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Previous: Standard classes
Standard packages
The following packages are distributed with LATEX:
- alltt
This package provides the
environment, which is like
the verbatim
environment except that \
, {
, and }
have their usual meanings. It is described in alltt.dtx
LaTeX: A Document Preparation System.
- doc
- This is the basic package for typesetting the documentation
of LATEX programs. It is described in
and in
The LaTeX Companion.
- exscale
- This provides scaled versions of the math extension
font. It is described in
and The LaTeX Companion.
- fontenc
- This is used to specify which font encoding LATEX
should use. It is described in
- graphpap
This package defines the
command; this
can be used in a picture
- ifthen
- Provides commands of the form `if...then do...
otherwise do...'.
It is described in
and The LaTeX Companion.
- inputenc
This is used to specify which input encoding LATEX should use.
It is described in
- latexsym
- LATEX2e no longer loads the LATEX symbol font by
default. To access it, you should use the
package. It
is described in latexsym.dtx
and in The LaTeX Companion; see also
Section 6.
- makeidx
- This provides commands for producing indexes. It is
described in LaTeX: A Document Preparation System and in The LaTeX Companion.
- newlfont
- This is used to emulate the font commands of
LATEX 2.09 with the New Font Selection Scheme. It is described in
The LaTeX Companion.
- oldlfont
- This is used to emulate the font commands of
LATEX 2.09. It is described in The LaTeX Companion.
- showidx
- This causes the argument of each
command to
be printed on the page where it occurs.
It is described in LaTeX: A Document Preparation System.
- syntonly
- This is used to process a document without
typesetting it. It is described in
and in
The LaTeX Companion.
- tracefnt
- This allows you to control how much information about
LATEX's font loading is displayed. It is described in
The LaTeX Companion.
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