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2.4 Examples

% dvi2bitmap -r 110 -m 2 -s 2 -t gif hello.dvi
This converts the file hello.dvi to a GIF bitmap. It first sets the magnification factor to 2, so that the program uses a double-size font (eg, .../cmr10.220pk), then scales the bitmap down by a factor of 2 to obtain a bitmap of the correct size.

% dvi2bitmap -n -Qf -r 110 -m 1.5 -q hello.dvi
Qf cmr10 165 110 1.5 localfont
This reads the DVI file to find out what fonts are required, but does not process it further. It then tries to find the fonts, fails, and produces a list of parameters which could be used to generate the font files.

See also Section 2.5.

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Dvi2bitmap - convert DVI files to bitmap images
Starlink System Note 71
Norman Gray
14 June 1999. Release 0.9-6. Last updated 12 January 2001