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3.2 Starlink nodes

If you are on a Starlink node, then you should be able to use the usual mk script. Define the environment variables INSTALL and SYSTEM as usual. SYSTEM can be any one of the Starlink-supported platforms ix86_Linux, alpha_OSF1 or sun4_Solaris. Then give the commands

% ./mk build
% ./mk install

This build configures support for GIFs, plus support for the kpathsea library if that library is present on the system (it is not distributed with this package and not present by default on all project machines).

There are some issues involved in creating, and hence in installing, an export_run distribution. Part of the configuration of dvi2bitmap involves establishing the location, on the build system, of font-building scripts and TeX configuration files. However, the point of the export_run distributions is that it should run on systems other than the build system. We deal with this by (a) configuring dvi2bitmap to use a custom font-building script, which is distributed and installed with the package, and which is simply an interface to whichever of the real font-builders is available on the target system, and (b) configuring it with --disable-texmfcnf. The former should be OK as long as one of mktexpk and MakeTeXPK is in the path after installation. The latter, however will cause a problem if kpathsea is enabled (which may or may not be the case for the export_run system), since this will probably fail unless the environment variable TEXMFCNF is defined (see kpsewhich cnf texmf.cnf). You can see what features are enabled with the command dvi2bitmap -V.

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Dvi2bitmap - convert DVI files to bitmap images
Starlink System Note 71
Norman Gray
14 June 1999. Release 0.9-6. Last updated 12 January 2001