NOWEB(1) NOWEB(1) NNAAMMEE nuweb2noweb - convert nuweb files to noweb form SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS nnuuwweebb22nnoowweebb file ... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _N_u_w_e_b_2_n_o_w_e_b converts a file or files in _n_u_w_e_b format to _n_o_w_e_b format, writing the results on standard output. Input is from the file(s) named on the command line. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _n_o_w_e_b(1), _n_u_w_e_b(1) VVEERRSSIIOONN This man page is from _n_o_w_e_b version 2.10c. AAUUTTHHOORR Norman Ramsey, Harvard University. Internet address nnrr@@eeeeccss..hhaarrvvaarrdd..eedduu. Noweb home page at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..eeeeccss..hhaarrvvaarrdd..eedduu//~~nnrr//nnoowweebb. 3/28/2001 NOWEB(1)