% $Id: doc.nw,v 1.14 2002/07/17 22:47:34 nr Exp nr $ \documentclass[twoside]{article} \usepackage{noweb,multicol} \makeatletter \newenvironment{fields}{\@fields}{\crcr\egroup\par\end{quote}} \def\@fields{\@ifnextchar[{\@@fields}{\@@fields[4in]}} \def\@@fields[#1]{\begin{quote}\catcode`\_=\other \tabskip=\leftmargin \halign\bgroup\tt##\hfil\tabskip=2em& {\hsize=#1\vtop{\noindent\raggedright\let\\=\cr \strut##\strut\par}}\tabskip=0pt\cr} \makeatother \pagestyle{noweb}\raggedbottom\noweboptions{shift} \title{{\tt noweb} Source Code\thanks{{\tt noweb} is copyright 1989--2000 by Norman Ramsey. Although it is freely available, it is not in the public domain.}} \author{Norman Ramsey\thanks{Section~\ref{preston} is the generous contribution of Preston Briggs}\\{\tt nr@eecs.harvard.edu}} \begin{document} \maketitle \section*{Preface} This isn't a real literate program---there's just enough documentation here to get the job done. One of my observations is that the cost of creating a high-quality, well-documented literate program adds 1--3 times the amount of effort it took to create the program in the first place. Most programs I write aren't worth that kind of effort, and {\tt noweb} is no exception. Don't expect too much. \tableofcontents \input{allcode.tex} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{web} \section{List of all chunks from all files} \nowebchunks \begin{multicols}{2}[\section{Index}] \nowebindex \end{multicols} \end{document}