation: TCPIP.COMMMAC should be changed to SNSTCP.V110.H TCPIP.COMMTXT should be changed to SNSTCP.V110.CILIB If you are using SAS/C, change CEESTART to MAIN in the linkedit ENTRY control statement. ********************************************************************* Note: If you have defined C370V1 in the GGUSER header file, you must also include the system linklist load library containing IKJEFF18 when linking. Otherwise you may delete the line from the linkedit JCL that references it. Note: You need not include the PASCAL libraries or the AMPZMVSB module if you are using TCP/IP Version 2 or higher, in which case you must also define TCPIPV2 in the GGUSER headerfile. 6. Create the "About This Gopher" PDS from the ABOUT PDS. This has all the text users should see when they select the "About This Gopher" item from the MVS client. It also contains all the documentation you need about setting up the client and the server, as well as creating menus and REXX execs for use with MVS Gopher. You may have already done this as part of the client install. Note that member MENU contains the line PATH=DD:GGABOUT(ABOUT). This works now (it didn't use to), so there is no need to change it as long as you have the GGABOUT DD statement in your server JCL pointing to your ABOUT PDS (see below). 7. Create your Gopher access file. See the instructions in the "About This Gopher" PDS, member ABOUTSA, for a description of the format. A sample member is in member ACCESS of this CNTL PDS. 8. Create your Gopher startup parameter file. This is not required, but may be used to change compiled-in defaults. See the PARMS member for a default. 9. Allocate a PDS to hold Gopher REXX execs. This is not required. See the TSOHELP exec in the clist library of the distribution for a sample application. 10. Create the MVS Gopher started task JCL from either of the samples given in GOPHERD and GOPHERT. The GOPHERT is recommended so that you can use REXX execs that issue TSO commands, but you may not want to use this for security reasons. Either way, customize liberally. Started task parameters: MODULE=GGSERVER the Gopher server load module in STEPLIB STEPLIB='GOPHER.LOAD' the load library containing the above EXECLIB='GOPHER.EXEC' the PDS containing server REXX execs ACCESS='GOPHER.ACCESS' the installation access file (sequential) ABOUT='GOPHER.ABOUT' the PDS containing "About This Gopher" info MENU='GOPHER.MENU' the initial gopher menu (sequential) PARMS='GOPHER.PARMS' the server startup file (sequential) GPARM= the server EXEC parms (e.g. -d for debug) Note: if you specify GPARM='-D', a GGDEBUG DD must be included. You are strongly recommended to create 2 started tasks: one for non-REXX requests with MTFTASKS set to 8, and one for REXX requests with MTFTASKS set to 1 (because of TSO/E multitasking bugs). Give each a different port number in the GGPARMS configuration file allocated to it. See sample below. 11. Add the name of the Gopher server started task (the name as it appears in SYS1.PROCLIB, not necessarily "GOPHER") to the MVS TCPIP profile data set (or have your MVS TCP/IP system programmer do it). In the examples below, let's say you've called it GOPHSRV. Add this in 2 places: (a) under AUTOLOG, so that TCP/IP will start the Gopher server automatically (a la inetd for unix) when a client connects. Just add the name to the list (e.g. GOPHSRV). (b) under PORT, so nobody can spoof the Gopher port. The format here is: 70 TCP GOPHSRV Repeat both for whatever number of Gopher server started tasks you create (with different port numbers). -------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Make sure that the C/370 run time library is available, either in the system link list or in the STEPLIB concatenation, before attempting to run GOPHER. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Following is an example of how to define two Gopher servers. 'SYS1.PROCLIB(GOPHSRV)' - the primary gopher server (port 70) will not run any REXX execs //GOPHERD PROC MODULE=GGSERVER, // STEPLIB='GOPHER.LOAD', // ACCESS='GOPHER.ACCESS(ACCESS)', // PARMS='GOPHER.ACCESS(PARMS)', // MENU='GOPHER.ACCESS(MENU)', // STDERR='*', // STDOUT='*', // GPARM= //* //GOPHERD EXEC PGM=&MODULE,PARM='&GPARM' //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&STEPLIB //SYSERR DD SYSOUT=&STDERR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=&STDOUT //SYSIN DD DUMMY //GGDEBUG DD SYSOUT=* //GGACCESS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&ACCESS //GGPARMS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PARMS //GGGOPHER DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&MENU 'SYS1.PROCLIB(GOPHSRV2)' - the secondary gopher server (port 1570) will run REXX execs //GOPHERD2 PROC MODULE=GGSERVER, // STEPLIB='GOPHER.LOAD', // EXECLIB='GOPHER.EXEC', // ACCESS='GOPHER.ACCESS(ACCESS2)', // PARMS='GOPHER.ACCESS(PARMS2)', // MENU='GOPHER.ACCESS(MENU2)', // VIO=VIO, // STDERR='*', // STDOUT='*', // GPARM= //* //GOPHERD2 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=128, PARM='&MODULE &GPARM' //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&STEPLIB //SYSEXEC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&EXECLIB /* needed for %-invoked execs */ //GGEXEC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&EXECLIB //SYSTSPRT DD UNIT=&VIO,SPACE=(TRK,(100,100)),RECFM=VBA,LRECL=255 //SYSERR DD SYSOUT=&STDERR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=&STDOUT //SYSTSIN DD DUMMY //SYSIN DD DUMMY //GGDEBUG DD SYSOUT=* //GGACCESS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&ACCESS //GGPARMS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PARMS //GGGOPHER DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&MENU 'GOPHER.ACCESS(PARMS)' - startup parameters used by the primary server mtftasks 8 (this is the default) port 70 (this is the default too) 'GOPHER.ACCESS(PARMS2)'- startup parameters used by the secondary server mtftasks 1 Force single threading to prevent TSO burpages port 1570 Must be different from primary server's port ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I have not included members ACCESS, ACCESS2, MENU and MENU2, but you will find samples elsewhere in this distribution. ACCESS and ACCESS2 can be the same, except that you don't need the REXX execs to be in ACCESS since ACCESS can't run REXX execs. MENU and MENU2 should be the same, since you may want to configure various Gopher clients on other machines to try both MVS servers, but it's up to you. ./ ADD NAME=LINKC //JOBNAME JOB ACCOUNT,'NAME' //* */ //* Copyright (c) The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., 1992 */ //* */ //* This software is provided on an "AS IS" basis. All warranties, */ //* including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, */ //* are expressly denied. */ //* */ //* Provided this copyright notice is included, this software may */ //* be freely distributed and not offered for sale. */ //* */ //* Changes or modifications may be made and used only by the maker */ //* of same, and not further distributed. Such modifications should */ //* be mailed to the author for consideration for addition to the */ //* software and incorporation in subsequent releases. */ //* */ //********************************************************************* //* //* Linkedit an executable Gopher load module. //* //GGLINK PROC LOADLIB='GOPHER.LOAD', Executable load library // OBJLIB='GOPHER.INSTALL.OBJ', Input object PDS // PLIBASE='SYS1.PLIBASE', PL/1 link library // EDCBASE='SYS1.SEDCBASE', C/370 link library // IBMBASE='SYS1.SIBMBASE', PL/1+C common library // COMMTXT='TCPIP.COMMTXT', TCP/IP link library // VIOUNIT=VIO, Temporary disk unit // OUTCLAS='*', SYSOUT class // LPARMS='LIST,LET,MAP', Linkedit parameters // TEST=TEST TEST or NOTEST //* //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='AMODE(31),&TEST,&LPARMS' //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=&OUTCLAS //SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PLIBASE // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&EDCBASE // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&IBMBASE // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&COMMTXT //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&LOADLIB //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&&SYSUT1,UNIT=&VIOUNIT,DISP=(NEW,DELETE), // SPACE=(32000,(30,30)) //* // PEND //* //* //* Link GOPHER load module. Like SMP/E, expect return code 8 when //* doing this from scratch. Additional one-or-two-module links //* will just replace the corresponding parts of the load module. //* //GGLINK EXEC GGLINK //LKED.SYSLIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGCLIENT) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMALLOC) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMCLRTX) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMCONN) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMCSO) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMDBM) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMDFAIL) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMDIR) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMDISC) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMDISPL) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMDSOPT) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMDUMP) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMESRVR) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMFREEM) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMFTP) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMGETDS) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMGETM) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMGOFOR) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMGSRVL) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMIERR) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMIGET) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMINFO) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMISPF) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMIVGET) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMIVPUT) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMMENU) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMMTFER) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMOUTS) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMOUTTX) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMPMSG) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMPROC) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMSOCKT) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMSOPT) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMTNET) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMTSO) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMTYPE) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMUNALC) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMVIEW) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMVTX) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMWAIS) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMWHOIS) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMXTX) // DD * ENTRY CEESTART NAME GGCLIENT(R) /* ./ ADD NAME=LINKS //JOBNAME JOB ACCOUNT,'NAME' //* */ //* Copyright (c) The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., 1992 */ //* */ //* This software is provided on an "AS IS" basis. All warranties, */ //* including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, */ //* are expressly denied. */ //* */ //* Provided this copyright notice is included, this software may */ //* be freely distributed and not offered for sale. */ //* */ //* Changes or modifications may be made and used only by the maker */ //* of same, and not further distributed. Such modifications should */ //* be mailed to the author for consideration for addition to the */ //* software and incorporation in subsequent releases. */ //* */ //********************************************************************* //* //* Linkedit an executable Gopher load module. //* //GGLINK PROC LOADLIB='GOPHER.LOAD', Executable load library // OBJLIB='GOPHER.INSTALL.OBJ', Input object PDS // PLIBASE='SYS1.PLIBASE', PL/1 link library // EDCBASE='SYS1.SEDCBASE', C/370 link library // IBMBASE='SYS1.SIBMBASE', PL/1+C common library // COMMTXT='TCPIP.COMMTXT', TCP/IP link library // VIOUNIT=VIO, Temporary disk unit // OUTCLAS='*', SYSOUT class // LPARMS='LIST,LET,MAP', Linkedit parameters // TEST=TEST TEST or NOTEST //* //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='AMODE(31),&TEST,&LPARMS' //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=&OUTCLAS //SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PLIBASE // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&EDCBASE // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&IBMBASE // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&COMMTXT //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&LOADLIB //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&&SYSUT1,UNIT=&VIOUNIT,DISP=(NEW,DELETE), // SPACE=(32000,(30,30)) //* // PEND //* //* Link GOPHER server subtask module. //* //GGLINK EXEC GGLINK //LKED.SYSLIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGSTASK) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMALLOC) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMDFAIL) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMDUMP) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMFTP) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMGSRVL) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMIERR) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMISPF) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMIVPUT) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMOUTS) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMPMSG) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMPROC) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMSOCKT) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMTSO) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMUNALC) // DD * INCLUDE SYSLIB(IUCVFORC) INCLUDE SYSLIB(EDCMTFS) ENTRY CEESTART NAME GGSTASK(R) /* //* //* Link GOPHER server main module. //* //GGLINKS EXEC GGLINK //LKED.SYSLIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGMMTFER) // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJLIB(GGSERVER) // DD * ENTRY CEESTART NAME GGSERVER(R) /* ./ ADD NAME=MENU gopher_menu TYPE=FILE NAME=About This Gopher PATH=DD:GGABOUT(ABOUT) HOST=+ END TYPE=FILE NAME=TSO HELP (Sample Illustrating the REXX Interface) PATH=EXEC:TSOHELP HOST=+ END TYPE=DIRECTORY NAME=Library/Information Services PATH=SYS0008.GOPHER.LIBRARY(LIBRS) HOST=MVS.UDEL.EDU END TYPE=TELNET NAME=UDINFO - University of Delaware Information HOST=UDINFO.UDEL.EDU END TYPE=DIRECTORY NAME=Network and System Services Computer Systems PATH=SYS0008.GOPHER.DIR(UDTELNET) HOST=MVS.UDEL.EDU END TYPE=DIRECTORY NAME=Weather Across the Country PATH=1/Weather HOST=mermaid.micro.umn.edu PORT=150 END TYPE=DIRECTORY NAME=Other Gopher and Information Servers PATH=1/Other Gopher and Information Servers HOST=gopher.micro.umn.edu END TYPE=DIRECTORY NAME=How to use BITNET LISTSERV Servers PATH=SYS0008.GOPHER.DIR(LISTSERV) HOST=MVS.UDEL.EDU END TYPE=DIRECTORY NAME=University of Delaware Newspapers PATH=SYS0008.GOPHER.DIR(PAPERS) HOST=MVS.UDEL.EDU END /* ./ ADD NAME=PARMS ! ! MVS Gopher Sample Startup Parameter File ! ! All entries in this file have the format: variable value comments ! ! These are the possible values and their default settings: ! ! mtftasks 1 Number of concurrent subtasks to handle client requests ! port 70 The TCP port number by which clients connect ! qlength 20 Queue length for TCP server listen function ! timeout 60 Connection timeout specified when socket is closed ! domain .DRAPER.COM The suffix to be appende to bald host names mtftasks 1 Number of concurrent subtasks to handle client requests port 70 The TCP port number by which clients connect qlength 20 Queue length for TCP subtask creation timeout 60 Connection timeout specified when socket is closed ./ ENDUP ?! //ABOUT EXEC MDLOAD,BS='6160',TRK1='5',TRK2='1',TO='ABOUT' //SYSIN DD DATA,DLM='?!' ./ ADD NAME=ABOUT gopher_menu TYPE=FILE NAME=What Is