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Related software

The following software should be available from the same distributor as your copy of LATEX2e. You should obtain at least the graphics and tools collections in order to have all the files described in LaTeX: A Document Preparation System. The amsmath package (part of amslatex and formerly known as amstex) and babel are also mentioned in the list of `standard packages' in section C.5.2 of that book.

Advanced mathematical typesetting from the American Mathematical Society. This includes the amsmath package; it provides many commands for typesetting mathematical formulas of higher complexity. It is produced and supported by the American Mathematical Society and it is described in The LaTeX Companion.
This package and related files support typesetting in many languages. It is described in The LaTeX Companion.
Everything you need (except the fonts themselves) for typesetting with Cyrillic fonts.
This includes the graphics package which provides support for the inclusion and transformation of graphics, including files produced by other software. Also included, is the color package which provides support for typesetting in colour. Both these packages are described in LaTeX: A Document Preparation System.
Everything you need (except the fonts themselves) for typesetting with a large range of Type 1 (PostScript) fonts.
Miscellaneous packages written by the LATEX3 project team.
These packages come with documentation and each of them is also described in at least one of the books The LaTeX Companion and LaTeX: A Document Preparation System.

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