Dvi2bitmap - convert DVI files to bitmap images


User's Guide

Starlink System Note 71.0
Norman Gray
14 June 1999. Release 0.9-6. Last updated 12 January 2001

Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
Particle Physics & Astronomy Research Council

Starlink Project

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This application processes a DVI file produced by TEX, converting each page to a single bitmap. The conversion is done directly, rather than through a chain of intermediate file formats, making the process extremely fast. It can produce output as XBM, GIF and PNG files.

1 Introduction

It is sometimes useful to convert the typeset output of TEX into a bitmap image viewable on the web. This is most often the case whenTEX or LaTEX are being used to typeset the mathematics in a paper being conveted to HTML. It is possible to do this with a chain of general-purpose tools, for example going from DVI to postscript to PNM files to GIFs, but this is generally slow. For an overview of maths and SGML/HTML, see Appendix A.

The tool dvi2bitmap does this processing in a single step, reading the DVI file and font files, and emitting a bitmap. It can, at present, generate XBM, GIF and, if the relevant library is installed, PNG files.

See Section 2 for usage instructions, and Section 3 for installation instructions.

The dvi2bitmap application is available for download at <http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/norman/star/dvi2bitmap/>. This HTML documentation is also available as a single file

This document matches version 0.9-6 of the program (you can see what version you have with the command dvi2bitmap -V). This should currently be regarded as beta software.

2 Usage


        [-b(h|w) size] [-bp a4|a4l|usletter...]
        [-[Cc][lrtb] size] [-fp PKpath ] [-fm mfmode] [-fg] [-fG]
        [-g[dpribmg]] [-l num] [-m magmag ] [-n[n]] [-o outfile-pattern]
        [-p num] [-pp ranges] [-P[bBtTcC]] [-q[q]] [-Q[FfGgtbp]]
        [-r resolution] [-R[fb] int,int,int] [-s scale-factor]
        [-t xbm|gif|png] [-V]

This program is intended to conform to the DVI processing standard.

The motivation for this program was the need for a helper program to produce small bitmaps for inclusion in web pages. Accordingly, the program's underlying usage model is that one would generate a file ofTEX or LaTEX material, convert it to a DVI file using TEX, and convert the result to a collection of bitmap files. The input text will typically be equations, but any other TEX material will work as well. For example, the processor which generates the HTML could spit out a file such as

% etc...
and then this program can scoot through it turning each page into a bitmap. I had thought about some complicated scheme to delimit areas on the page, but realised that since the file being processed would typically be generated on the fly specifically for processing by a tool like this, this wasn't really necessary. See Section 4 for a script which can help with this.

I hope that the program is (or can be made to be) flexible enough to support other modes of use.

2.1 Options

-bh size, -bw size
Specify the height and width of the canvas on which the output bitmap is painted. The program tries to make an estimate of this based on information within the DVI file, but it can't efficiently get all the information it needs, so sometimes the estimate is wrong. If you get a warning message like Warning: p.12: bitmap too big: occupies (1183,1072)...(4134,6255). Requested 4100x6200, then you'll need to specify a bitmap size. The numbers (1183,1072)...(4134,6255) are the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right of the bitmap: in this case -bh 6300 -bw 4200 would suffice. Note that the `h' in -bh stands for height, not horizontal! At some point, I'd like to make the bitmap `expandable', obviating the need for these options.
-bp papersize
Set the initial size of the bitmap to be one of the paper sizes returned by -Qp. This is useful either to make sure that there is enough room on the initial bitmap, to avoid the warning above, or, along with the -PC option, to force the output bitmap to be a certain size.
-c[edge] dimen, -C[edge] dimen
The -c and -C options allow you to control how the generated bitmaps are cropped before they are written. The [edge] may be one of `l', `r', `t' or `b', referring to the left, right, top and bottom edge of the bitmap, or be missing, in which case it refers to all four sides. In the case of the -c option, this sets the crop to be dimen points from the specified edge of the bounding box of the blackened pixels; in the case of the -C option, it sets it to be dimen points from the left or top of the `page'. The specification -C dimen, which would set all the crops to the same position, is silly, and so is forbidden.

The conversion from points to pixels takes account of the magnification set in the -m option, if that's been specified already, but it doesn't notice if that's set after this option, and it takes no account of any magnification in the DVI file.

See Section 2.2 for TEX \special commands which set this within the TEX file.

-fp font-path
Specifies the path to the PK fonts which dvi2bitmap will use. See also Section 2.5.
-fm mode
Specify the MetaFont mode which is to be used when generating fonts. The default is ibmvga, but see --enable-fontgen in Section 3.1.
Switch off automatic font-generation.
Switch on automatic font-generation.
Switch on debugging. The options are to trace DVI file parsing (`d'), PK file parsing and kpathsea if installed (`p'), font rasterdata parsing (`r'), input (`i'), bitmap generation (`b') or the main program (`m'). Adding an extra `g' increases still further the amount of debugging code. The debugging information may be uninformative or unintelligible; it might even crash the program (mention that to me).
-l pagenum
See option -p
-m magnification
The TEX magnification parameter which is used when processing the DVI file. It is a float, with 1.0 corresponding to no magnification (the default). This interacts with the resolution as follows: if you specify a resolution of 100, and a magnification of 2, then dvi2bitmap will search for PK files at 200 dpi.
Do not actually process the DVI file, but read the DVI pre- and postamble. Useful in conjunction with the -Qf and -Qg options. If this option is present, then the program returns non-zero if any fonts were missing (see also Section 2.3).
Do not process a DVI file at all, and do not require one to be present on the command line. Useful with some of options -Q.
-o output
Choose the output filename pattern. The value is a `printf' formatting string, with a single %d formatting descriptor, which will be replaced in output filenames with the page number. This can be overridden on a per-page basis by a TEX \special embedded in the DVI file (see item `outputfile <filename>' in Section 2.2). If there is no file extension, or if it does not match the output type, a suitable file extension will be added.
-p pnum, -l lnum, -pp pagelist
These select page ranges, using a slight extension of the notation used by dvips (and the same option letters).

