ID Index

Index of IDs in this document. Exported IDs indicated like this.

<sect id=intro>1 Introduction

<sect id=usage>2 Usage

<subsect id=usage.options>2.1 Options

<dt id=usage.options.fp>item `-fp font-path'

<dt>item `-fm mode'

<dt id=usage.options.g>item `-g(d|p|r|i|b|m|g)'

<dt id=usage.options.q>item `-Q...'

<dt id=usage.options.r>item `-R[fb] int,int,int'

<subsect id=usage.special>2.2 DVI specials

<dt id=usage.special.opf>item `outputfile <filename>'

<dt id=usage.special.fg>item `default foreground|background red green blue '

<subsect id=usage.exit>2.3 Exit value

<subsect id=usage.examples>2.4 Examples

<subsect id=usage.fonts>2.5 Finding and generating fonts

<subsubsect id=usage.fonts.finding>2.5.1 Finding fonts

<sect id=install>3 Building and installing dvi2bitmap

<subsect id=install.nonstarlink>3.1 General installation and configuration

<dt id=conf.enable-fontgen>item `--enable-fontgen '

<subsubsect id=install.web2c>3.1.1 Obtaining the kpathsea library

<subsect id=install.starlink>3.2 Starlink nodes

<sect id=developments>4 Bugs, extras, and further developments

<sect id=refs>5 References and acknowledgements

<sect id=sgml.maths>A Maths and SGML/HTML

<subsect id=sgml.maths.latex>A.1 LaTEX maths within HTML

<subsect id=sgml.maths.other>A.2 Other approaches to maths

<sect id=tex.dimensions>B TEX dimensions

<table id=tsizes>Table 1

<sect id=rn>C Release notes

<subsect id=rn-0.9-6>C.1 Release 0.9-6

<subsect id=rn-0.9-5>C.2 Release 0.9-5

<subsect id=rn-0.9-4>C.3 Release 0.9-4

<subsect id=rn-0.9-3>C.4 Release 0.9-3

<subsect id=rn-0.9-2>C.5 Release 0.9-2

<subsect id=rn-0.9>C.6 Release 0.9

<subsect id=rn-0.8>C.7 Release 0.8

<subsect id=rn-0.7>C.8 Release 0.7

<subsect id=rn-0.6>C.9 Release 0.6

<subsect id=rn-0.5>C.10 Release 0.5

<subsect id=rn-0.4>C.11 Release 0.4

<subsect id=rn-0.3>C.12 Release 0.3