This update: 16 JUNE 95 (Ch.) This directory contains files with information about the TeX Users Group Most files are available in three formats: a. the (La)TeX input source file (**.tex) b. the dvi file obtained by running the source file through TeX (**.dvi; this allows people without a PostScript printer to generate a file viewable or printable on their output device) c. a PostScript version (**.ps), which can be sent straight to a PostScript printer d. occasionally, an ASCII file is also made available (**.asc) ** NOTE: All TUG'95 files have been moved into their own subdirectory: tex-archive/usergrps/tug/tug95 tug-info.tex 1-page info sheet on TUG tug-info.dvi tugboard.tex 2-page info sheet on board members, tugboard.dvi their terms of office, e-mail and regular addresses. twg-list.tex 2-page info sheet on the Technical Working Groups twg-list.dvi (TWGs) of the Technical Council usergrps.tex List of all known user groups (subject to update) usergrps.dvi -- official names, e-mail and regular addresses, phone and FAX numbers -- these files are also linked to /usrgrps/info -- the .tex file is updated whenever new information arrives scholar.tex 2-page document on Knuth Scholarship requirements scholar.dvi (.tex file requires ltugboat.sty and tugboat.cmn so .dvi and .ps files are provided here). The material is taken from TUGboat 15 (1994), No. 3 (in press). cpcform1.tex Conference Planning Committee (CPC) cpcform1.dvi -- preliminary form to fill out, to offer a site as host for a TUG annual meeting cpcform1.asc (LaTeX/PostScript/ASCII files) tugnews1.asc News Release 1 (June 1995): tugnews1.tex TUG Office Moving to San Francisco This directory also lists the /ttn and /tugboat subdirectories; physically, they are elsewhere on this archive, but linked to this /tex-archive/usergrps/tug subdirectory for ease of access. This directory also lists the /ttn and /tugboat subdirectories; physically, they are elsewhere on this archive, but linked to this /tex-archive/usergrps/tug subdirectory for ease of access. ttn ***.tex and ***.sty files for all issues of TTN. Note that issues are archived one quarter late. That is, TTN 4,1 will only be posted when TTN 4,2 had been mailed out. tugboat style files, tables of contents, index files, and much more are to be found here. Direct all queries regarding this subdirectory to: Michel Goossens or Christina Thiele %% END OF FILE