The -p and -l options take single page numbers; if either of these is given, then the program will process pages from page pnum to page lnum, with the defaults being the corresponding extremes. The pagelist consists of a comma-separated sequence of page numbers and ranges (a-b); only those pages, and the pages falling in those ranges (inclusive of the end pages) are processed. Any of these specifications may be prefixed by either `=' or `:n,'. In the former case, DVI page numbers are used rather than TEX \count registers; in the latter case, the program examines the \countn register rather than the default \count0.

You can specify both of these prefixes one or more times, but you cannot mix the -p and -l options with the -pp option. The program will respect only the last -p and -l options, but the -pp options are cumulative. There may be no spaces in the pagelist. The page numbers may be negative.


dvi2bitmap -pp 3,6-10 ... # process only the specified pages
dvi2bitmap -pp :2,1 ... # process only pages where \count2 was 1

Specifies processing of the output bitmap.

-Pb blurs the bitmap, making a half-hearted attempt to make a low-resolution bitmap look better. This really isn't up to much - if you have the fonts available, or are prepared to wait for them to be generated, a better way is to use the -m option to magnify the DVI file, and then the -s option to scale it back down to the correct size.

The -Pt option makes the output bitmap have a transparent background, if that's supported by the particular format you choose using option -t.

The -Pc option specifies that you want the output bitmap to be cropped. This is done by default, so you'll more often use the -PC option to specify that you don't want the output cropped (for example, if you're using the -bp option and want the output to stay the specified size).

The options -PB, -PC and -PT disable blurring, cropping, and transparency, respectively.

By default, bitmaps are not blurred, are cropped, and are transparent if possible.

For PNG files, the output bitmap uses a palette plus an alpha channel; these are calculated in such a way that if you display the resulting bitmap on the same colour background as dvi2bitmap was using (which is white by default, but can be specified using the background special) then the result should look identical to the result with no transparency information, but probably progressively worse the further the background moves from this. I suppose, but can't at present check, that this implies that you should choose a mid-grey background colour when making such transparent PNGs. I'd welcome advice on this point.

Quiet mode - suppress chatter. This also suppresses warnings.
Silent mode - suppress errors as well.
Query various things. The available possibilities are as follows. Each of these lines is printed on a line by itself, prefixed by the option letters and a space, so that, for example, each of the lines produced by the -QF option would start QF cmbx10 110 ....

Some of these options (-Qf, -Qg) are probably most useful with the -n option, to investigate a DVI file before processing. Others (-Qt, -Qp) are probably useful only with -nn. -Qb is only useful if you do actually generate bitmaps. For consistency (and so you don't have to remember which ones do which), neither -n nor -nn is implied in any of them, and you have to give it explicitly.

Prints on stdout a line for each bitmap it generates, giving the filename, horizontal size, and vertical size, in pixels.
Show missing fonts. The program writes on standard output one line per missing font, starting with `Qf', then five fields: the font name, the DPI value it was looking for, the base-DPI of the font, the magnification factor, and a dummy metafont mode. This output might be massaged for use with the mktexpk (TeXLive) or MakeTeXPK (teTeX) scripts to generate the required fonts, but -Qg is more straightforward.
As for -Qf, except that found fonts are also listed, prefixed by `QF'.
As for -Qf, except that the output consists of the string `Qg' followed by a mktexpk or MakeTeXPK command which can be used to generate the font.
As for -Qf, except that found fonts are also listed, prefixed by `QG'. Only one of -Qf, -QF, -Qg and -QG should be specified - if more than one appears, only the last one is respected.
Show the list of paper sizes which are predefined for the -bp option.
List the output image formats which the program can generate, on stdout, separated by whitespace. The first output format is the default.

-r resolution
Specifies the output resolution, in pixels-per-inch. This is used when deciding which PK files to use. The default is 110, but see --enable-fontgen in Section 3.1.
-R[fb] int,int,int
Specifies the foreground (-Rf) or background (-Rb) colour, as an RGB triple (-R stands for RGB: -c was already in use). The integers must be in the range [0,255], and can be specified in decimal, octal or hex (ie, 127=0177=0x7f).
-s scalefactor
Reduces the linear size of the output bitmap by a factor scalefactor (default 1).
-t type
Choose the output format, which can be png, xbm or gif. The GIF and PNG options may not be available if they weren't selected when the program was configured.
Display the version number and compilation options, and exit.

2.2 DVI specials

dvi2bitmap recognises several DVI special commands, and emits a warning if it finds any others.

The syntax of the special commands is

\special{dvi2bitmap <special-command>+ }
There may be one or more <special-command> sequences within a single special.

The <special-command> which the program recognises are:

Makes other special-commands in this same special affect defaults. See those commands for details.
outputfile <filename>
The output file used for the current page will be named filename.gif (if the output type were `gif'). A filename extension will be added if none is present, or if it does not match the output type selected. If the default command has been given, then this instead specifies the default filename pattern, and the `filename' should contain a single #-sign.
Affects the crop command.
crop <side> <dimen>
Crop the bitmap on the current page so that the specified edge of the bitmap is <dimen> points away from the bounding box of the blackened pixels. <side> may be one of `left', `right', `top', `bottom' or `all', referring to the corresponding edge, or all four edges at once. If the default command has been given in this special, then this pattern of cropping is additionally made the default for subsequent pages. If the absolute command has been given, then the crop position is set at <dimen> points from the appropriate edge of the `paper'.

The -c and -C command-line options (Section 2.1) have the effect of setting initial defaults. In the absence of either of these, the initial crop is exactly at the bounding box.

default imageformat <format>
Set the default image format, which should be one of the keywords `xbm', `gif', `png'. This is equivalent to specifying the image format through the -t option (section Section 2.1).

