.TH UUE/UUD L .CX .SH NAME uue, uud \- encode/decode a binary file for transmission via mail .SH SYNOPSIS .B uue [ .BI - n ] .I file .br .BR "uud " [ " -d " ] .I file .SH DESCRIPTION .I uue and .I uud are used to send a binary file via network mail. They are intended to replace the uuencode and uudecode programmes commonly used for this task. The encoding scheme used is compatible, but extended to provide a more reliable transfer. Note that while uud will handle uuencoded files, and uudecode can cope with uue coding, the extra reliability is only obtained by using both uue and uud. .PP .BI "uue " file takes the named source file and produces an encoded version in a file named .IB name .uue\fR, where .I name is the base name of the input file, truncated to eight characters. .PP .BI "uue -" "n file" produces a set of files, each .I n lines long, called \fIname\fB.uua\fR, \fIname\fB.uub\fR, ... \fIname\fB.uzz\fR. This allows files to be split for sending through mailers which impose upper limits on the size of a message, and allows sending small parts of files over error prone lines. (The command .BI "uue -1500 " file produces sections of about 95k bytes each - a good size to use when your mailer rejects messages over 100k, the default limit on a number of systems using sendmail). .PP .B NB. The multiple files produced by this option are not understood by uudecode, so the option should not be used if you want to maintain full compatability. .PP .BI "uud " file reads an encoded file, strips off any leading and trailing lines added by mailers, and recreates the original file with the specified mode and name. If the original file was split into parts by uue, the parts may all be placed in .I file in the correct order, together with any mail headers/trailers, and uud will find all the parts in the file. Alternatively, if the messages are extracted from the mail system into files of the same names that uue created, uud will find them all and re-create the original file. .PP The encoding uses only printing ASCII characters, and includes the mode and original name of the file for recreation on the remote system. .PP .SH SEE ALSO atob(n), compress(L), uncompress(L), uuencode(5)