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3.1 General installation and configuration

To configure and build:

% ./configure
% make
but see the configuration options below.

It's a good idea to run `make test' as well. See Section 2.5.1.

To install, just copy the executable dvi2bitmap wherever you want it to live.

You can customise the program using flags to the ./configure command:

--with-kpathsea and --without-kpathsea
If you have the kpathsea library (see Section 2.5.1) but don't, for some reason, want to use it, then give the configure option --without-kpathsea. By default, the configuration enables use of the library if it is installed (that is, if the kpathsea include files and library are somewhere the compiler will find them. If kpathsea is disabled (by default or by request), then fonts will not be generated by default.

If you have the kpathsea library, but it is not in the standard place, then you can provide an argument to the --with-kpathsea option giving the name of a directory below which are directories include and lib, containing the required kpathsea include files and library. If you don't have the kpathsea library available, see below (Section 3.1.1) for notes on obtaining it.

The kpathsea library finds its configuration files in two ways, either automatically if it is installed in the same directory as the rest of the TEXware, or using the TEXMFCNF environment variable. The dvi2bitmap program sets the latter variable internally, unless it finds it already set. If this will be inconvenient, you can suppress this behaviour by providing the flag --disable-texmfcnf, or equivalently --enable-texmfcnf=no.
The program can attempt to generate fonts, and will do so using the MetaFont mode ibmvga, which has a resolution of 110 dots-per-inch.

The default for this option is `on' - the program will attempt to generate fonts. Do note, however, that if the kpathsea library is not enabled, then the program will not be able to find the fonts it generates, unless you configure it correctly using either -fp or DVI2BITMAP_PK_PATH (see Section 2.5.1).

If you wish to disable this automatic font generation, give the option --disable-fontgen. Note that this does not completely disable font generation - it merely sets the default for font generation to `off', and it can be switched back on again using the option -fG.

If you wish to change the default mode, you can do so with an argument to this option. For example, the option --enable-fontgen=pcprevw,118 will make pcprevw, which has a resolution of 118 dpi, the default MetaFont mode. Note that the resolution you specify must match the mode: see file for a list of modes and resolutions (use kpsewhich mf to find this). You can change the resolution and mode on the fly using the -fm and -r options to the compiled program (Section 2.1).

--enable-mktexpk and --enable-maketexpk
In the default configuration, the program will generate missing fonts using one of the standard scripts present in most TEX distributions. The configuration process looks first for mktexpk then MakeTeXPK, and uses whichever it finds first. If you have both scripts but wish to use MakeTeXPK for some reason, you will have to give the option --disable-mktexpk; if you wish to disable both, you will have to give --disable-maketexpk as well. Both options take an optional argument giving the path to an alternative script with the same calling interface.
--enable-png (default: enabled)
If you give this option, and if the PNG library is installed (needs a version after 0.96), then the program will be compiled with support for PNG bitmaps as an output format. You can obtain the PNG library from the PNG home page. You can disable the use of PNG with the option --disable-png.
--enable-gif (default: disabled)
The program generates only XBM bitmaps by default. If you want it to be able to generate GIFs, then give the configure option --enable-gif. The GIF format is the copyright of CompuServe. As far as I understand it, one does not need a licence from CompuServe if one is distributing non-commercial, not-for-profit software, such as this. You probably shouldn't enable GIF support when you build this program unless you're in that category as well. But don't listen to me: there's a much fuller account of the whole sorry business in the FAQ
This option enables a workaround which allows dvi2bitmap to have the expected behaviour when (a) you do not install dvi2bitmap along with the other dvi-ware, and (b) your texmf.cnf file has VARTEXFONTS or similar dependence on one of the SELFAUTO... variables (such a texmf.cnf file is probably broken, but that may not be your problem, or within your power to fix). This option makes dvi2bitmap claim to be a different DVI-reading program which is installed in the standard place. See Section 2.5.1 for discussion. The configuration script uses the location of the xdvi program by default, but you can override this by giving the full path to an alternative as an argument to this option.

Since this uses undocumented behaviour of the library (`use the source, Luke!'), you probably shouldn't enable it unless you have to.

The ./configure command without any options is equivalent to ./configure --with-kpathsea --enable-png --enable-mktexpk (meaning that kpathsea and PNG output will be enabled if library support for them is found).

The program builds successfully on (at least):

i686-pc-linux-gnu (RedHat 6.2)0.9-6egcs-2.91.66
powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu (Mac mklinux DR-0.3?)0.9egcs-2.90.25 980302 (egcs-1.0.2 prerelease)
sparc-sun-solaris2.70.9gcc 2.8.1
sparc-sun-solaris2.70.9-6WorkShop Compilers 5.0 98/12/15 C++ 5.0
alpha-dec-osf4.0f0.9-6Compaq C++ V6.2-024 for Digital UNIX V4.0F

The `version' column is the last version which was actually tested on that platform. Reports of compilations on other platform/compiler combinations gratefully received.

It should be written in standards-conforming C++, so if it doesn't build then (1) it's not as conformant as I think it is (in which case please tell me), (2) your compiler is not as conformant as you think it is (in which case please don't tell me), or (3) you need to invoke some magic to get the compiler to be conformant (in which case tell me, if there's something I can do in the autoconfigure script).

You can override the C++ compiler the configure script will choose by setting the environment variable CXX, either via

% CXX=cxx ./configure
% env CXX=cxx ./configure
depending on your shell.

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Dvi2bitmap - convert DVI files to bitmap images
Starlink System Note 71
Norman Gray
14 June 1999. Release 0.9-6. Last updated 12 January 2001