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3.1.1 Obtaining the kpathsea library

Not all TEX distributions install the kpathsea library, even though they install applications built with it, and the texmf.cnf configuration file which controls it.

If the library does not appear to be in your distribution, then you can obtain and build it yourself. The library is distributed as part of the web2c (Unix TEX source) distribution, which you can find at <>, or mirrored on CTAN sites (for example at <> in directory systems/web2c).

Take a copy of the library (this is a big distribution), and unpack it. Go into the kpathsea directory and do the usual `./configure; make; make install' routine. With (some?) older distributions of the library this appeared not to work, and you had to go to the parent of the kpathsea directory, delete the web2c directory (which is the bulk of the distribution), then configure and build it as usual, ignoring the warnings about the missing main texmf tree.

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Dvi2bitmap - convert DVI files to bitmap images
Starlink System Note 71
Norman Gray
14 June 1999. Release 0.9-6. Last updated 12 January 2001