The keyword is just imageformat, but you must specify the default keyword when you specify imageformat; this is for consistency, and makes it clear that this is setting a default format rather than setting the format only for the next image (that's not implemented at present, but could be added).

default foreground|background red green blue
Sets the (default) foreground and background colours for text. This works, as long as you specify the colour change before any text is output, since you can't, at present, change the colours after that. Specifically, you can't change the colours for a fragment of text in the middle of a page; for this reason, and as with imageformat you should at present always include the default keyword when using this special. The integers must be in the range [0,255], and can be specified in decimal, octal or hex (ie, 127=0177=0x7f).
strut left right top bottom
This places a `strut' in the generated file. Using the usual TeX \strut won't work: that would leave the appropriate space when TeXing the file, but that space doesn't explicitly appear in the DVI file (which is just a bunch of characters and locations), so when dvi2bitmap fits its tight bounding box to the blackened pixels in the file, it knows nothing of the extra space you want.

The `strut' special forces the bounding box to be at least `left', `right', `top' and `bottom' points away from the position in the file where this special appears. All the dimensions must be positive, and they are floats rather than integers.

If you wanted to set a page containing only the maths `${}^\circ$' (why, is another matter), dvi2bitmap would normally make a tight bounding box for the bitmap, so that you'd get an image containing only the circle (unless other crop options were in force). If, in this case, you put in a special such as \special{dvi2bitmap strut 0 2 10 2.5}, you would force the bounding box to come no closer than 0pt to the left of the position in the file where this special appears, 2pt to the right, 10pt above and 2.5pt below.

A useful bit of TeX magic is:

{\catcode`p=12 \catcode`t=12 \gdef\DB@PT#1pt{#1}}
\def\DBstrut{\strut\special{dvi2bitmap strut 0 0 
Once you've done that, the command \DBstrut will put an appropriate strut in the output.

For example, the pair of commands

\special{dvi2bitmap default outputfile trial-#.gif crop all 5}
\special{dvi2bitmap absolute crop left 0}
will change the output filename pattern for the rest of the DVI file, and set a 5pt margin round the bounding box. The current page, however, will have a left-hand crop zero points in from the left hand side. Remember that TEX's origin is one inch from the left and the top of the paper, and it is with respect to this origin that the program reckons the absolute distances for the cropping.

2.3 Exit value

Exits with a non-zero status if there were any processing errors. Having no fonts present counts as a processing error.

If there is at least one font present, then missing fonts will be replaced by the first cmr10 font it finds, or a more-or-less randomly chosen alternative if that font is not used at all. The program will produce a warning if the -q option is not present, but it will return with a zero (success) status.

Exception: If the -n option (see Section 2.1) is present, then the program returns success only if all fonts are present.

2.4 Examples

% dvi2bitmap -r 110 -m 2 -s 2 -t gif hello.dvi
This converts the file hello.dvi to a GIF bitmap. It first sets the magnification factor to 2, so that the program uses a double-size font (eg, .../cmr10.220pk), then scales the bitmap down by a factor of 2 to obtain a bitmap of the correct size.

% dvi2bitmap -n -Qf -r 110 -m 1.5 -q hello.dvi
Qf cmr10 165 110 1.5 localfont
This reads the DVI file to find out what fonts are required, but does not process it further. It then tries to find the fonts, fails, and produces a list of parameters which could be used to generate the font files.

See also Section 2.5.

2.5 Finding and generating fonts

2.5.1 Finding fonts

The program searches in up to three places for fonts.

  1. The -fp option (see item `-fp font-path') specifies a colon-separated list of directories which should be searched for font PK files. If this is given on the command line, it overrides...
  2. The DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH environment variable, if defined, specifies a colon-separated list of directories which are to be searched for PK files.
  3. If the program cannot find fonts using the environment variable, and if it was configured with support for the kpathsea library (see Section 3.1), then it should find PK files using the same mechanism other DVI processors use.

The third method is the ideal - you should build dvi2bitmap using the kpathsea library if possible (see Section 3.1.1 for how to obtain it): it is because other DVI-processing programs like dvips and xdvi are built with the kpathsea library, that you normally never have to worry about where fonts live. The kpathsea library is generally integrated with the font-generation commands, and can be queried using the kpsewhich command.

If you don't, or can't, use the kpathsea library, you have to let dvi2bitmap know where to find fonts. How, then, do you establish a list of directories containing suitable PK files? If your system has the kpsewhich command, then you can ask it where fonts live. As long as you have at least one font built for dvi2bitmap, say cmr10.110pk, then kpsewhich can tell you where it is:

% kpsewhich pk cmr10.110pk
You can use that to set DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH as follows.
sh% DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH=`kpsewhich pk cmr10.110pk | sed 's+/[^/]*$++'`
csh% setenv DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH `kpsewhich pk cmr10.110pk | sed 's+/[^/]*$++'`
depending on whether you're using a sh-type shell (sh or bash) or a csh-type shell (csh, tcsh). Given that you enabled (or at least, did not disable) font-generation at configure-time, dvi2bitmap should generate missing fonts in future, and place them in this same directory.

How do you build that first font? Try running dvi2bitmap on a simple DVI file, with the options -n -Qg: that makes dvi2bitmap merely examine the list of fonts (-n) and display commands to generate missing fonts (-Qg). Run one of these font-generation commands, then ask kpsewhich where the result is.

It is a good idea to run the dvi2bitmap tests, by giving the command make test in the build directory. If you do, then you will end up with at least cmr10 built using the Metafont mode and point size which dvi2bitmap uses by default (you can change the default Metafont mode: see item `-fm mode' or item `--enable-fontgen '). The test script will also give you an indication of how to set the DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH variable. Note that the advice this script gives relies on a rather specific assumption about how your font-building script (ie, mktexpk or MakeTeXPK) works: namely that all the fonts built for a particular Metafont mode and size will be placed in the same directory. This is true for for the font-building scripts I know about, but it's not any sort of formal standard, so your local system's behaviour may quite reasonably be different, in which case this script can't offer very reliable help.

There are one or two possible wrinkles with the third method. The path-searching library is very powerful and flexible, but it is possible to be tripped up by its configuration file.

Firstly, the program has to find the configuration file. The program should sort this out for itself at configuration time, but it is possible that you might have to give it some help. If you specify the TEXMFCNF environment variable, setting it to the directory which contains your TEX installation's texmf.cnf file, then this overrides the program's notion of where the configuration should be. You can find this file using the command kpsewhich cnf texmf.cnf.

