.TH TOMAC L "October 22, 1992" .UC .SH NAME tomac \- Transmit files to the Mac .SH SYNOPSIS .B tomac [ .B \- options ] [ files ] .br .SH DESCRIPTION .I tomac takes the files specified in .I tomac and transmits them to the Mac subject to the .I options specified. If .I files also specifies directories they are followed recursively, and all files found will be transmitted. If no .I files parameter is specified, binhex reads a MacBinary stream from standard input and transmits the files found; folder information is lost. .SH OPTIONS In the absence of any options, .I tomac takes the specified files and transmits them to to the Mac using the XMODEM protocol. Directories named in .I files are followed recursively, all files found will be transmitted. Files are assumed to be in MacBinary format. However, if the filename ends with .info the file is assumed to be the info fork of a MacIntosh file split amongst more than one file. In that case the files with .data and .rsrc extensions are also read (if present). Also, if the info fork is mentioned in the parameter list, the names of data and resource forks can also be mentioned, but those will be ignored (this is to allow wild-card expansion by the shell.) Further, if some form of AppleShare is supported by the installed program, and if the current directory, or one of the directories found during recursive processing, is a directory in the format of the supported version of AppleShare, those files will be handled according to the properties of AppleShare. .TP .B \-r No intelligent file-processing is performed; all files named are assumed to be plain resource files, and are transmitted as if they were MacIntosh resource files with creator "RSED" and type "RSRC", unless another creator and/or type are specified. .TP .B \-d No intelligent file-processing is performed; all files named are assumed to be plain data files, and are transmitted as if they were MacIntosh data files with creator "MACA" and type "TEXT", unless another creator and/or type are specified. .TP .B \-u As -d, but the codes for CR and LF are interchanged. .TP .B \-U Is a synonym for -u. .TP .B \-c creator Defines the creator name to be used if one of the previous options is specified. .TP .B \-t type Defines the type name to be used if one of the previous options is specified. .TP .B \-l List every file and directory processed. .TP .B \-i Do not transmit files, give information only (implies -l.) .TP .B \-q Ask the user for every file/directory whether it should be visited (implies -l.) .TP .B \-x Use the XMODEM protocol for transmission. .TP .B \-y Use the YMODEM protocol for transmission (not yet supported.) .TP .B \-z Use the ZMODEM protocol for transmission (not yet supported.) .TP .B \-o Use the pre-beta version of XMODEM. .TP .B \-T Allow for time-out detection during the protocol. Normally you will not need this option because on occasion, when network delays do occur, time-out detection interferes with a good transmission. Also, when for some reason the connection is broken the program will normally receive a hang-up signal and terminate. However, in some situations it might be necessary to early detect time-outs (because of communication loss or whatever, without loss of connection). You should check whether use of this option has profits in your situation or not. .TP .B \-V Gives the patchlevel of the program, and other information. Other options are ignored and the program quits immediately. .TP .B \-H Give short information about the options. Other options are ignored and the program quits immediately. .SH BUGS As this is a beta release, there may still be some problems. .SH SEE ALSO macutil(1) .SH AUTHOR Dik T. Winter, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (dik@cwi.nl) .sp 1 Parts of the code are based on codes from: Dave Johnson.