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1 Introduction

It is sometimes useful to convert the typeset output of TEX into a bitmap image viewable on the web. This is most often the case whenTEX or LaTEX are being used to typeset the mathematics in a paper being conveted to HTML. It is possible to do this with a chain of general-purpose tools, for example going from DVI to postscript to PNM files to GIFs, but this is generally slow. For an overview of maths and SGML/HTML, see Appendix A.

The tool dvi2bitmap does this processing in a single step, reading the DVI file and font files, and emitting a bitmap. It can, at present, generate XBM, GIF and, if the relevant library is installed, PNG files.

See Section 2 for usage instructions, and Section 3 for installation instructions.

The dvi2bitmap application is available for download at <>. This HTML documentation is also available as a single file

This document matches version 0.9-6 of the program (you can see what version you have with the command dvi2bitmap -V). This should currently be regarded as beta software.

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Dvi2bitmap - convert DVI files to bitmap images
Starlink System Note 71
Norman Gray
14 June 1999. Release 0.9-6. Last updated 12 January 2001