This is a new prettyprinter, mpp, replacing my old pp. mpp is written in Icon. Its main features are: 1. Multilingual. Chunks can be written in any language, and mpp will detect the language (from the chunk name) and switch among languages. See mpp.nw for the details. 2. Languages are specified by external ascii files. No need to touch mpp's code to add a new language, or fool with a language spec. Again, see mpp.nw for details, and look at the provided specs for C, Icon, Fortran, and Mathematica. I don't know of a good way to do multi-language indexing and cross-referencing. If you have any ideas, please let me know. Kostas Oikonomou CHANGES, April 2002: - Bug fix for "embedded" reserved words - New directive "~" in spec files, to produce \slshape - Arbitrary translations now use the "." directive