Gopher? PATH=(ABOUTW) HOST=+ END TYPE=FILE NAME=Gopher FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) List PATH=(FAQ) HOST=+ END TYPE=DIRECTORY NAME=Using The Gopher MVS Client PATH=(ABOUTC) HOST=+ END TYPE=DIRECTORY NAME=Administering the Gopher MVS Server PATH=(ABOUTS) HOST=+ END ./ ADD NAME=ABOUTC gopher_menu TYPE=FILE NAME=Overview - Using Gopher on MVS PATH=(ABOUTCO) HOST=+ END TYPE=FILE NAME=Directory Mode - Viewing a Gopher Directory PATH=(ABOUTCD) HOST=+ END TYPE=FILE NAME=File Mode - Browsing a Gopher File PATH=(ABOUTCF) HOST=+ END TYPE=FILE NAME=Index Mode - Executing a Gopher Query PATH=(ABOUTCQ) HOST=+ END TYPE=DIRECTORY NAME=Customizing Your Gopher Startup PATH=(ABOUTCS) HOST=+ END ./ ADD NAME=ABOUTCD Directory Mode - Viewing a Gopher Directory When you are viewing a Gopher directory, you may perform any of the following actions: * Scroll up and down via the normal ISPF UP and DOWN commands or PFK's * Type one of the following letters to the left of a menu item: S - Select the item for viewing or processing E - Extract the contents of the item to a file P - Print the contents of the item to a system printer B - Save the entry as a bookmark (in a bookmark file) D - Delete this entry from the bookmark file *** not yet supported ** Q - Display the item as a file, even if it isn't ("Query") I - Display the internal Information of the menu item * Enter one of the following commands on the command line: MENU - load a data set containing Gopher menu entries (e.g. bookmark) OPTions - set client processing options QUIT - exit Gopher entirely or any standard ISPF command. Note: Currently, in order to use the E or P selection code, you must choose the item via S or Q first. When you select an item, what happens next depends on the type of the item you have selected. For a File type, you are placed in browse mode on the data. For a Directory type, you get another Gopher directory. For an Index type, you see a panel asking you to enter a search string of some kind, after which a Gopher directory of results appears. For a TELNET type, a telnet session is started, for which you must enter a login name at the appropriate time. For a TN3270 type, a tn3270 session is started, for which you must enter a login name at the appropriate time. For a CSO type, you are placed in a phonebook lookup session. ./ ADD NAME=ABOUTCF Browse Mode - Viewing a File in Gopher When you are viewing a Gopher file, you are placed in "browse mode". This is very similar to normal ISPF data set browse, except that: * In addition to most browse commands, you may issue any of the following commands: EXT or EXTRACT - copy the current contents to a file PRT or PRNT - print the current data to SYSOUT. BOOK or BOOKMARK - Save the entry as a bookmark (in a bookmark file). INFO - Display the internal Information for this item OPTions - Set Gopher client processing options QUIT - terminates Gopher entirely. Note that PRT is different from PRINT, which is a built-in ISPF command that prints the current physical screen image. * The following ISPF browse commands are the only ones that are ***not*** supported under GOPHER: HEX BROWSE SUBMIT LOCATE .label . (to assign a label) FIND P'generic-string' DISPLAY CC/NOCC ./ ADD NAME=ABOUTCO The following is modified from Allan Tuchman's XGOPHER help. Gopher on MVS is an ISPF dialog interface to the Gopher information delivery system from the University of Minnesota. The initial panel asks you to specify the name of the Gopher server host. Normally you leave the other input fields alone. You may also specify a hostname of "-", which means that you want to use your own private Gopher data without going through a server. When you do this, you must provide the path name to your private top-level menu (data set name, FULLY QUALIFIED, WITHOUT QUOTES). Assuming that the top-level path points to a valid Gopher menu, the initial display will show the top level directory of gopher information available. Selecting an item from this list will fetch the contents of a file, subdirectory, or other information. The directory display may be updated to show the new subdirectory. To select an item, type "S" in front of it and press ENTER. This puts you into ISPF BROWSE mode on the text of the item. You may also type "Q" in front of an item to see it in text format even if it is a directory. If you have retrieved an item, you may type "E" in front of it to extract it into a file - but you may do this more easily via the EXTract command from within BROWSE. Type "I" in front of the item to view the internal menu information. This is sometimes helpful if you are not sure why you are having trouble accessing an item. Type "B" in front of the item to save it in a bookmark file. You will be prompted to supply the name of a bookmark data set; the default is GOPHER.BOOKMARK under your TSO prefix. You may retrieve bookmarks at a later date by typing "MENU GOPHER.BOOKMARK" - or whatever data set name you used - or you can put a pointer to the bookmark data set in your private Gopher menu (for which you need to learn how to hack your GOPHERRC file). Some gopher file types are not supported by the current client. These will not appear on your menus. Furthermore, you may not be permitted to access some items, depending upon the server and the host from which you are trying to access them. These restrictions do not apply to local mode, where y