dtk: A Document Class and Style for ``Die TeXnische Komoedie'' written by Gerd Neugebauer gene@gerd-neugebauer.de dtk is a document class and style file which has been written to be used for the communications of the German speaking TeX users group Dante e.V.: ``Die TeXnische Komoedie''. For changes from the previous versions see the end of this file. The distribution consists of the following files (if one is missing then complain at the distributor of your version): dtk.dtx This is the main distribution file. It contains the class and style file. LaTeXing this file produces the English documentation. dtk.ins This is the driver file for the extraction procedure. You need the doc utility to unpack it. dtk.bst This is the BibTeX style file to be used for ``Die TeXnische Komoedie''. Makefile For those who are willing to take the risk:-) ReadMe This file. beipiel.tex A short description example for dtk (in German). beispiel.ltx The driver file for beispiel.tex. Run this file through LaTeX to get the dvi file. beispiel.bib The bibliography for beispiel.tex. INSTALLATION ------------ (0) If you have obtained the unpacked distribution, i.e. you already have cls and clo files, then continue with step (2). (1) Run TeX or LaTeX on dtk.ins. This should produce the files dtk.cls, dtk.sty, dtklogos.sty, dtk.ist, and some dtk*.clo files. This might fail due to several reasons. In this case revert to the unpacked files which are also distributed at the same place where you got the sources from. (2) Move dtk.cls and the dtk*.clo files to a place where LaTeX searches for class files. Move dtk.sty to a place where LaTeX searches for style files. The suggested place for the LaTeX files in a TDS conform installation is the directory TEXMF/tex/latex/supported/dtk where TEXMF is the root of the TDS installation tree. (3) Run LaTeX on dtk.dtx to produce the documentation. LaTeX2e is required for this step. Usually the documentation contains a general part describing the use of the class/style and the description of the implementation details. If you want to omit the implementation description you can create the file dtk.dcf before compiling the documentation. This file should contain the following lines: \OnlyDescription \endinput (4) Run LaTeX, BibTeX, and LaTeX twice again on beispiel.ltx for a short description and a sample in German. CHANGES ------- Version 1.8 Modifications for 2002: Bibliography typeset raggedright. Version 1.7 Modifications for 2001 Version 1.4 Major changes to integrate all enhancements and patches since the previous release. Logos \NTS and \eTeX added. New page dimensions. dtklogos.sty as separate package. dtk-pdf.sty and dtk.ist integrated. Version 1.3 Old layout variants moved to class option files. Logos emTeX and PubliCTeX. \part* acts like \part but appears like \chapter in the toc. \RequiresPackage added to specify the needs of an article. Version 1.2 Logos for TeXXeT and TeXeT added. \bibliographystyle{dtk} forced. Version 1.1 The bst file had a minor problem with pages which has been fixed. Titles are now typeset raggedright. This is only relevant for long titles. Those can be broken manually with \\. For this purpose \\ is ignored in the headline and the table of contents.