2.5.2 Not finding fonts

It can sometimes happen that dvi2bitmap fails to find fonts, successfully calls mktexpk to build them, but then still fails to find them, even though mktexpk has put them where they should be. There are (at least) three possible reasons for this.

If you are using the kpathsea library, there might be some misconfiguration which is confusing it. You can trace kpathsea's deliberations in great detail by giving the option -ggp (item `-g(d|p|r|i|b|m|g)').

Perhaps you do not have the kpathsea library installed, or have disabled it, but you have requested that font-generation be enabled (see Section 3.1). What happens in this case is that mktexpk successfully builds the fonts, and installs them in the correct place, where `correct place' means `the place where kpathsea would find them'; you're not using kpathsea, so no fonts for you. What you have to do in this case is work out where the `correct place' is (kpsepath and kpsewhich can help here), and specify that place using either the -fp option or the DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH variable, as above (this is confusing, I know, but more-or-less unavoidable, since we are here trying to do kpathsea's job, without kpathsea).

Another, slightly nastier reason is as follows.

Some texmf.cnf files declare the location of the user-writable font directory though a setting like

whereas others have something like
Now, $SELFAUTOPARENT is a variable which is set by the kpathsea library to be the grandparent directory of the executable which uses the library. So, for /usr/bin/{tex,latex,mktexpk,...}, it's /, but if your dvi2bitmap binary doesn't live with the other dvi-ware then its $SELFAUTOPARENT will be different, so that dvi2bitmap will look for fonts in a different place from the place where mktexpk put them when it successfully generated them.

I would argue fairly strongly that having the VARTEXFONTS directory depend on the location of the dvi-ware executables is a very silly thing to do. This was the case in the teTeX distribution which came with RedHat 6.0, though this was fixed pretty rapidly. If you've fallen foul of this, then you can either

I'd prefer the first alternative, myself.

A third option is to get dvi2bitmap to work around the problem, by telling it to claim to be some program which is installed along with the other dvi-ware. You do this with the --enable-fake-progname option to the configuration script. See Section 3.1 for details.

2.5.3 Generating fonts by hand

If you didn't enable automatic font-generation, or if you did and something went wrong, you might have to generate fonts by hand. You need to look at the documentation for your TEX system, specifically the mktexpk and MakeTeXPK scripts (one of which might be just an interface to the other).

See the discussion of the `make test' script in Section 2.5.1. Also, note that the option -Qg, given to dvi2bitmap, displays the font-generation commands which would be required to build the fonts missing from the specified DVI file. These are the commands which dvi2bitmap would employ to generate these fonts, when automatic-font-generation is enabled.

Since dvi2bitmap's default resolution is 72 dpi, as opposed to the usual printer resolution of 300 or 600 dpi, you are unlikely to have suitable fonts on your system, and will need to generate them. The program will generate these automatically, if it was configured with support for that (see Section 3.1); if it wasn't configured with that support, or if the automatic font generation fails, you might need to generate the fonts by hand.

How you generate fonts depends on your TEX distribution. As explained in Section 2.4, you can determine which fonts you need using the -Qf option. The teTeX and TeXLive TEX distributions include scripts to generate fonts for you; if you have a different distribution, there might be a similar script for you to use, or you might have to do it by hand. In the case of teTeX, the command you'd use in the example above would be:

% MakeTeXPK cmr10 165 110 1.5 ibmvga
This would generate fonts using the ibmvga Metafont mode, using a base resolution of 110 dpi (the default for that mode), at a magnification of 1.5 times, giving a resultant resolution of 165 dpi.

If you're using the TeXLive distribution, the equivalent command would be:

% mktexpk --mfmode ibmvga --mag 1.5 --bdpi 110 --dpi 165 cmr10

If you want to use the same mode as you use for printing documents, then the mode localfont should do the right thing. Otherwise, and probably better if these images are intended for the screen rather than paper, you could use a more specialised mode such as ibmvga, which has been tweaked to be readable at small resolutions. See the file modes.mf somewhere in your metafont distribution for the list of possibilities.

After you have created the fonts, try giving the command

% kpsewhich pk cmr10.165pk
to confirm that TEX and friends can find the new fonts, and that your dvi2bitmap environment variable is set correctly. This command is part of the kpathsea distribution, rather than the core TEX distribution, so may not be present on your system.

3 Building and installing dvi2bitmap

dvi2bitmap is packaged in two slightly different ways, one which respects the bundling conventions of the Starlink Project, and one which is more usual for network-distributed software.

When you unpack the distribution tarball, you should find at least the files dvi2bitmap_source.tar, Makefile.starlink and mk. If you're on a Starlink machine, you can, and should, build the software the Starlink way, using the mk script (see Section 3.2); but if you're not, you should unpack the dvi2bitmap_source.tar file, and build it the conventional way (see Section 3.1). Since the Starlink mk script is really just a driver for the Makefile within the tar file, you should get the same results both ways.

3.1 General installation and configuration

To configure and build:

% ./configure
% make
but see the configuration options below.

It's a good idea to run `make test' as well. See Section 2.5.1.

To install, just copy the executable dvi2bitmap wherever you want it to live.

You can customise the program using flags to the ./configure command:

--with-kpathsea and --without-kpathsea
If you have the kpathsea library (see Section 2.5.1) but don't, for some reason, want to use it, then give the configure option --without-kpathsea. By default, the configuration enables use of the library if it is installed (that is, if the kpathsea include files and library are somewhere the compiler will find them. If kpathsea is disabled (by default or by request), then fonts will not be generated by default.

If you have the kpathsea library, but it is not in the standard place, then you can provide an argument to the --with-kpathsea option giving the name of a directory below which are directories include and lib, containing the required kpathsea include files and library. If you don't have the kpathsea library available, see below (Section 3.1.1) for notes on obtaining it.

The kpathsea library finds its configuration files in two ways, either automatically if it is installed in the same directory as the rest of the TEXware, or using the TEXMFCNF environment variable. The dvi2bitmap program sets the latter variable internally, unless it finds it already set. If this will be inconvenient, you can suppress this behaviour by providing the flag --disable-texmfcnf, or equivalently --enable-texmfcnf=no.
The program can attempt to generate fonts, and will do so using the MetaFont mode ibmvga, which has a resolution of 110 dots-per-inch.

