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2.5.2 Not finding fonts

It can sometimes happen that dvi2bitmap fails to find fonts, successfully calls mktexpk to build them, but then still fails to find them, even though mktexpk has put them where they should be. There are (at least) three possible reasons for this.

If you are using the kpathsea library, there might be some misconfiguration which is confusing it. You can trace kpathsea's deliberations in great detail by giving the option -ggp (item `-g(d|p|r|i|b|m|g)').

Perhaps you do not have the kpathsea library installed, or have disabled it, but you have requested that font-generation be enabled (see Section 3.1). What happens in this case is that mktexpk successfully builds the fonts, and installs them in the correct place, where `correct place' means `the place where kpathsea would find them'; you're not using kpathsea, so no fonts for you. What you have to do in this case is work out where the `correct place' is (kpsepath and kpsewhich can help here), and specify that place using either the -fp option or the DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH variable, as above (this is confusing, I know, but more-or-less unavoidable, since we are here trying to do kpathsea's job, without kpathsea).

Another, slightly nastier reason is as follows.

Some texmf.cnf files declare the location of the user-writable font directory though a setting like

whereas others have something like
Now, $SELFAUTOPARENT is a variable which is set by the kpathsea library to be the grandparent directory of the executable which uses the library. So, for /usr/bin/{tex,latex,mktexpk,...}, it's /, but if your dvi2bitmap binary doesn't live with the other dvi-ware then its $SELFAUTOPARENT will be different, so that dvi2bitmap will look for fonts in a different place from the place where mktexpk put them when it successfully generated them.

I would argue fairly strongly that having the VARTEXFONTS directory depend on the location of the dvi-ware executables is a very silly thing to do. This was the case in the teTeX distribution which came with RedHat 6.0, though this was fixed pretty rapidly. If you've fallen foul of this, then you can either

I'd prefer the first alternative, myself.

A third option is to get dvi2bitmap to work around the problem, by telling it to claim to be some program which is installed along with the other dvi-ware. You do this with the --enable-fake-progname option to the configuration script. See Section 3.1 for details.

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Dvi2bitmap - convert DVI files to bitmap images
Starlink System Note 71
Norman Gray
14 June 1999. Release 0.9-6. Last updated 12 January 2001