Change file for wmerge, for MSDOS and Borland C++ 3.1. To compile the C file: bcc -w-pro wmerge.c (This file contributed by Barry Schwartz,, 28 Jun 94.) @x Section 19. cur_file_name[l]='/'; /* \UNIX/ pathname separator */ @y cur_file_name[l]='/'; /* A valid {\mc MSDOS} pathname separator */ @z @x Section 33. if (*s=='.') dot_pos=s++; else if (*s=='/') dot_pos=NULL,name_pos=++s; else s++; @y if (*s=='.') dot_pos=s++; else if (*s==':' || *s=='\\' || *s=='/') dot_pos=NULL,name_pos=++s; else s++; @z