The default for this option is `on' - the program will attempt to generate fonts. Do note, however, that if the kpathsea library is not enabled, then the program will not be able to find the fonts it generates, unless you configure it correctly using either -fp or DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH (see Section 2.5.1).

If you wish to disable this automatic font generation, give the option --disable-fontgen. Note that this does not completely disable font generation - it merely sets the default for font generation to `off', and it can be switched back on again using the option -fG.

If you wish to change the default mode, you can do so with an argument to this option. For example, the option --enable-fontgen=pcprevw,118 will make pcprevw, which has a resolution of 118 dpi, the default MetaFont mode. Note that the resolution you specify must match the mode: see file modes.mf for a list of modes and resolutions (use kpsewhich mf modes.mf to find this). You can change the resolution and mode on the fly using the -fm and -r options to the compiled program (Section 2.1).

--enable-mktexpk and --enable-maketexpk
In the default configuration, the program will generate missing fonts using one of the standard scripts present in most TEX distributions. The configuration process looks first for mktexpk then MakeTeXPK, and uses whichever it finds first. If you have both scripts but wish to use MakeTeXPK for some reason, you will have to give the option --disable-mktexpk; if you wish to disable both, you will have to give --disable-maketexpk as well. Both options take an optional argument giving the path to an alternative script with the same calling interface.
--enable-png (default: enabled)
If you give this option, and if the PNG library is installed (needs a version after 0.96), then the program will be compiled with support for PNG bitmaps as an output format. You can obtain the PNG library from the PNG home page. You can disable the use of PNG with the option --disable-png.
--enable-gif (default: disabled)
The program generates only XBM bitmaps by default. If you want it to be able to generate GIFs, then give the configure option --enable-gif. The GIF format is the copyright of CompuServe. As far as I understand it, one does not need a licence from CompuServe if one is distributing non-commercial, not-for-profit software, such as this. You probably shouldn't enable GIF support when you build this program unless you're in that category as well. But don't listen to me: there's a much fuller account of the whole sorry business in the comp.graphics.misc FAQ
This option enables a workaround which allows dvi2bitmap to have the expected behaviour when (a) you do not install dvi2bitmap along with the other dvi-ware, and (b) your texmf.cnf file has VARTEXFONTS or similar dependence on one of the SELFAUTO... variables (such a texmf.cnf file is probably broken, but that may not be your problem, or within your power to fix). This option makes dvi2bitmap claim to be a different DVI-reading program which is installed in the standard place. See Section 2.5.1 for discussion. The configuration script uses the location of the xdvi program by default, but you can override this by giving the full path to an alternative as an argument to this option.

Since this uses undocumented behaviour of the library (`use the source, Luke!'), you probably shouldn't enable it unless you have to.

The ./configure command without any options is equivalent to ./configure --with-kpathsea --enable-png --enable-mktexpk (meaning that kpathsea and PNG output will be enabled if library support for them is found).

The program builds successfully on (at least):

i686-pc-linux-gnu (RedHat 6.2)0.9-6egcs-2.91.66
powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu (Mac mklinux DR-0.3?)0.9egcs-2.90.25 980302 (egcs-1.0.2 prerelease)
sparc-sun-solaris2.70.9gcc 2.8.1
sparc-sun-solaris2.70.9-6WorkShop Compilers 5.0 98/12/15 C++ 5.0
alpha-dec-osf4.0f0.9-6Compaq C++ V6.2-024 for Digital UNIX V4.0F

The `version' column is the last version which was actually tested on that platform. Reports of compilations on other platform/compiler combinations gratefully received.

It should be written in standards-conforming C++, so if it doesn't build then (1) it's not as conformant as I think it is (in which case please tell me), (2) your compiler is not as conformant as you think it is (in which case please don't tell me), or (3) you need to invoke some magic to get the compiler to be conformant (in which case tell me, if there's something I can do in the autoconfigure script).

You can override the C++ compiler the configure script will choose by setting the environment variable CXX, either via

% CXX=cxx ./configure
% env CXX=cxx ./configure
depending on your shell.

3.1.1 Obtaining the kpathsea library

Not all TEX distributions install the kpathsea library, even though they install applications built with it, and the texmf.cnf configuration file which controls it.

If the library does not appear to be in your distribution, then you can obtain and build it yourself. The library is distributed as part of the web2c (Unix TEX source) distribution, which you can find at <ftp://ftp.tug.org/tex/web2c.tar.gz>, or mirrored on CTAN sites (for example at <http://www.tex.ac.uk> in directory systems/web2c).

Take a copy of the library (this is a big distribution), and unpack it. Go into the kpathsea directory and do the usual `./configure; make; make install' routine. With (some?) older distributions of the library this appeared not to work, and you had to go to the parent of the kpathsea directory, delete the web2c directory (which is the bulk of the distribution), then configure and build it as usual, ignoring the warnings about the missing main texmf tree.

3.2 Starlink nodes

If you are on a Starlink node, then you should be able to use the usual mk script. Define the environment variables INSTALL and SYSTEM as usual. SYSTEM can be any one of the Starlink-supported platforms ix86_Linux, alpha_OSF1 or sun4_Solaris. Then give the commands

% ./mk build
% ./mk install

This build configures support for GIFs, plus support for the kpathsea library if that library is present on the system (it is not distributed with this package and not present by default on all project machines).

There are some issues involved in creating, and hence in installing, an export_run distribution. Part of the configuration of dvi2bitmap involves establishing the location, on the build system, of font-building scripts and TeX configuration files. However, the point of the export_run distributions is that it should run on systems other than the build system. We deal with this by (a) configuring dvi2bitmap to use a custom font-building script, which is distributed and installed with the package, and which is simply an interface to whichever of the real font-builders is available on the target system, and (b) configuring it with --disable-texmfcnf. The former should be OK as long as one of mktexpk and MakeTeXPK is in the path after installation. The latter, however will cause a problem if kpathsea is enabled (which may or may not be the case for the export_run system), since this will probably fail unless the environment variable TEXMFCNF is defined (see kpsewhich cnf texmf.cnf). You can see what features are enabled with the command dvi2bitmap -V.

