NOWEB(7) NOWEB(7) NNAAMMEE nowebfilters - filters and parsers for use with noweb SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS [nnoowweeaavvee|nnoottaannggllee|nnoowweebb] [--ffiilltteerr _f_i_l_t_e_r|--mmaarrkkuupp _p_a_r_s_e_r] ... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This man page documents the various filters and parsers that are supplied with _n_o_w_e_b(1). A filter, which trans- forms the pipeline representation, is used with the --ffiill-- tteerr option. A parser, which reads a source file and emits the pipeline representation, is used with the --mmaarrkkuupp option. Not all filters and parsers are available at all installations. FFIILLTTEERRSS aauuttooddeeffss..** _n_o_w_e_a_v_e_'_s --aauuttooddeeffss and --sshhoowwaauuttooddeeffss options use these filters, which automatically find defined identifiers. The ** stands for the name of a pro- gramming language. (Icon installation only.) bbttddeeffnn The bbttddeeffnn filter uses Dave Hanson's convention to mark definitions. In code chunks, each defining instances of an identifier should be preceded by a single backtick character (ASCII 140). The bbttddeeffnn filter removes these backticks from the code and converts them to definitions, thus: ``ddeeffiinniittiioonn. It, not @@ %%ddeeff, should be used with both _n_o_t_a_n_- _g_l_e(1) and _n_o_w_e_a_v_e(1), at least for programs writ- ten in C-like languages. ddiissaammbbiigguuaattee The ddiissaammbbiigguuaattee filter makes it possible to abbre- viate chunk names using a trailing ellipsis (three periods), in the style of WEB and _n_u_w_e_b(1). ddooccss22ccoommmmeennttss _o_p_t_i_o_n_s The ddooccss22ccoommmmeennttss filter converts documentation chunks to comments in code chunks. Options include --aallll, which converts all documentation chunks into comments; --oonnee converts only one documentation chunk preceding each code chunk. The --ww_k option formats comments _k columns wide. Other options control the language and style of the comment. Languages available include --aawwkk, --cc, --cc++++, --ff7777, --ff9900, --iiccnn, --iiccoonn, --lliisspp, --mm33, --mmll, --ooccaammllwweebb, --ppaassccaall, --ssccmm, and --tteexx. Norman recommends using nnoottaannggllee(1) with ddooccssttooccoomm-- mmeennttss instead of nnoouunnttaannggllee(1). (Icon installation only.) eelliiddee _p_a_t_t_e_r_n_s The eelliiddee filter removes from the stream any code chunk matching any of the arguments. Each argument is a pattern in which ?? matches any single charac- ter and ** mmaattcchheess aannyy sseeqquueennccee ooff cchhaarraacctteerrss.. eemmppttyyddeeffnn The eemmppttyyddeeffnn filter makes an empty definition (<<<<>>>>==) an abbreviation for a continuation of the previous definition. ll22hh [--sshhooww--uunnkknnoowwnnss] The ll22hh filter converts LaTeX to HTML in documenta- tion chunks. If the --sshhooww--uunnkknnoowwnnss options is given, unrecognized LaTeX control sequences appear in bold in the output. ll22hh uses the LaTeX-gener- ated .toc and .bbl files to help create table of contents and bibliography. (Icon installation only.) ppiippeeddooccss _c_o_m_m_a_n_d The ppiippeeddooccss filter runs each documentation chunk through an invocation of _c_o_m_m_a_n_d, which may be any Unix command. The Noweb library includes the com- mand hh22aa, which uses _l_y_n_x(1) to convert HTML to ASCII. xxcchhuunnkkss _f_i_l_e_s The xxcchhuunnkkss filter pulls in code chunks from an external source. The _f_i_l_e_s argument lists one or more noweb files, which are used only for their definitions of code chunks. Empty chunk defini- tions in the main document are replaced with the external definitions of the same name. This filter makes it possible to include the same code chunks in multiple documents, or even the same code chunks multiple times in the same document. (Icon instal- lation only.) PPAARRSSEERRSS A parser converts a source file to the noweb pipeline for- mat, interpreting the ``markup'' in that file. By default, the tools use the standard noweb markup, but some installations may support nuweb markup as well. Parsers include mmaarrkkuupp Converts standard _n_o_w_e_b(1) markup to pipeline for- mat. nnuummaarrkkuupp Converts _n_u_w_e_b(1) markup to noweb pipeline format. It is not part of the standard installation, but it can be found in _n_o_w_e_b's ccoonnttrriibb//nnoorrmmaann directory. FFIILLEESS All filters and parsers are stored in ||LLIIBBDDIIRR|| BBUUGGSS It is possible to tell ll22hh about new control sequences by putting special TeX comments in one's documentation chunks, but there's no documentation. Use the source, Luke. nnuummaarrkkuupp loses information, e.g., about the proper treat- ment of tabs. It also doesn't compensate for _n_o_t_a_n_g_l_e's newline-removal heuristic, which means results on _n_u_w_e_b files may differ subtly from those produced by _n_u_w_e_b_. Many filters are not available in installations that use Awk instead of Icon. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _n_o_w_e_a_v_e(1), _n_o_t_a_n_g_l_e(1), _n_o_w_e_b(1) The _N_o_w_e_b _H_a_c_k_e_r_'_s _G_u_i_d_e VVEERRSSIIOONN This man page is from _n_o_w_e_b version 2.10c. AAUUTTHHOORR Norman Ramsey, Harvard University. Internet address nnrr@@eeeeccss..hhaarrvvaarrdd..eedduu. Noweb home page at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..eeeeccss..hhaarrvvaarrdd..eedduu//~~nnrr//nnoowweebb. local 3/28/2001 NOWEB(7)