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Standard packages

The following packages are distributed with LATEX:

This package provides the alltt environment, which is like the verbatim environment except that \, {, and } have their usual meanings. It is described in alltt.dtx and LaTeX: A Document Preparation System.
This is the basic package for typesetting the documentation of LATEX programs. It is described in doc.dtx and in The LaTeX Companion.
This provides scaled versions of the math extension font. It is described in exscale.dtx and The LaTeX Companion.
This is used to specify which font encoding LATEX should use. It is described in ltoutenc.dtx.
This package defines the \graphpaper command; this can be used in a picture environment.
Provides commands of the form `if...then do... otherwise do...'. It is described in ifthen.dtx and The LaTeX Companion.
This is used to specify which input encoding LATEX should use. It is described in inputenc.dtx.
LATEX2e no longer loads the LATEX symbol font by default. To access it, you should use the latexsym package. It is described in latexsym.dtx and in The LaTeX Companion; see also Section 6.
This provides commands for producing indexes. It is described in LaTeX: A Document Preparation System and in The LaTeX Companion.
This is used to emulate the font commands of LATEX 2.09 with the New Font Selection Scheme. It is described in The LaTeX Companion.
This is used to emulate the font commands of LATEX 2.09. It is described in The LaTeX Companion.
This causes the argument of each \index command to be printed on the page where it occurs. It is described in LaTeX: A Document Preparation System.
This is used to process a document without typesetting it. It is described in syntonly.dtx and in The LaTeX Companion.
This allows you to control how much information about LATEX's font loading is displayed. It is described in The LaTeX Companion.

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