4 Bugs, extras, and further developments


To report bugs, please send to norman@astro.gla.ac.uk a brief description of the problem; a minimal TEX file which reproduces it; some indication of the machine you're running on (uname -a is good); and the output of dvi2bitmap -V, which shows the options you have enabled.

Things I'd like to do sometime:

Bright ideas, fixes and (especially) implementations, cheerfully received.

In the .../extras directory of the distribution is a script img-eqlist.pl, which transforms a file of LaTeX fragments into a LaTeX file, keeping track of filenames, and avoiding generating duplicate bitmaps for duplicated maths.

5 References and acknowledgements

CTAN, the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network, is the repository of TEX and LaTEX documentation. The archive is mirrored in numerous places, but the UK node is at <http://www.tex.ac.uk>.

DVItype and PKtoPX are two programs Donald Knuth intended as model DVI and PK file readers, and as containers for the canonical documentation of the DVI and PK file formats. They might be available as part of your TEX distribution, but are also available on CTAN, in /tex-archive/systems/knuth/texware/dvitype.web and /tex-archive/systems/knuth/pxl/pktopx.web.

The DVI Driver Standard, Level 0 is available on CTAN, in directory /tex-archive/dviware/driv-standard. This incorporates sections of the DVItype documentation. This program claims to conform to this standard: if it doesn't, please let me know.

Thanks for bug reports and other suggestions to Eitan Gurari (heroic tester), Oliver Schurr and Oleg Bartunov (oleg@sai.msu.su).


A Maths and SGML/HTML

A.1 LaTEX maths within HTML

The real issue here (for me at least) is rendering equations within an HTML document. There are several tools available which can do that with different trade-offs. The most popular method is to write the equations in a LaTEX document, process it, and then hoik the equations out of the resulting DVI file somehow (typically using dvips and a postscript to gif converter), and display them on the web as gifs. The big disadvantage with this is that you get an awful lot of gifs, and the conversion is rather inefficient.

All this hassle should become irrelevant once we get browsers which can render MathML directly.

There are reviews of the problems, and some of the tools, in articles Maths Typesetting for the Internet, and Comparative Review of World-Wide-Web Mathematics Renderers.

LaTeX2HTML is the granddaddy of these translators - it parses the LaTEX using Perl, and spits out HTML, turning maths into gifs. It's very robust by now.

John Walker's textogif is a Perl program which orchestrates the various tools to do the conversion via postscript, once you've generated the DVI file. It works, but it's terribly slow, which was the motivation for this program.

TeX4ht (TEX for Hypertext) uses TEX's own parser, but still produces equations as gifs. TeX4ht can also emit MathML from LaTeX. The TeX4ht documentation has a useful collection of resources. There's an alternative location for TeX4ht at TUG.

tth: TeX to HTML translator (manual). tth translates LaTEX maths directly to HTML, with remarkable success and astonishing speed, and with good failure strategies. It works very sweetly, but (a) requires you to tweak your browser to have it map the symbol font appropriately, and (b) the resulting HTML can't be printed legibly. From the same source is TtHMML, which translates (La)TEX to HTML plus MathML.

nDVI is a DVI viewer plugin for Unix Netscape. This addresses the problem at the client end.

A.2 Other approaches to maths

A quite different approach is to use a different markup for maths, possibly requiring specialised client software. These other notations typically use semantic markup - expressing the structure of the maths. At first sight, this seems preferable to LaTEX's presentational markup, but its weaknesses for authoring are exposed (I feel) when you realise that maths is not as closed and unambiguous a language as computer scientists feel it ought to be. Semantic markup's strength is in interfaces with computer algebra systems, and databases - Abramowitz and Stegun would be ideal in this form! The major dislocation between the two approaches is what makes conversion from presentational to semantic markup so easy. In passing, I'll note that MathML has both a presentational and a semantic variant.

MINSE uses a server to render maths into gifs on the fly. It seems to work rather nicely, but works with its own semantic maths notation.

There is (was?) a project called Euromath, which includes a structured SGML editor. This project included a converter which could transform LaTEX to Euromath SGML.

OpenMath might be a successor to Euromath. It's an EC Esprit project which `proposes to develop standards for the semantically-rich representation of mathematics'.

GELLMU is a LaTEX-like markup language, intended to be easy to convert to SGML. Specifically, it is intended to support maths (and hence conversion to MathML) well.

The following are specifically concerned with maths in SGML, using either MathML or other maths DTD fragments.

WebEQ is a suite of Java programs which implement MathML. It's commercial.

TeXML is a gadget from IBM which converts XML to TEX via a DTD fragment. You transform your XML to an equivalent document marked up in TeXML, which you then separately transform to TEX.

EzMath is a Dave Raggett proposal for producing maths on the web. It uses yet another notation, and converts it to online form using a plugin (no printing, and Windows only, as of April 1999).

B TEX dimensions

When producing this program, I became terribly confused about the variety of dimensions which appear in DVI and PK files. Table 1 is a summary of the sizes which appear, for the benefit of anyone else attempting a project like this. The reference [Dn] refers to section `n' of the webbed DVItype document and [Pn] to section `n' of the PktoPX document (see Section 5).

If you feel I have misunderstood something here, or got one of the conversion factors wrong (I hate these!), please correct me.

