NOWEB(1) NOWEB(1) NNAAMMEE noindex - build external index for noweb document SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS nnooiinnddeexx _b_a_s_e_n_a_m_e[..tteexx] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _n_o_i_n_d_e_x looks through _L_a_T_e_X ..aauuxx files for identifiers that should go in a _n_o_w_e_b external index. It sorts all identifiers and writes the results on _b_a_s_e_n_a_m_e..nnwwii_. NNOOWWEEBB IINNDDEEXXIINNGG SSTTRRAATTEEGGIIEESS A _n_o_w_e_b program consists of one or more files. In the simple case, these files are run through _n_o_w_e_a_v_e together, to produce a single _L_a_T_e_X file. _n_o_w_e_a_v_e _-_i_n_d_e_x suffices to produce an index and cross-referencing information; neither _n_o_d_e_f_s nor _n_o_i_n_d_e_x is required. When a _n_o_w_e_b program consists of several source files, it is often better to run each source file through _n_o_w_e_a_v_e to produce its own _L_a_T_e_X file, then use _n_o_i_n_d_e_x to produce an external index. This technique has several advantages: The line numbers in the _L_a_T_e_X files correspond to the line numbers in the source files, so it is eas- ier to diagnose _L_a_T_e_X errors. The _L_a_T_e_X \\iinncclluuddeeoonnllyy feature can be used, making it possible to format parts of large programs while retaining complete cross-reference information. When used with _m_a_k_e(1), the technique avoids run- ning _n_o_w_e_a_v_e over source files that have not changed. Using the external index places fewer demands on _L_a_T_e_X's memory, making it read its ..aauuxx files much more quickly. The disadvantages are that _n_o_d_e_f_s and _n_o_i_n_d_e_x are needed for full cross-referencing and a properly sorted index. EEXXAAMMPPLLEE This example assumes a _n_o_w_e_b program of three source files: aa..nnww ,, bb..nnww ,, and cc..nnww. The file ddoocc..tteexx is assumed to contain _L_a_T_e_X boilerplate, including the com- mands \noweboptions{externalindex} \include{a} \include{b} \include{c} The first sequence of steps is to create a file listing all the identifiers defined anywhere in aa, bb, or cc. nodefs a.nw > a.defs nodefs b.nw > b.defs nodefs c.nw > c.defs sort -u a.defs b.defs c.defs | cpif all.defs Using _s_o_r_t _-_u and _c_p_i_f(1) avoids changing aallll..ddeeffss unless the set of identifiers changes. This technique, used in a Makefile, avoids unnecessary rebuilding. The next series of steps is to create _L_a_T_e_X files with full cross-reference information for all identifiers. noweave -n -indexfrom all.defs a.nw > a.tex noweave -n -indexfrom all.defs b.nw > b.tex noweave -n -indexfrom all.defs c.nw > c.tex The final steps run _L_a_T_e_X once to create ..aauuxx files, then _n_o_i_n_d_e_x to create the index, then _L_a_T_e_X again to format the complete document. latex doc noindex doc latex doc In a Makefile, _n_o_i_n_d_e_x can be run before every invocation of _L_a_T_e_X_. BBUUGGSS _n_o_i_n_d_e_x is distributed in awk and Icon versions. The awk version is slow and does a poorer job sorting. There is no comparable machinery to make it possible to use multiple files with the HTML back end. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _n_o_w_e_a_v_e(1), _n_o_d_e_f_s(1), _c_p_i_f(1) VVEERRSSIIOONN This man page is from _n_o_w_e_b version 2.10c. AAUUTTHHOORR Norman Ramsey, Harvard University. Internet address nnrr@@eeeeccss..hhaarrvvaarrdd..eedduu. Noweb home page at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..eeeeccss..hhaarrvvaarrdd..eedduu//~~nnrr//nnoowweebb. local 3/28/2001 NOWEB(1)