% -*- mode: Noweb; noweb-code-mode: icon-mode -*- \section{Convert documentation chunks to comments} Options indicate what language and comment style is preferred, plus whether to attach one or all nearby doc chunks to code. One is the default. <<*>>= global format, subst, firstline, lastline, allchunks, chunks, width record wrap(l, r) # put fore and aft of line record breakup(strings) # split up these strings with spaces record tr(old, new) # translate old chars to new global left_quote, right_quote procedure main(args) format := wrap("/* ", " */") subst := breakup(["/*","*/"]) width := 80 left_quote := "[[" right_quote := "]]" while a := get(args) do case a of { "-ml" | "-m3" : (format := wrap("(* ", " *)"), subst := breakup(["(*", "*)"])) "-awk" | "-icn" | "-icon" : format := wrap("# ") "-lisp" | "-scm" : format := wrap(";;; ") "-c++" : format := wrap("// ") "-c" : { format := wrap(" * "); firstline := "/*"; lastline := " */" subst := breakup(["/*", "*/"]) } "-ocamlweb" : { format := wrap(" "); firstline := "(*"; lastline := " *)" subst := breakup(["(*", "*)"]) left_quote := "["; right_quote := "]" } "-pascal" : { format := wrap("{ ", " }"); subst := tr("{}", "--") } "-f77" : format := wrap("C ") "-f90" : format := wrap("! ") "-tex" : format := wrap("%% ") "-all" : allchunks := 1 "-one" : allchunks := &null default : a ? if (="-w", width <- integer(tab(many(&digits))), pos(0)) then &null else if ="-L" then &null # deliberately ignore requests for #line else { write("@fatal unknown argument '", a, "' to docs2comments") exit(1) } } <> return end @ <<*>>= procedure insert_blanks(s, bad) s ? { r := "" while r ||:= tab(find(bad)) do { r ||:= bad[1] every i := 2 to *bad do r ||:= " " || bad[i] =bad } return r || tab(0) } end @ <<*>>= procedure comment(s) case type(subst) of { "breakup" : every s := insert_blanks(s, !subst.strings) "tr" : s := map(s, subst.old, subst.new) "null" : &null default : stop("unknown substitution of type ", type(subst)) } if /format.r then return format.l || s else { if *s < width then s ||:= repl(" ", width - *s) return format.l || s || format.r } end @ [[grab]] concatenates a string [[s]] onto the last line being held in list [[holding]]. <<*>>= procedure grab(s, holding) return (\holding)[-1] := holding[-1] || s end record docs(lines) record code(preceding, defn, lines) <>= chunks := [] while line := read() do line ? if ="@end docs" | ="@end code" then { if (\holding)[-1] == "" then pull (holding) put(chunks, code(preceding_defn, \defn_pending, holding) | docs(holding)) ## if type(chunks[-1]) == "code" then ## every write("##### " || ( ## "preceding defn is " || image(preceding_defn) | ## "defn pending is " || image(defn_pending) | ## "Holding chunk with these lines:" | image(!holding))) defn_pending := &null holding := &null chunks := drain(chunks) } else if ="@begin docs" then { indocs := 1 holding := [""] } else if ="@begin code" then { indocs := &null holding := [""] } else if \indocs then { if ="@text " then { grab(tab(0), holding) } else if ="@quote" & pos(0) then { grab(left_quote, holding) } else if ="@endquote" & pos(0) then { grab(right_quote, holding) } else if ="@nl" & pos(0) then { put(\holding, "") } } else if ="@defn " then { defn_pending := tab(0) if holding[-1] == "" then pull (holding) preceding_defn := holding holding := [] } else { put(\holding, line) } drain(put(chunks, docs([]))) @ <<*>>= procedure emit_as_comments(c) type(c) == "docs" | runerr(1, "Unexpected code chunk") every write("@text ", comment(!\c.lines), "\n@nl") return end procedure drain(chunks) static n initial n := -1 if type(c := chunks[-2]) == "code" then { write("@begin code ", n +:= 1) every write(!c.preceding | ("@defn " || c.defn) | "@nl") write("@text ", \firstline, "\n@nl") every i := (if \allchunks then 1 else *chunks -2) to *chunks - 2 do emit_as_comments(chunks[i]) write("@text ", comment("<" || c.defn || ">="), "\n@nl") write("@text ", \lastline, "\n@nl") bad := &null (bad := get(\c.lines)) == "@nl" | { write(&errout, "expected newline after definition; got ", image(bad)); runerr(1, bad) } every write(!c.lines) c := chunks[-1] if type(c) == "docs" & upto(\c.lines[1], ~' \n\t') then { write("@text ", \firstline, "\n@nl") emit_as_comments(c) write("@text ", \lastline, "\n@nl") write("@nl") chunks := [] } else chunks := [c] write("@end code ", n) } return chunks end