DVI preamblenum, den: multiply a `DVI unit' by \mbox{num}/\mbox{den} to obtain a length in units of 10^{-7}\mathrm{m}[D17]
mag: DVI units are actually multiplied by (\mbox{num}\times\mbox{mag})/(1000\times\mbox{den})[D17]
DVI font definitiond: a design size, in DVI units. The nominal size of the font.[D18]
s: a `fixed point' scale factor, range 2^{27}>s>0, scaling d (see note).[D18]
PK preambleds: the font design size in units of 2^{-20} points.[P12]
hppp, vppp: number of pixels per point, times 2^{16} (see note).[P12]
Charactertfmwidth: the width of the character (see note).[D37], [P9]
w, h: the width and height, in pixels, of the character pixel map.[P21]
hoff and voff: offset of the pixel map from the reference point.[P21]
dm, dx, dy: the pixel escapements. dm in pixels, dx and dy in pixels times 2^{16} (see note).[P21]

Table 1

Sizes in TeX

  1. s scales the design size, so that a font is actually used at (\mbox{s}\times\mbox{mag})/(1000\times\mbox{d}) times its normal size.
  2. hppp and vppp aren't used as sizes, but can be used to check you have the right fonts by comparing resolution, etc..
  3. tfmwidth is the `physical' size of a character, and is the only size that TEX uses in its calculations, and which the DVI reader uses when working out how far to move the reference point when it sets a character. This is defined in [P9] to be in units of FIXes, where one FIX is 2^{-20} times the design size in points. [D37] describes how to multiply these widths by scaling factors without overflowing.
  4. The difference between the pixel escapements and tfmwidth is that the latter is a resolution-independent shift of the DVI reference point, and the former is the PK file's recommendation of the number of pixels the DVI processor should actually move. The DVI processor keeps track of the two reference points, and readjusts the pixel-based one when rounding errors move it too far from the resolution-independent one. See [D89] and [D91]; also [D40].

A few useful conversions are:

C Release notes

C.1 Release 0.9-6

Fixed a character-handling bug. Oleg Bartunov (oleg@sai.msu.su) identified an error in the handling of some of the opcodes in the DVI file, which meant that only 7-bit fonts were being set correctly (how parochial of me!). He also sent me the fix - many thanks to him.

Also made a change to the options of the configuration script, turning --enable-kpathsea back to --with-kpathsea, which is more sensible, in retrospect (I think the processing of this was rather garbled in the previous version).

C.2 Release 0.9-5

Added some functionality, but more importantly corrected two nasty font bugs.

C.3 Release 0.9-4

No functionality change. The only difference from release 0.9-4 is to the packaging for Starlink nodes (added a working export_run target).

C.4 Release 0.9-3

No significant added functionality to the main program, but:

C.5 Release 0.9-2

Bugfix release. The program was crashing on Suns, when built with gcc 2.8.1. I'm not sure I found any underlying problem, but I fixed something, which stopped it crashing for me (Mmmm...).

This release adds a script img-eqlist.pl, to transform a file of LaTeX maths fragments into a LaTeX file, keeping track of filenames, and avoiding generating duplicate bitmaps for duplicated maths. See Section 4.

C.6 Release 0.9

No big changes, but a sufficiently significant change in the functionality to require a new minor version, rather than just a new release number.

C.7 Release 0.8

Added support for palettised PNG output. This was intended to allow me to support full transparency on PNGs, but the particular case which is appropriate for this seems to be very poorly supported in PNG viewers, so, although I believe the output to be correct, you can't see the benefit in most cases.

That made it easy to support changing the foreground and background colours for output text, so I did that as an encore.

Added the `strut' special.

C.8 Release 0.7

Version number fiddling: this is still beta software, and as such shouldn't be sent out with a major version number of 1. Also, I'd been updating the `release number' (after the hyphen) with new releases - this is incorrect, as this should indicate only bug-fixing or documentation changes, rather than changes in functionality. I've therefore rationalised the version numbering, and changed history to the extent of modifying the notes in this ReleaseNotes section. This shouldn't cause significant confusion, as this package has up to now only been circulated internally.

Added support for PNG graphics, using the libpng library, if it's installed.

The Metafont mode used for building fonts is now configurable at runtime; the default is configurable at configuration time; and default default (!) mode and resolution now properly match, so that you no longer have to give the -r option every single time.

The manpage source was brought up to date.

The -f option was split into the -fp, -fm, -fg and -fG options.

The --enable-fontgen flag was added to the configuration script.

Various clarifications to the documentation.

Assorted tidy-ups to get it to satisfy -Wall on a wider range of platforms.

C.9 Release 0.6

Added support to allow the program to lie about its name. For a discussion of the need for this, see Section 2.5.1.

C.10 Release 0.5

Missing fonts are now generated by the program, and the TEXMFCNF variable is now set automatically (unless that behaviour is suppressed at configuration time).

Support for more sophisticated cropping.

C.11 Release 0.4

The DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH environment variable now accepts a colon-separated list of directories to search. The font searching algorithm which uses that variable now does the font-size rounding calculation properly, and will additionally search for fonts within 0.2% of the target size, as required by the DVI Driver Standard.

The kpathsea font searching mechanism is still the preferred way of finding fonts, but since many folk don't have, or don't want to obtain, access to the library, I've made the simple font-searching algorithm marginally more sophisticated, as described above.

C.12 Release 0.3

No significant changes to functionality, but a couple of documentation and packaging improvements.


Change history

Distribution 0.9-6

Norman Gray, 12 January 2001

Took opportunity of a bug-fix release of the software to make miscellaneous minor edits to the documentation.

3.1 General installation and configuration

Added `version' column to table, noting which version was actually tested.

A.1 LaTEX maths within HTML

Updated nDVI URL

Change 8 November 2000

Norman Gray, 8 November 2000

Minor changes to the configuration options, plus a couple of documentation tidyups.

2.1 Options

Mentioned that the -gp option also debugs kpathsea.

3.1 General installation and configuration

Changed the disable-kpathsea configuration option to without-kpathsea (see also release notes for this version).

Distribution 0.9-5

Norman Gray, 27 June 2000

Added -bp, -PC, -Qp options, and corrected bugs which caused fonts to be generated at the wrong sizes, and to be spaced incorrectly.

2.1 Options

Added -bp, -Qp, -PC

2.1 Options

Added -PC

Distribution 0.9-4

Norman Gray, 23 June 2000

Adjustments to distribution - no functionality change.

3.2 Starlink nodes

Added a note discussing the export_run distribution bundle, and possible problems with it.

Distribution 0.9-3

Norman Gray, 21 June 2000

Mostly clarifying and amplifying explanations.

2.1 Options

Added documentation of -QG and -Qg

2.5.1 Finding fonts

Added discussion of the `make test' script, and clarified (I hope) description of how to set DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH.

