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5 References and acknowledgements

CTAN, the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network, is the repository of TEX and LaTEX documentation. The archive is mirrored in numerous places, but the UK node is at <>.

DVItype and PKtoPX are two programs Donald Knuth intended as model DVI and PK file readers, and as containers for the canonical documentation of the DVI and PK file formats. They might be available as part of your TEX distribution, but are also available on CTAN, in /tex-archive/systems/knuth/texware/dvitype.web and /tex-archive/systems/knuth/pxl/pktopx.web.

The DVI Driver Standard, Level 0 is available on CTAN, in directory /tex-archive/dviware/driv-standard. This incorporates sections of the DVItype documentation. This program claims to conform to this standard: if it doesn't, please let me know.

Thanks for bug reports and other suggestions to Eitan Gurari (heroic tester), Oliver Schurr and Oleg Bartunov (

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Dvi2bitmap - convert DVI files to bitmap images
Starlink System Note 71
Norman Gray
14 June 1999. Release 0.9-6. Last updated 12 January 2001