Change 16 June 2000

Norman Gray, 16 June 2000

Explained how to set DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH automatically.

2.5.1 Finding fonts

Added description of setting DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH automatically.

2.5.1 Finding fonts

Added discussion of the `make test' script, and clarified (I hope) description of how to set DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH.

Distribution 0.9-2

Norman Gray, 12 June 2000

Bugfix release.

Distribution 0.9

Norman Gray, 11 June 2000

Minor functionality changes, but significant interface changes, so new version.

2.1 Options

Added -Qb, and add extra field to output, so that output from different -Q options can be separated out.

2.1 Options

Add -Rf, -Rb options, to set colours on the command line.

Distribution 0.8

Norman Gray, 8 June 2000

Documented changes to list of specials (foreground and background colours, and strut).

2.1 Options

Added -PB and -PT

2.2 DVI specials

Added foreground and background specials, to set foreground and background colours.

2.2 DVI specials

Added strut special.

Distribution 0.7-1

Norman Gray, 12 May 2000

Described problems finding fonts.

2.5.1 Finding fonts

Described potentially confusing interaction between enable-kpathsea and enable-fontgen configuration options.

3.1 General installation and configuration

Moved description of --enable-fontgen, and new default setting.

4 Bugs, extras, and further developments

Added bugreport address

Distribution 0.7

Norman Gray, 5 May 2000

New release. Documentation tidyups. Mentioned new support for PNG graphics.

2.1 Options

Clarified the -p, -l and -pp options. Changed -Q into -qq, and -L into -Qf.

2.1 Options

Mentioned PNG option

2.2 DVI specials

Added documentation of imageformat special.

3.1 General installation and configuration

Described --enable-fontgen. Rename of kpathsea option to --disable-kpathsea. Addition of --enable-png.

3.1.1 Obtaining the kpathsea library

Improved instructions on getting the kpathsea library source.

Distribution 0.6

Norman Gray, 18 September 1999

Add --enable-fake-progname.

2.5.1 Finding fonts

Mentioned --enable-fake-progname

3.1 General installation and configuration

Mentioned --enable-fake-progname

Change 13 September 1999

Norman Gray, 13 September 1999

Added page-selection features, and documented them.

2.1 Options

Added documentation of -p, -l, -pp options. Note that the old -l and -L options have changed into the new -L and -LL options.

2.5.1 Finding fonts

Added a discussion of the foibles of the texmf.cnf configuration file when it comes to finding fonts.

Distribution 0.5

Norman Gray, 6 September 1999

Assorted changes, to describe significant new functionality.

2.1 Options

Added documentation of -c and -C options

2.2 DVI specials

Rewritten to cover new special commands, particularly support for cropping.

3.1 General installation and configuration

Largely rewrote the configuration instructions, in an attempt to make them clearer.

Distribution 0.4

Norman Gray, 5 July 1999

Altered documentation of font-searching, to match new functionality.

2 Usage

Added a description of my usage model, to help make things a little clearer.

2.5 Finding and generating fonts

Described new functionality for environment variable.

Change 24 June 1999

Norman Gray, 24 June 1999

Slight restructuring to make it easier to find the instructions on generating fonts. Fixed a couple of typos.

2.5 Finding and generating fonts

Renamed this section from vague `environment', and moved description of font generation from examples.

Change 19 June 1999

Norman Gray, 19 June 1999

Added kpathsea support, and appendix on TeX dimensions.

3.1 General installation and configuration

Added instructions on configuring in support for the kpathsea library

Distribution initial

Norman Gray, 14 June 1999

First public release

Version 0

Norman Gray, 14 June 1999

Initial version

ID Index

Index of IDs in this document. Exported IDs indicated like this.

<sect id=intro>1 Introduction

<sect id=usage>2 Usage

<subsect id=usage.options>2.1 Options

<dt id=usage.options.fp>item `-fp font-path'

<dt id=usage.options.fm>item `-fm mode'

<dt id=usage.options.g>item `-g(d|p|r|i|b|m|g)'

<dt id=usage.options.q>item `-Q...'

<dt id=usage.options.r>item `-R[fb] int,int,int'

<subsect id=usage.special>2.2 DVI specials

<dt id=usage.special.opf>item `outputfile <filename>'

<dt id=usage.special.fg>item `default foreground|background red green blue '

<subsect id=usage.exit>2.3 Exit value

<subsect id=usage.examples>2.4 Examples

<subsect id=usage.fonts>2.5 Finding and generating fonts

<subsubsect id=usage.fonts.finding>2.5.1 Finding fonts

<sect id=install>3 Building and installing dvi2bitmap

<subsect id=install.nonstarlink>3.1 General installation and configuration

<dt id=conf.enable-fontgen>item `--enable-fontgen '

<subsubsect id=install.web2c>3.1.1 Obtaining the kpathsea library

<subsect id=install.starlink>3.2 Starlink nodes

<sect id=developments>4 Bugs, extras, and further developments

<sect id=refs>5 References and acknowledgements

<sect id=sgml.maths>A Maths and SGML/HTML

<subsect id=sgml.maths.latex>A.1 LaTEX maths within HTML

<subsect id=sgml.maths.other>A.2 Other approaches to maths

<sect id=tex.dimensions>B TEX dimensions

<table id=tsizes>Table 1

<sect id=rn>C Release notes

<subsect id=rn-0.9-6>C.1 Release 0.9-6

<subsect id=rn-0.9-5>C.2 Release 0.9-5

<subsect id=rn-0.9-4>C.3 Release 0.9-4

<subsect id=rn-0.9-3>C.4 Release 0.9-3

<subsect id=rn-0.9-2>C.5 Release 0.9-2

<subsect id=rn-0.9>C.6 Release 0.9

<subsect id=rn-0.8>C.7 Release 0.8

<subsect id=rn-0.7>C.8 Release 0.7

<subsect id=rn-0.6>C.9 Release 0.6

<subsect id=rn-0.5>C.10 Release 0.5

<subsect id=rn-0.4>C.11 Release 0.4

<subsect id=rn-0.3>C.12 Release 0.3